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Our Lady of Weight Loss

Thursday May 15, 2008

All Is Forgiven, Move On

Seven years ago, Our Lady of Weight Loss, patron saint of permanent fat removal, came to my rescue at one of those group meetings where people obsess about food and weight. With a quick twist of my neck, she performed a chiropractic move of mega-magnitude. She snap-crackle-popped my mind into a new place.

She made it absolutely clear that this time was going to be THE time. This time was going to be different than any of the other numerous times that I’d either set out on the weight loss trail and failed or actually succeeded in losing 10, 20, 30 even 40 pounds, but ultimately – there they were! Yup, I found them plus a few extra pounds for ‘good measure.’ (Did I find your lost pounds, too?)

New point of view: If I lose it, I may find it. For the first time, I get it. Weight loss is passé. Permanent Fat Removal is the goal.

I approached ‘weight loss’ from this fresh angle. My perspective shifted; a paradigm shift occurred. In other words, the tectonic plates within my mind shifted, loosened, lifted and a new me came to be.

Our Lady of Weight Loss said, “Weight loss is primarily a mindset and while food is an integral part, it’s not the main course.” (Imagine that!)

Our Lady of Weight Loss continued, “Weight loss can be utilized as a vehicle for transformation and reinvention.” She said that it wasn’t just about losing weight and exercise. We were embarking on a holistic happening. In fact, this journey is a spiritual one.

Our Lady of Weight Loss promised me that as I filled my heart with joy, explored happiness and laughter, as well as forgiveness and put some energy into doing the things that I’ve always wanted to do but never seemed to have the time to do, the excess weight would mysteriously melt off leaving a fat trail behind me.

As my size would decrease; my energy, joy, spirit – my life – would expand ten fold.

New Point of View: Food is not the main course.

ALL IS FORGIVEN, MOVE ON ~ Our Lady of Weight Loss's 101 Fat-Burning Steps on Your Journey to Sveltesville is a roadmap that leads you to your best self – your higher self – your wise self. It’s about uncovering the real you who lives underneath those excess layers of weight, who is bustin’ to come out. Free yourself now!

End the Torture
Take the Journey
MOVE ON ... into YOUR 'lite'

ALL IS FORGIVEN, MOVE ON hits the book shelves today! It is jam packed with all of Our Lady of Weight Loss's permanent fat removal secrets. Guaranteed to lighten!

Filed Under: All Is Forgiven, Fat Burning, Fat Melting, health, Janice Taylor, Kick in the Tush Club, lose weight, Move On, Our Lady of Weight Loss, weight loss, weight loss coach, well-being, wellness

Wednesday May 14, 2008

How to Get Unstuck & Miraculously and Mysteriously Melt the Fat Away NOW!

Are you stuck? In a 'bad' mood? Feeling blue? Discouraged? Are those old feelings of defeat surfacing? Are you covered in crumbs and you don't know how it happened?

Is the Fat Monster about to take over?

Here is a simple and easy 'step' you can take to STOP the Fat Monster in his tracks, put a smile on your face and love in your heart.

The Our Lady of Weight-Loss Cheerleaders present a song ... *
"Melt the Fat Away"

(Sing to the tune of "Row, row, row your boat.")

Melt, melt, melt the fat,
Eat less every day,
Melt, melt, melt the fat,
Watch it fade away.

Melt, melt, melt the fat,
Exercise every day
Melt, melt, melt the fat,
Watch it fade away.

Melt, melt, melt the fat,
Pedal it away,
Melt, melt, melt the fat.
Watch it fade away.

I guarantee you ... as you sing this song in your head or aloud, all day long, with or without friends, you will set your mind to melting the fat away. Your resolve with triple with each round of Melt the Fat Away. You will mysteriously and miraculously make wise and healthy choices.

More proof positive that you don't need to be 'heavy' to lose weight.
*Special thanks to Kick in the Tush Club member, Myrna M. for submitting this song.

Join with me at Omega Institute - June 8 through 13 - for an amazing and uplifting fat-burning workshop.

For more fat-melting magic, pick up a copy of All Is Forgiven, Move On.

