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  1. Carbon-negative Oil 2.0

    "Bacteria, bacteria..." http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/environment/article4133668.ece Link: Scientists find bugs that eat waste and excrete petrol - Times Online . “Ten years ago I could never have imagined I’d be doing this,” says Greg Pal, 33, a former software executive, as he squints...

    06.15.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  2. Batmanime! Gotham Knight Mashes Bruce Lee, Memento

    The Dark Knight is coming soon, but the straight-to-DVD anime Batman: Gotham Knight is thankfully coming sooner. Feeding Bruce Wayne's superego through the animated filter of Pacific Rim cinema so far looks very sweet indeed, and new pics and news...

    06.14.08 From The Underwire
  3. I'm back in Belgrade.

    utopia-beograd Originally uploaded by brucesflickrIt's a second spiritual home.

    06.14.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  4. Generative Artist Marius Watz

    (((I'm consistently impressed by this guy's keen ability to articulate what he's up to.))) Link: furtherfield review - A FORM OF TECHNOLOGICAL MIMESIS. (...) Do you think that generative practices should be necessarily placed within the system of art? Or...

    06.14.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  5. Dead Media Beat: Floppy disks become notebooks

    http://anabuigues.blogspot.com/2008/06/analogo-vs-digital-una-ancdota-analogue.html Link: Yo estudié Historia del Arte y otros relatos: analógico vs digital - una anécdota analogue vs digital - an anecdote. "As some of you might know I make these items ¨floppy bookies¨ - http://www.etsy.com/view_transaction.php?transaction_id=8780798 "something in between environmentally...

    06.14.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  6. Adventure Loves Game Music, Not Games

    Benny Boeldt, known to computer music fans as Adventure, grew up on Sega Genesis. But he didn't enjoy the 16-bit games as much as their jittery, synthetic soundtracks, which he has since emulated on his forthcoming debut for Carpark Records,...

    06.14.08 From Listening Post
  7. Street Fighter IV, Little King's Story Put Fans In Game

    It's not quite user-generated content, but Capcom and Marvelous Entertainment want their fans to participate in the last little bits of design for their upcoming titles. Capcom has announced a contest that will see one lucky American fan's face slapped...

    06.14.08 From Game | Life
  8. Rock Band II Teased In Unlikeliest of Places

    Anyone with a functional brain knows that MTV is going to release Rock Band II this holiday season, but the fact remains that they haven't officially announced it yet. Which makes it quite interesting that game publisher Funcom, in a...

    06.14.08 From Game | Life
  9. The Maw Brings Giant Alien Mouth To XBLA

    Indie developer Twisted Pixel Games has announced its first original title, an action-adventure game for Xbox Live Arcade. The Maw puts you in control of Frank, an alien who needs to partner up with a purple blob. Problem is that...

    06.14.08 From Game | Life
  10. Videotape Confusion Acquits R. Kelly

    For over six years now, Chicago's R&B; all-star R. Kelly, at right, has faced the legal music on charges of videotaping himself having sex with a minor. In the balance hung a possible 15-year prison sentence, or the possibility that...

    06.14.08 From Listening Post
  1. Amitabh Bachchan, Superstar Monsoon Victim

    (((Amitabh Bachchan was an elected Indian politician as well as one of the world's biggest film stars, which accounts for this statesmanlike and sonorous rhetoric as floods ravage the great man's neighborhood.))) Link: Amitabh Bachchan - DAY 51. This afternoon,...

    06.14.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  2. Planet Ark : Mosquito-Eating Fish Thrive in Foreclosed US Pools

    (((Man, only in 2008. They're the Ballardian empty-swimming pools of West Nile stupor-breeding death! Also, given that Phoenix is in a desert, how'd they get enough rain to flood those pools?))) (((It's enough to make one launch into some kind...

    06.14.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  3. Arphid Watch: RFID sticker that automagically fetches a Cory Doctorow Novel

    RFID sticker that fetches a copy of Someone Comes to Town, SweCon-Confuse, Linkoping, Sweden.JPG Originally uploaded by gruntzooki Sci-fi writers in the heroic vanguard of arphid technology, ladies and gentlemen.

