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Barack Obama

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        Tuesday May 6, 2008

        Catholic League Whacks Obama (Again)

        obama6.jpgMore evidence that the Christian Right wants to face Hillary Clinton this fall?

        The Catholic League has just issued another press release slamming Barack Obama for--get this--a Chicago Tribune op-ed written by one of his supporters (no official connection to the campaign) that says l'affaire Wright is proof that Democrats need to halt their campaign to "get religion." Here's the key lines from the Catholic League release:

        In today’s Chicago Tribune, Katha Pollitt not only criticizes Rev. Wright, she takes the opportunity to smear almost the entire nation. She says that ‘thanks to Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., the Democrats have got religion and everything that goes with it—weirdness, wrath, insult, blowhardiness, vanity, paranoia, divisiveness and trouble.’ Her hatred of religion wouldn’t matter so much if she were simply a writer for the Nation. However, she is also a prominent supporter of Sen. Obama: She joined hands with Frances Kissling, a notorious anti-Catholic, to endorse him in a publicly signed statement.

        ....Obama is not responsible for Pollitt’s bigotry and he does not need to renounce her. But what he must do is start the purge—he must rid his ranks of those who want to silence religion.... Purging the Pollitts from his base would reassure the faithful that they have a place in his campaign.

        God-o-Meter feels that the Catholic League is getting nitpicky here. How could Obama be held accountable for what his garden variety supporters feel about religion's role in politics? How exactly would he begin such a 'purge,' even if he wanted to? (As a side note, God-o-Meter is quite surprised to see the Catholic League employ language with strong communist connotations.)

        Filed Under: Barack Obama, Catholic League

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        Obama is a Humanist. All you need to do is judge him by his words and actions. Democrats will wake up to this reality of Obama's true belief system some day. Hopefully sooner than later. This though, is all a "Christian" needs to hear from this typical, two-faced, slimy, politician: "I don't want them PUNISHED, with a BABY!" That says it all about this guy's Humanist identity. Of course his pandering to the sodomites in San Francisco is also a good place to see Obama for what he truly is. Bush hatred surely has the Democrats blinded.

        Judging by tonights primary results it may not matter what the Catholic League thinks about anything.


        You think so? Though Obama improved among Catholics over Pennsylvania and Ohio, he still lost them to 59-to-41 to Hillary Clinton. How much did the Catholic League have do with that? Probably not alot. But if there's a sustained anti-Obama effort on the part of the Catholic League and pro life groups like the National Right to Life, and none against Hillary Clinton, that would seem to give Obama a good deal of bad press in the Catholic world, no?

        Do you see Obama's anemic Catholic support entirely as a byproduct of his weakness among working class voters who happen to be Catholic?

        I agree with Charles - it really DOESN'T matter what the Catholic League "thinks" about anything. As a religious body, they should stay the heck out of politics or have their tax exempt status removed.

        Like you yourself said, God-a-riffic, "How much did the Catholic League have do with that? Probably not alot."

        "Obama is a Humanist."

        Ooooo, Donny, you make that sound like a 'bad thing'. And here all this time, I thought humans were God's finest creations. Reading your tripe, I often think, "Maybe not."

        Your constant references to "Sodomites" ignores that the vast majority of people who engage in sodomy (both oral and anal copulation) are heterosexuals. You just haven't figured that out yet.

        Obama called his non-supporters, "bitter, and clinging to their religion". Obama supports partial birth abortion, and is against mandatory healthcare for infants, 'because it might add stress for the woman'. Obama's positions are clearly out-of-synch with the Catholic views and teachings. His pastor for 20 years, Rev. Wright, has stated that Obama would say anything because "he is a politician", and Obama is pandering to gain votes.

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        The God-o-Meter (pronounced Gah-DOM-meter) scientifically measures factors such as rate of God-talk, effectiveness—saying God wants a capital gains tax cut doesn't guarantee a high rating—and other top-secret criteria (Actually, the adjustment criteria are here). Click a candidate's head to get his or her latest God-o-Meter reading and blog post. And check back often. With so much happening on the campaign trail, God-o-Meter is constantly recalibrating!

        God-o-Meter blogger Dan Gilgoff is Beliefnet's Politics Editor. A former political correspondent for U.S. News & World Report, he is author of The Jesus Machine: How James Dobson, Focus on the Family, and Evangelical America are Winning the Culture War.

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