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Beyond Blue

Tuesday August 7, 2007

Category: Depression

Fertility Problems and Depression

Thanks to reader Tina who mentioned her miscarrage as a possible trigger for her recent relapse into depression on the message board of "Relapse: The Waiting Place."

Just as depression is often triggered by a birth (postpartum depression), it happens quite frequently after a miscarriage, as well, or in the process of trying to conceive, with hormones going in every direction but straight.

All this pain associated with trying to get pregnant and failing to is why a lovely woman I met at the ' 07 BlogHer Conference last month, Rachel Inbar from Israel (her flight was longer than mine!) decided to create a website where women could share their fertility stories and advice.

I encourage all my Beyond Blue readers who are experiencing fertility complications and difficulties to visit Rachel's site, "Fertility Stories," at www.fertilitystories.com.

Filed Under: depression, infertility

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Where was God? When I see women who got pregnant when I couldn't, why did God reward them and not me? When one woman said that she prayed to God for children and felt so blessed to have twin girls, I wondered, why did God forsake me? How can one pray to such a God? All she needed was the simplest intervention, while I required injections at least twice a day. When the doctor recommended IVF, my husband was out of a job and we didn't have the money to go further. I was obliged to pay off the treatments I did have. Neither was my husband there for emotional support.

Hello All,

I hope I am well received today by you who will read my post. I know someone who is not ready to go public yet but will be in the next few months. She has a gift where one who is trying to get pregnant receives a touch, hug or energy treatment and they become pregnant. She has gone with a woman twice now, resulted in this the second pregnancy, with one to a local hospital while she had her eggs implanted and during the implantation this woman had her hands on thie woman's head during the proceedure. Now there were several times this same woman went without the person I mention and she did not get pregnant those times. In the past the woman with a gift did not keep track of how many women became pregnant, long story but she just was caught up in a busy life style and since her gifts are from birth she took them for granted and those close also take her gifts for granted. Anyway she would like to keep track now of how many women become pregnant after contact with her. Since she is keeping track she has used her hands and energy on four women and all four got pregnant after the first and second treatment. She is a very Spiritual person and she has total faith and trust in God. Is there anyone out there who would be interested in trying this? Before she goes public she would like to be able to give the public statistics like: I have used the energy on say 100 women and x amount are pregnant. Please be kind and thoughtful with what you post, this is no joke, it is real. Thank you.

i myself have just found this page. i am 40 and i have no children. i can undestand a little now since i have been reading on this page. i have been depressed. but i did'nt know it causes infertility. i would like more information. i'm glad i found this page. thank god for this information.

TTC for 3 yrs and doctors have done everything they can. Totally know the feeling of depression, especially when it seems everyone around me is able to get pregnant even without trying! I don't blame God for my distress as sin is what brought distress into the world. Why to me? Well, I suppose I am being tested in some way. I don't know why, but who am I to question God's plan for me? Some day my prayers will be answered...maybe the answer is no or not now. In that case I will adopt. Perhaps that is what the plan is for me? Thank the Lord for sites where I can go for support and encouragement!

I sympathize, Julie. I'm 52, and had one child I didn;t get to raise. I always wanted a home of my own, a good, solid marriage to a wonderful man, and a houseful of children. I've prayed about this for close to 30 years. (My first marriage ended in divorce, and while he remarried twice[his second wife died] and my daughter has been married twice[her first marriage ended in divorce] I was never given a second chance at marriage or motherhood.) That old devil Menopause stole my fertility, and unless in vitro works if and when I ever remarry, or God decides to send me a miracle a la Sarah or Elizabeth or Hannah, it's too late for me. Why did God ever invent menopause to rob women who haven't had the children they wanted of ever having any hope once they reach a certain age, when He allows men to father children as long as they live? I can hear you now. You say, well, Pam, at least you had one child. I did, but I didn't. I was never considered good enough to raise my own child--my family criticized me so much they killed my spirit to the point where they just shoved me aside and took over. I've never felt like a real woman since--especially since I never had another chance. Some of you may understand that this is killing me. You may say, grow up and get over it, old woman! But I'm still young inside, even though I'm dried up and hopeless, and unfit for marriage (since men only want fertile young virgins, and I am none of the above).

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