    06.14.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  4. io9 Interviews William Gibson

    (((And the lad's got a lot on his mind.))) Link: William Gibson Interview: William Gibson Talks to io9 About Canada, Draft Dodging, and Godzilla. Yesterday William Gibson rolled into San Francisco to do a book signing for the paperback release...

    06.14.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  5. Mystery Cruise Missile Video

    Here's a video mystery that's been puzzling me for some time: footage which seems to show a group of Tomahawk cruise missiles flying in very close formation. But, so far as I know, Tomahawks don't really have the technology to...

    06.14.08 From Danger Room
  6. The Best of 2600: A Hacker Odyssey

    Anyone with even a passing interest in the history of hacking needs to check out this book. 2600 magazine got its start in 1984 and it has covered every peak and valley of of the hacking scene -- momentous events...

    06.14.08 From Geekdad
  7. Captain America Lands Titanic Casting Rumor

    On the heels of Iron Man's massive box office success, few moviegoers will admit now if they had their doubts upon hearing of Robert Downey Jr. landing the title role. To steal a line from the film, he didn't seem...

    06.14.08 From The Underwire
  8. Who Fans Await News of Doctor's Daughter Spinoff

    The Doctor Who online forums are buzzing about the possibility of yet another Who spin-off to feature The Doctor's clone daughter. In the aptly named episode, The Doctor's Daughter, an alien army makes an adult clone from The Doctor's DNA....

    06.14.08 From The Underwire
  9. Video browsing by direct manipulation

    *Yike! Link: YouTube - Directly manipulating videos.

    06.14.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  10. 'I'm Voting Republican' Is Top Of The Pops Online

    A new satirical video that mocks Republicans has topped the charts on YouTube and elsewhere this week, perhaps illustrating that there's a untapped market online for budding Michael Moores. The provocative partisan video, embedded below, is the creation of British born writer and director Charlie...

    06.14.08 From Threat Level
  1. Judge Scuttles Ameritrade Hacking Settlement

    A federal judge on Friday declined to approve a proposed settlement of a class-action representing as many as 6.3 million TD Ameritrade customers whose privacy was breached when hackers stole personal identifying customer information. U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker was concerned whether the deal, which...

    06.13.08 From Threat Level
  2. Interactive Map: Satellite Imagery of War, Destruction

    To accompany the gallery, Satellites Document War, Destruction From Outer Space, I created this map, which you can use as an alternative way of looking at the world's hotbeds of violence. It maps areas where the American Academy for the...

    06.13.08 From Wired Science
  3. Yahoo Customers Pan Google Ad Deal

    Just one day after Yahoo announced a plan to outsource some of its ad business to Google, marketers say they plan to cut their spending on Yahoo and take their business elsewhere. "As far as Yahoo goes, this [deal] will...

    06.13.08 From Epicenter
  4. Could Medical Gadgets Have Saved Tim Russert? Probably Not

    UPDATE: Russert’s physician says cholesterol plaque ruptured in an artery, causing a sudden coronary thrombosis, MSNBC is reporting. Russert had already been diagnosed with asymptomatic coronary artery disease, Dr. Michael Newman said. The condition was under control with medication and...

    06.13.08 From Wired Science
  5. Not Running For President? You Can, You Know ...

    So here's the latest and coolest internet prank you can play on your friends: Enter their name into this new fake news feature, send them an e-mail through the application and then tell all your friends about the resulting video. This fun time-waster comes courtesy...

    06.13.08 From Threat Level
  6. Feds Scrape Together $30M for Plug-In Hybrids. That's All?

    The Bush Administration has shown its support for plug-in hybrids by promising a measly $30 million to get them on the road within eight years, a figure and a timeline some automakers and plug-in advocates say is too little and...

