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Crunchy Con

Family Posts

Tuesday May 20, 2008

Update on Lindsay Johnson

Many of you have written to ask if a fund has been set up for the children of Jessica Johnson, whose daughter Lindsay witnessed her mom's murder, and survived her own attempted murder, caring for her baby sister through the...

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Filed Under: Jessica Johnson Palmer, Jr., Juan Palmer, Lindsay Paige Johnson

Sunday May 18, 2008

The joy of mudpuddles

Sunday afternoon in our backyard. Oh yeah, summer's comin'......

Sunday May 18, 2008

Lindsay's gift

My Sunday Dallas Morning News column on Lindsay Paige Johnson, the four-year-old girl who saw her mother and brother murdered, and who had her throat cut -- but survived, and walked out of the forest carrying her baby sister to...

Filed Under: Lindsay Paige Johnson, love, murder, Robbyn

Monday May 12, 2008

What would George Bailey do?

In the new TAC, Allan Carlson ponders what George Bailey of "It's A Wonderful Life" would do to resolve the home mortgage crisis. Excerpt: First of all, I think he would want to examine the sociology of the crisis. How...

Filed Under: Allan Carlson, George Bailey, home mortgage, mortgage crisis

Sunday May 11, 2008

She's not heavy, she's my sister

I spoke with my sister this evening. She was pretty down. A young woman she had taught in sixth grade was murdered the other day. The woman's estranged boyfriend (she was separated from her husband) and a female relative of...

Filed Under: Jessica Johnson Palmer, murder

Sunday May 11, 2008

Bear Bryant says, "Call your mama."

So does Thomas Friedman, who lost his mother this past year, and who ends his Mother's Day column like this: Whenever I’ve had the honor of giving a college graduation speech, I always try to end it with this story...

Filed Under: Bear Bryant, Mama, Mother's Day, Thomas Friedman

Friday May 2, 2008

The big black thing

Got the news this morning that the stepfather of a dear friend died in the night. Our friend and her husband are worried about how to tell their small boys that their grandfather is dead. This breaks my heart. When...

Filed Under: death, family

Tuesday April 15, 2008

Pawpaw and Louisiana

I talked today with a friend who's a University of Dallas grad about my piece coming out in Sunday's paper, about the school. My friend is living and working in south Louisiana, though he's not a native. I asked him...

Filed Under: Jindal, Louisiana

Friday April 11, 2008

Hitting the wall

I was talking to my dad the other night, telling him about the various travails we're going through in my house, and how we all seem to be hitting a pretty hard wall, pretty hard. He said, with obvious frustration,...

Filed Under: modern life, shingles, stress

Wednesday March 26, 2008


I'm sorry, but you will never, ever convince me that femininity is socially constructed. Not after the 20 minutes I spent earlier this evening. I was sitting at the table talking to Julie when Nora, who is 17 months old,...

Filed Under: girls

Older Family Posts

Thursday March 13, 2008

The Silda saga, cont'd

Wednesday March 12, 2008

It's a Bratz country

Should Silda stay or should she go?

Thursday February 28, 2008

Moms who build cathedrals

Friday February 22, 2008

Other people's problems

Lesson learned

Thursday February 21, 2008

Pinewood Derby postgame

Filed Under: Pinewood Derby

Tuesday February 19, 2008

Comics and cultivating nerd children

Poster family for Anti-Natalism

Filed Under: Britain, Natalism, welfare

Sunday February 17, 2008

The pinewood miracle

Filed Under: miracle, Pinewood derby

Tuesday February 12, 2008

Bad Dad and the Pinewood Derby

Friday February 8, 2008

Should you settle?

Wednesday February 6, 2008

"I want my child to be a celebrity."

Saturday February 2, 2008

Happy happy joy joy

Filed Under: Babies

Wednesday January 30, 2008

The child-man

Thursday January 24, 2008

Kids these days

Filed Under: conservatism, Kids

Monday January 14, 2008

The agony of childlessness

Filed Under: Baby Boomers, childless

Sunday December 30, 2007

A decade with Julie

Saturday December 22, 2007

Ecce geek

Filed Under: Apple, Steve Jobs

Friday December 14, 2007

Christmastime is here

Wednesday November 28, 2007

Family-friendly cities succeed

Filed Under: city life, families, Kotkin

Thursday November 22, 2007

[Erin] Over the river and through the woods

Filed Under: divorce, family, holiday

Wednesday November 21, 2007

[Erin] Marriage in the modern world

Filed Under: gay marriage

Tuesday November 20, 2007

[Rod] Vacationing with children: A supposedly good idea I'll never try again

Filed Under: children, hell, Vacation

[Erin] The fellowship of men

Sunday November 18, 2007

[Erin] Toys, remembered

Saturday November 17, 2007

[Erin] Preconceived notions of child abuse

Filed Under: child abuse, Scandal

Monday November 5, 2007

Honor thy father and mother ... always?

Saturday October 13, 2007

Real-life Dreher fambly dialogue

Thursday October 11, 2007

Saving the family farm

Filed Under: family farms

Monday October 8, 2007

Justice Thomas and fatherhood

Thursday October 4, 2007

Maman of the Year

Wednesday October 3, 2007

Two tents

Filed Under: Jenna Bush

Friday September 28, 2007

Lucas update

Thursday September 27, 2007

We should have listened

Friday September 21, 2007

Go, Mitch, go!

Filed Under: cancer, children, Mitch

Monday September 3, 2007

Theological dialogue with a 3-year-old boy

Monday August 27, 2007

Self-crunchifying among kids these days

Sunday August 26, 2007

Parenthood: The negation of ideology

Thursday August 23, 2007

The death of a child

Filed Under: Death of a child

Tuesday August 14, 2007

Bad dream

Filed Under: Nightmares

Saturday August 11, 2007

Essence precedes existence

Filed Under: Babies, gender

Saturday August 4, 2007

Slaying the fatted grape

Wednesday August 1, 2007

Family ties

Filed Under: Clintons

Goodnight, Daddy

Filed Under: family, Iraq

Monday July 30, 2007

The Lord's own pizza chain

Saturday July 28, 2007

Return to Pawpaw's World


About Crunchy Con

Rod Dreher is an editorial columnist for the Dallas Morning News, and author of "Crunchy Cons" (Crown Forum), a nonfiction book about conservatives, most of them religious, whose faith and political convictions sometimes put them at odds with mainstream conservatives. The views expressed in this blog are his own.

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