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Posted at 1:22am on May 9, 2008 A New Committee & "Young Guns"

By Whitehorse

In the focus on Republican congressional hopes & woes I bring this post.

Boehner's GOP fix: A new committee

Faced with dire predictions of an electoral bloodbath in November, House Republican leader John A. Boehner responded Wednesday by creating a committee to advise the National Republican Congressional Committee.

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Posted at 1:20am on May 7, 2008 Newt's Plea to Republicans: It's Time for Real Change to Avoid Real Disaster

By Whitehorse

The Republican loss in the special election for Louisiana's Sixth Congressional District last Saturday should be a sharp wake up call for Republicans: Either Congressional Republicans are going to chart a bold course of real change or they are going to suffer decisive losses this November.

I have to agree with Gingrich on this one. It may not mean that republicans retake the majority in November; (not many scenarios show that possibility) however, it could "stop the bleeding" & chart a course for retaking the majority in future elections and really doing something spectacularly good with that majority.

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Posted at 2:03pm on May 2, 2008 Ron Paul: Faux Libertarian

By streiff

Congress sent President Bush a bill Thursday forbidding employers and insurance companies from using genetic tests showing people are at risk of developing cancer, heart disease or other ailments to reject their job applications, promotions or health care coverage, or in setting premiums. ...more

The bill passed the House 414-1. The one vote? The guy who was offended by the notion that the Federal government was wiretapping terrorists.

At some point his supporters, at least those not on Thorazine, should start considering the idea that this little nut bar has played them for chumps.

Posted at 1:47pm on May 2, 2008 Democrat Congress Hostage Crisis: US Soldiers STILL Awaiting Rescue

More than 440 Days and counting, Pelosi and Reid set to exceed Iran's adventure in holding Americans hostage...

By haystack

Surely everyone remembers the 444 days of helplessness we all felt when Iranian goons took over our embassy, holding America (and that terrorist-hugging President that failed us so miserably when we needed him most) hostage? Well, according to Minority Whip Roy Blunt, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are about to BEAT that 444 number....and our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines still await help from home:

It has now been more than 440 days since the original supplemental was sent to Congress – while pieces were passed, the entire bill has languished. There has been more than enough time for Democrats to act. This bill must be passed before the Memorial Day recess and the shameful tactics of the Democratic leadership have only ensured its defeat.

Back in February, Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell made very clear what was at stake regarding this supplemental bill:

“We need that money as soon as possible so there is no disruption to our warfighting efforts and not a disruption to our soldiers’ lives, both in the field and their families at home,” Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell told reporters during a news conference.

SecDef Gates also stated back in February that a delay in the supplemental “degrades our ability to operate and sustain our force at home and in theater and makes it difficult to manage this department in a way that is fiscally sound.” Defense Department Comptroller Tina W. Jonas (also back in February) suggested that "the Army will run out of money to pay troops in June and will be unable to fund operations in July if the department doesn’t receive the emergency supplemental funds soon."

The Army stated back in November that it "would have to furlough civilian employees and close bases if emergency supplemental funding earmarked for installation operations and maintenance wasn’t approved by Congress." [Ft. Bragg, anyone? Walter Reed's Building 18 perhaps?] As Morrell put it , “we are soon going to be confronted with the same situation we found ourselves in at the end of last year, having to look down the barrel of the frightening prospect of running out of operations and maintenance money, from which we pay our forces and do lots of other things in the global war on terror.”

Guess how important this is to Harry Reid (subscription required):

“I think we’ll do our best to finish this before the Memorial Day break, but if we don’t, it’s no big deal. There’s money there. I don’t know why there is a rush to judgment, this is moving along quite rapidly. We’re not behind schedule. Everything’s fine."

No big deal, huh? Ask the mom with 2 kids at home while Dad's at war if it's a big deal Harry, when she doesn't get that paycheck. In fact, hunker down in a firefight with no ammunition left and see if this is "no big deal" Harry...

More on the "shameful tactics of the Democratic leadership" below the fold...

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Posted at 3:02pm on May 1, 2008 Nancy Pelosi's House strikes a blow against Higher Ed

By Erick

Who knew Nancy Pelosi was a closet conservative? Through her own inaction she has let the Higher Education Act expire.

The Senate had passed a one month extension while they work out details, but Nancy never bothered to do the same. Consequently, the legislation expired. The impact won't be substantial because of other laws, but a number of advisory committees, etc. no longer exist.

Well done!

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Posted at 9:32am on May 1, 2008 Keep this Obamination out of the White House

By trueblackman

Senator Barack Obama and his supporters claim that he is being treated unfairly as they seek to defuse the controversy surrounding his former Pastor Reverend Wright

Obama in the wake of the recent back and forth between himself and Reverend Wright finally chose to disown him and his radical accusations and statements, but this is only one of his many connections to radical elements in our society and now that the head is off the Trojan Horse, it i