    06.13.08 From Autopia
  7. Larry Lessig Sides with Judge, Calls His Critic a Hacker

    There have been a lot of strong reactions to the issue involving Chief Judge Alex Kozinski this week, some of them rational some of them not. One in particular that is garnering some of its own controversy is a post made by Stanford law professor...

    06.13.08 From Threat Level
  8. Negativland Starts Singing, Mourns Tricky Dick

    Culture-jamming icon Negativland has reappropriated the known universe within an inch of its copyfighting life. But on its latest slice-and-dice Thigmotactic, the mashup collective's Mark Hosler has slightly backed away from the sampler and picked up a microphone instead. Not...

    06.13.08 From Listening Post
  9. Mistrial Declared in Obscenity Case Involving Controversial Judge

    The obscenity case over which Chief Judge Alex Kozinski was presiding was declared a mistrial today as Kozinski recused himself from the proceedings. Kozinski released a statement saying it was necessary to do so "in light of the public controversy surrounding my involvement in this...

    06.13.08 From Threat Level
  10. Box Office Battle: Hulk vs. Happening

    Which is the hotter sci-fi brand, Marvel or M. Night Shyamalan? The Friday opening of The Incredible Hulk and The Happening marks the first weekend this summer to see two sci-fi flicks competing for movie-goers' attention. For most prognosticators, including...

    06.13.08 From The Underwire
  1. The Artist Behind the 'Origami' V12 Engine Speaks

    The 'Origami' V-12 paper engine is one of our recent favorite gadgets because it combines two of our obsessions (DIY projects and car tech), with a spirited randomness that’s hard to resist. So we wanted to talk to Yee, the...

    06.13.08 From Gadget Lab
  2. Pics: Solar Thermal Demo Plant Rises in Israeli Desert

    BrightSource Energy, a Google.org backed startup we covered a few weeks back, opened their Solar Energy Development Center in Israel this week, and it features an enormous test plant that looks as improbably perfect as a rendering. The tower in...

    06.13.08 From Wired Science
  3. Fat Guy Stuck in Internet Spoofs Tron, Star Wars

    Trapped in the net: Fat Guy Stuck in Internet's Ken Gemberling (right) prepares to explore a series of tubes with cybersiblings Bit and Byte. When hotshot programmer Ken Gemberling gets sucked into a computer after dumping beer on its keyboard,...

    06.13.08 From The Underwire
  4. 'Obama Girl' Celebrates One-Year Anniversary

    It's been a year since Barely Political's "Obama Girl" character crashed the web. Since then, millions of people the world over have become familiar with the sashaying, hip-swaying Amber Lee Ettinger. Barely Political's 'Obama Girl' character has inspired dozens of tribute videos in response Credit:...

    06.13.08 From Threat Level
  5. A Seed Without a Country: Rethinking "Native" Plants

    Israeli scientists have successfully grown a variety of date palm from 2,000 year old seeds, they detailed yesterday in the journal Science. There was plenty of breathless coverage of the event, and obviously sprouting what New Scientist called a "Jesus-era...

    06.13.08 From Wired Science
  6. An Internet Death Plot So Stunningly Complex It Baffled Even the Criminals

    http://www.independent.ie/national-news/i-helped-make-deadly-poison-says-wife-of-alleged-hitman-1407923.html ((I'm trying real hard here, but wait a minute... the Irish wife of an Egyptian resident of Las Vegas who is posing as an Italian mafia hit man on a pay-to-kill global mercenary website?))) (((The really good part --...

    06.13.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  7. Tim Russert, NBC Washington Bureau Chief, is Dead at 58

    Tim Russert, moderator of NBC's agenda-setting Meet The Press Sunday morning political talk show, died at work this afternoon. He was 58. Talking Points Memo has made video available of Tom Brokaw's announcement, which can be seen below. Russert was an eloquent and often controversial...

    06.13.08 From Threat Level
  8. $2.3 Billion in Claims Against the MTA

    A recent report (.pdf) by New York State Comptroller, Thomas Nipaoli, has revealed that the MTA has paid $1.1 billion to settle claims filed against the transit agency between 1996 through 2007. The MTA, which operates New York's subway and...

    06.13.08 From Autopia
  9. Ethanol Drowns in Monster Midwest Storms

    (((At this rate, Coca Cola's gonna start using real sugar instead of corn fructose. Imagine your neighbors thin. And hungry. And unable to drive their unsellable SUV.))) Link: Technology Review: Ethanol's Forecast. Heavy rains, flooding, and cool weather in the...

    06.13.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  10. Win a $2,000 Iron Man Phone in the Gadget Lab Costume Contest

    This summer's movie season blasted off in geeky overdrive with Iron Man kicking ass up and down cineplexes across the country. But hot on Tony Stark's rocket-propelled heels are Batman, the Hulk, and Hellboy. But what's the best thing about...

    06.13.08 From Gadget Lab
  1. Bacteria, bacteria

    (((Ultimate winners of the climate war... hey, even cockroaches are scared of these little guys.))) Link: YouTube - bacteria. (((Bacteria are futurists, you know.))) http://www.physorg.com/news132247855.html

    06.13.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  2. So Long and Thanks for All the Comments (For a Fortnight)

    Should you notice my absence from Wired Science bylines over the next two weeks, no worries: I haven't run off to join an alien-worshiping sect, or decided to prepare for climate change by holing up on Svalbard. I'm taking a...

    06.13.08 From Wired Science
  3. The Wit and Survival Wisdom of Design Guru John Thackara

    http://www.doorsofperception.com/archives/2008/06/post_22.php Link: Doors of Perception weblog: Can dynamic cities be democratic?. The following is an interview with me and Sunil Abraham for this month's Cluster magazine in a special issue published for the World Congress of Architecture which opens later...

    06.13.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  4. Lawyer: RIAA Gets Sleazy in Disputed Downloading Lawsuit

    It's no secret the Recording Industry Association of America has sued more than 20,000 people on accusations of unlawfully sharing copyrighted music on peer-to-peer networks. The lawsuits are generally the same. Investigators for the RIAA usually go onto Kazaa, take screenshots and download some files...

    06.13.08 From Threat Level
  5. Personally, I'd Kill Off At Least 50 Years Reading Classic Novels in Cozy Rejuvenating Spas

    http://www.mfoundation.org/LiveTo150/ Link: The Methuselah Foundation-50 More Years. What Would You Do If You Lived To Be 150 Years Old? "What would you do if you lived to be 150 years old? What about 300? The Methuselah Foundation is dedicated to...

    06.13.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  6. Reporter's Notebook: God, Aliens and Us

    "We made our mistake with Galileo. We're not going to make that mistake again," said Vatican astronomer Guy Consolmagno. I talked with Consolmagno this week for a story on the theological implications of extraterrestrial life. Unfortunately this sterling quote, along...

    06.13.08 From Wired Science
  7. French Jeweller Gives Away MP3s

    In order to promote its lines of high priced jewelry and watches, Cartier is giving away a decent music sampler in the MP3 format as part of its love themed ad campaign (because without jewelry there can, of course, be...

    06.13.08 From Listening Post
  8. Do Fear the Reaper: Readers Visualize Death Data

    Several days ago, we posted a chart that attempted to visualize risk-of-death data from various causes. Though ambitious and interactive, that particular visualization (reproduced after the jump) was criticized as unintuitive and roundly confusing. Readers responded with tons of suggestions...

    06.13.08 From Wired Science
  9. Gadget Lab Podcast #33: iPhone 3G, POV Racing Toy Cars, and the Polaroid Pogo Printer

    In this week's Wired Gadget Lab Podcast, Dylan Tweney, Daniel Dumas, and Jose Fermoso talk about the iPhone 3G's newest features, the phone's real end price (including a higher price for the data plan), and Apple's ‘evil’ strategy of measuring...

    06.13.08 From Gadget Lab
  10. Tokyo Gov't Nixes Akihabara 'Pedestrian Paradise'

    TOKYO -- Sundays in Akihabara just won't be the same, following word that the days of the "pedestrian paradise" are over. Tokyo's Chiyoda ward, which encompasses otaku mecca Akihabara, issued a statement yesterday to announce that the district's main street,...

    06.13.08 From Game | Life
  1. IBM's Drumming Car Reads Your Lips. Seriously

    The people at IBM are hard at work developing technology we never knew we don't need -- a steering wheel that reads your lips, responds to your facial expressions and turns into a drum machine. Tapping out a beat on...

    06.13.08 From Autopia
  2. Rumor: Metal Gear Solid to Hit XBLA

    Even though Metal Gear Solid 4 supposedly marks the end of Solid Snake's journey, there's a chance Xbox 360 owners will get to control Snake again. Ripten reports that the original Metal Gear Solid, released on the PlayStation back in...

    06.13.08 From Game | Life
  3. Russians Proposed U.S. 'Front' for Selling Weapons

    As the FBI investigation into Curt Weldon's Russia dealings expands, most people have focused on figuring out if the former Republican congressman -- or his family and associates -- profited from his work in Congress. But it's important to look...

    06.13.08 From Danger Room
  4. Review: Gaming Headphone System Lets You Frag Freely Without Waking the Neighbors

    Astro A40 Audio Gaming System If you frequent LAN parties, or an ill-tempered roommate / significant other/ downstairs neighbor disapproves of muzzle fire thundering from your speakers at 4 AM, you might want to give the A40 Audio System a...

    06.13.08 From Gadget Lab
  5. How GeekDad Changes the World One Cake at a Time

    This is where being a blogger is really cool: If you remember back in February, our love of Legos and Cake were brought together in one joyous post (actually a cross post from Amy at Geekparenting.com). Reader Allan was just...

    06.13.08 From Geekdad
  6. Nintendo Working On USB Wii Peripherals

    A job listing on Nintendo's website reveals that the company is currently working on peripherals for Wii that use the system's USB ports. Could this mean it is readying an external storage solution for the console? GamePro reports that the...

    06.13.08 From Game | Life
  7. Nintendo Sues Nyko Over Wireless Nunchuk

    Want one of those newfangled wireless Nunchuk controllers from Nyko? Better get one now, as they might get yanked from shelves. Bloomberg reports that Nintendo has sued the peripheral maker, claiming that its add-on controller for Wii violates Nintendo's patents...

    06.13.08 From Game | Life
  8. Australian Regulators Stall EBay's PayPal-Only Plan

    EBay's plan to make it mandatory for buyers and sellers to use PayPal on the Australian auction site is getting the fine-toothed comb treatment by Australian regulators. The Australian Consumer and Competition Commission said a single payment method on the...

    06.13.08 From Epicenter
  9. XBLA Round-Up: Soldiers, Frogs, and Falling Shapes

    I'm really loving digital delivery. One of the biggest revelations for me when I first got my Xbox 360 was all the fun I was having with the Xbox Live Arcade games I was buying. I've managed to buy close...

    06.13.08 From Game | Life
  10. Data Breach Post Mortem Offers Surprises

    A new report (.pdf) examining network data breaches from 500 forensic investigations involving 230 million compromised records has some surprising statistics. Although it's long been thought that insiders proved to be a greater threat for companies than outsiders, the post mortem study shows that intruders...

    06.13.08 From Threat Level
  1. Pentagon Warily Eyes Foreign Banks

    Senators and Representatives cried foul, when European aerospace giant EADS won a contract to supply tanker planes to the U.S. Air Force -- sending tens of billions in Pentagon cash into the coffers of a French-German concern. But what few...

    06.13.08 From Danger Room
  2. The Real Value of Twitter To NASA's Space Missions

    What better way to reach a multi-tasking, short-attention-spanned Gen Y'er than to limit your messages to 140 characters? I think my favorite NASA Baby Boomer reaction to Twitter (a micro blogging tool that lets you send 140 characters to subscriber's...

    06.13.08 From Wired Science
  3. Fix Ozone Layer, Break Planet

    The rescue of Earth's ozone layer is one of the great environmental success stories, a testament to the power of international cooperation. But by shielding the planet -- and ourselves -- from ultraviolet bombardment, humanity may have hastened global warming....

    06.13.08 From Wired Science
  4. 'Geeks and Otaku': David Jaffe Responds, Nintendo Apologizes

    A Nintendo of Europe executive's comment that only "geeks and otaku" want to be able to download more than a small handful of games onto their Wii has continued to cause controversy this week. God of War creator David Jaffe,...

    06.13.08 From Game | Life
  5. Brain Computer Interface Translates Thought Into Music

    If you've ever stood in the shower with a full symphony of instruments playing in your head that you're sure would be the next big hit if only you could somehow record it, your worries could be over soon (or,...

    06.13.08 From Listening Post
  6. Yes, Pilots Snoozing At 36,000 Feet Is a Problem

    Catching a few Zs on the clock is a bad idea. It's even worse when you're in the cockpit of a commercial airliner, which is why the National Transportation Safety Board is trying to get the Federal Aviation Administration to...

    06.13.08 From Autopia
  7. Musicians Sue American Idol

    The American Federation of Musicians has filed suit against Simon Cowell and the rest of the producers of the American Idol television show, alleging that the show underpaid the musicians who perform the music that accompanies the show's caterwauling dreamers....

    06.13.08 From Listening Post
  8. What to Do With Little Green Goo

    If the Mars rover turns over a stone and finds a slug -- or, more likely, a microbe -- then what will our obligations be to it? Bioethicist William Randolph posed that question when I interviewed him for a story...

    06.13.08 From Wired Science
  9. Flame-Throwing, Arrow-Shooting Swiss Army Knife

    If the previews are anything like the movie, the Get Smart revamp is going to make Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls look like Citizen Kane. But, as you'd expect from a Hollywood summer blockbuster, the gadgets will still be top-notch,...

    06.13.08 From Danger Room
  10. Potential MySpace Redesign Leak Hints at New Features

    Someone at MySpace apparently forwarded screenshots of an upcoming redesign to someone, and as was all but inevitable, the shots have turned up online. The new design is a lot cleaner than the current MySpace look. If these shots are...

    06.13.08 From Listening Post
  1. Five for Fighting 6/13/08

    * Harriers bomb 237-ton weed stash * Inside Russia's space surveillance centers * Missing wing? No prob! * Video: Toddlers shoot machine guns * Inhofe hearts Future Combat (High five: RC)

    06.13.08 From Danger Room
  2. Interview With The Creator of VLC4iPhone

    When Steve Jobs demonstrated the new iPhone applications at his Monday WWDC keynote, he said that the iPhone would be the third major new platform, after Mac OS X and Windows (leaving Linux users a little disgruntled, we expect). Since...

    06.13.08 From Gadget Lab
  3. Apple Wises Up, Improves iPhone's Headphone Compatibility

    Music fans who bought a first-generation iPhone have yet another possible reason to wish they'd waited for the next generation: this time around, Apple will include a flush headphone jack (right) that will connect to a much wider range of...

    06.13.08 From Listening Post
  4. Nuclear Vacationing: Next Year in North Korea?

    We spent two years visiting off-the-beaten track nuclear sites for our new book, A Nuclear Vacation: Travels in the World of Atomic Weaponry. But we're often asked: Why didn't you visit the former plutonium productions plants at Hanford? What about...

    06.13.08 From Danger Room
  5. EurekaFest is Coming

    If your in or around Boston come June 26th and want to see some nifty innovation, consider checking out EurekaFest at the MIT campus. EurekaFest is a multi-day celebration designed to empower a legacy of inventors through activities that inspire...

    06.13.08 From Geekdad
  6. Universal To Appeal Promo CD Ruling

    Last week, a judge ruled against Universal Music Group, deciding that reselling promo CDs on eBay is perfectly legal. However, Universal plans to appeal the decision, and is "confident that [it] will prevail, according to Digital Music News. Music reviewers...

    06.13.08 From Listening Post
  7. Carla Sarkozy Literally "Pipol-ized" in PEOPLE magazine

    (((The new album's a hit! Instead of being pious, first-lady-like and mealy-mouthed, it's all edgy and out-there.))) http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20206072,00.html Link: Carla Bruni-Sarkozy: 30 Lovers and a Guitar - Music News, Carla Bruni, Nicolas Sarkozy : People.com. In any country, a first...

    06.13.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  8. Cedar Rapids Joins New Orleans in the "Official Incredulity" Sweepstakes

    (((It's blatant stupidity for a meteorologist to describe incredible weather disasters as "events beyond what anybody could even imagine." Thousands and thousands of climate scientists have been soberly predicting events like this for decades on end. They've been imagined. They've...

    06.13.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  9. LG's Decoy Hosts Removable Bluetooth Earpiece

    LG's new Decoy, is aptly named. The phone is the first to sport a built in, removable bluetooth headset, a fact which neatly distracts us from what is a otherwise a fairly run-of-the-mill handset. The LG-VX8610, to give it its...

    06.13.08 From Gadget Lab
  10. Another Great Geeky Cake: X-Box 360

    Here's one to make many the videogame playing GeekDad or GeekKid smile: an X-Box 360 cake, with controller, and copy of Guitar Hero IV! Of course, if the chef knew anything about the forthcoming GH4, they'd have baked a drumset...

    06.13.08 From Geekdad
  1. Snake-Oil Alert: Denon Sells 'Audiophile' Ethernet Cable for $500

    Denon is hawking an ethernet cable for an astonishing $500. How can the company possibly justify this quite ludicrous markup on what is essentially a tube for shifting ones and noughts across the network? As you might have guessed, it's...

    06.13.08 From Gadget Lab
  2. Daily LEGO: Space Battleship for a Great Sci-fi Movie No One's Made Yet

    Another really cool spaceship from over at Brickshelf.com. This time user czekoladowyboss has crafted a thing of beauty in black and red: The Dragon. Kind of reminds me of the Space Battleship Yamato... Anyone ever watch that when they were...

    06.13.08 From Geekdad
  3. Memory Overload: An Interview With The Drift

    San Francisco's spacetrackers The Drift fuse rock, jazz and further sonics into extended instrumental epics that tease and wipe your mind with equal skill. Their recently released effort Memory Drawings, from left-field label Temporary Residence, takes less patience than their...

    06.13.08 From Listening Post
  4. Popcorn Cellphone Videos Were a Viral Scam

    Those popcorn poppin' cellphone videos? Bunk. We knew they were fake, the only mysteries were the "how?" and the "why?" Who was behind them? Butterkist, or some other popcorn maker, was our first guess, but it turns out the company...

    06.13.08 From Gadget Lab
  5. Potato Head Hellboy

    I am speechless with geeky joy at this... mash-up. I wonder if anyone's shown this to Ron Perlman yet? From Mr. PotatoMash. Via Neatorama.

    06.13.08 From Geekdad
  6. Flixwagon Brings Live Video Streaming to IPhone

    Flixwagon has shown off an alpha client of its video streaming service for the jailbroken iPhone. Not only does it turn the still cam into a moving one, it will squirt the second by second footage of your insufferably dull...

    06.13.08 From Gadget Lab
  7. Kyocera's Perfect Peeler Looks Like a Razor

    Who knew that Kyocera, manufacturer of cellphones and erstwhile owner of Contax cameras, also made kitchen accessories? Nerdy kitchen accessories at that. The $18 Perfect Peeler not only has a hard and sharp ceramic blade, it is also adjustable. The...

    06.13.08 From Gadget Lab
  8. Tennant Still Waiting on Invite to Return to Who

    With this year's season running down and the Daleks looming on the horizon, sci-fi fans are looking into the future of Doctor Who. After the credits run on this season's final episode a few weeks from now, the show will...

    06.13.08 From The Underwire
  9. Critic Says Judge's Website Was Distributing MP3 Files, Was Target of Previous Complaint

    Alex Kozinski, the federal judge who has been in the spotlight this week -- fairly or unfairly -- for posting sexually explicit images on his personal website, was the target of a complaint in 2005 for posting a different kind of material on the site...

    06.13.08 From Threat Level
  10. Soldiers Can't Fail Army's Most Important Training

    "Kip" has served with the U.S. military in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He blogs at Abu Muqawama, where this post originally appeared. Are you deaf? Limp? Ancient? After climbing a flight of stairs, do you most resemble a hyperventilating pumpkin?...

    06.13.08 From Danger Room
  1. Huge Brushfire Caught on Time Lapse Video

    Firestorm from powrslave on Vimeo. To capture an enormous firestorm on film, Eli Jarra set up two digital SLR cameras and an HD video camera in his backyard and recorded for twenty-eight hours. The compiled footage, shown in a time...

    06.13.08 From Wired Science
  2. Real Flying Saucer Tech Flies From Air Force Research

    A Florida scientist is combining his Air Force-funded research and a design inspired by a "flying bundt cake man" to bake light, flaky flying saucer technology that might really work. Science Daily reports that professor Subrata Roy submitted a patent...

    06.12.08 From The Underwire
  3. Ron Paul Formally Ends Prez Campaign, Starts 'Campaign For Liberty.'

    Texas congressman Ron Paul will formally end his presidential campaign this evening and announce the launch of a new project called the "Campaign for Liberty," reports ABC News. The group will fund the campaigns of political candidates at all levels of government, and work as...

    06.12.08 From Threat Level
  4. L.A. Fans Get Sneak Peek at Battlestar's 'Revelations'

    Los Angeles fans of Battlestar Galactica got a sneak peek at "Revelations," the last episode before the show's mid-season break, during a special screening Wednesday on Sunset Boulevard. Nobody's talking much about the actual show, which airs Friday on Sci...

    06.12.08 From The Underwire
  5. May NPD: GTA IV, Wii Top Charts Again

    No big surprises for the videogame industry's U.S. sales for the month of May. Grand Theft Auto IV and Wii Fit, as it turns out, are big hits. Who knew. Wii Fit, as I've said before, is quite supply-constrained in...

    06.12.08 From Game | Life
  6. Review: Incredible Hulk Is a Handsome Hunk of Mayhem

    Handsomely photographed, fast-paced and reasonably well-acted, The Incredible Hulk skips the introspective angst that slowed down Ang Lee's 2003 superhero character study Hulk. Instead, French director Louis Leterrier (Transporter) catapults Edward Norton's Bruce Banner, pursued by military mad men, from...

    06.12.08 From The Underwire
  7. The Craziest Gadgets of Taiwan's Computex Trade Show

    Glittery. Strange. Futuristic. No, we're not talking about some of the options you'll find at the iPhone's upcoming SDK App store. We're talking about some of the crazy items that were displayed at this year's Computex Trade show, in Taipei,...

    06.12.08 From Gadget Lab
  8. Volkswagen Shows Off Its Hydrogen Ride

    Volkswagen's hydrogen fuel cell Tiguan made its North American debut today, and it's a pretty slick bit of kit even if it won't appear in showrooms anytime soon, if at all. Although the company was also showing off its upcoming...

    06.12.08 From Autopia
  9. Slang List for Anti-Terror Officials Defines 'Hottie', 'Ninja Turtles'

    At a recent counter-terrorism and fusion center conference earlier this spring, intelligence and law enforcement officials were given a number of tools to help them fight terror attacks, including a dictionary of street gang slang that was compiled by Woodman State Jail in Texas. Somehow...

    06.12.08 From Threat Level
  10. Judge Weighing Ameritrade Hack Lawsuit Settlement -- UPDATE

    A federal judge on Thursday put off approving a proposed settlement of a class-action representing as many as 6.3 million TD Ameritrade customers whose data was breached when hackers stole personal identifying customer information. Among the reasons: The lead plaintiff, who signed the deal, opposed...

    06.12.08 From Threat Level
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