Filed Under: diet, diet coach, Exercise, happiness, health, Janice Taylor, Kick in the Tush Club, Laughter, laughter, lose weight, Our Lady of Weight Loss, weight loss, weight loss coach, well-being, wellness

Tuesday May 13, 2008

"The Devil Made Me Do It!"

A Tasty Tidbit from All Is Forgiven, Move On (hits the stands this Thursday!)

Keeping in mind that there are reasons – and then – there are excuses and that what may be a valid reason for one person may be an excuse for another, tell me … what’s your excuse? Believe me, I have heard them all! Heck, I’ve used them all!

Bad haircut is my own personal favorite. Listen, I can take a lot in life – really! But a bad hair cut is enough to throw me over the edge. And boy did I have one – last year; it’s still growing out. Nevertheless, I managed to take out my frustrations on the walking path and when I hit rock bottom, I binged on carrots until my jaw hurt.

Excuse me! Excuse YOU!

A reason is a noun, pronounced 'rE-z&n; – it is a statement offered in explanation or justification; something that supports a conclusions or explains a fact.

An excuse is a transitive verb, pronunced ik-'skyüz,- to make apology for; to try to remove flame from; to serve as excuse for: to justify. (Source: Miriam-Webster Dictionary)

What’s your excuse?

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Filed Under: diet, diet coach, Excuses, happiness, inspiration, Janice Taylor, Kick in the Tush Club, laughter, lose weight, love, motivation, Our Lady of Weight Loss, weight loss, weight loss coach

Monday May 12, 2008

Foods That Make Us Happy


What is happiness?
Are we as happy as we make up our minds to be? Is there truly an opportunity to find something positive in every event and everyone? I'd like to believe that to be true, although, I confess, some situations appear to be more challenging than others.

One thing I know for sure is that happiness is connected to two key mood regulators that our brains produce - serotonin and noradrenaline.

Serotonin is a mood enhancer that has an effect on pain, pleasure, anxiety, panic, arousal, and sleep patterns. Noradrenaline is a chemical that elevates our moods and affects stress and anxiety. The more concentrated the amounts of these two chemicals, the happier we are!

How does food happily enter?
Recent research has confirmed that there is a link between eating certain foods and feeling better, relaxed and yes! Whoopee!!!! EVEN happy!

What are these foods?
They are proteins and yes - our beloved carbohydrates! Carbohydrates carry a key amino acid, tryptophan, to our brains. Once there, tryptophan does its thing, and both serotonin and noradrenaline are produced. Our moods are given a bit of boost.

Feeling blue? Here follows Our Lady of Weight Loss's Six Secret Foods that Boost Serotonin, Give a Lift and Bring a Smile to Your Face!

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Filed Under: diet, diet coach, dieting, Happiness, happiness food, health, inspiration, Janice Taylor, Kick in the Tush Club, lose weight, motivation, noradrenaline, Our Lady of Weight Loss, serotonin, weight loss, weight loss coach, well-being, wellness

Sunday May 11, 2008

A VIDEO: Mother's Day Greetings from Harriet, Queen of Cake, my 92 year young mother

Janice Taylor, author of All Is Forgiven, Move On and Our Lady of Weight Loss and her very talented 92-year young mother, Harriet Taylor, sing a mother's day song just for you! Plus a drug tale that will curl the hair on your arm!!

Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday May 10, 2008

AND THE WINNER IS ... (drum roll please)

Hi Y'all ... as you may recall, a contest was a brewin'! You answered the question, "What Foods Do You Find Irresistible?" - and your name was tossed into the proverbial hat. The prize was ME.

Without further ado, my publisher is sending ME to YOU ... (drum roll, again please)... MAE ANGELI, Chicago, IL. YOU ARE THE WINNER! Woo Hoo. Bells, whistles.

MAE and 25 of her closest friends will receive free, autographed copies of my newest book, ALL IS FORGIVEN, MOVE ON ~ Our Lady of Weight Loss's 101 Fat-Burning Steps on Your Journey to Sveltesville and party-hardy with me at Transitions Bookplace, Chicago, Illinois on June 19th at 7 p.m.

MORE GOOD NEWS ... YOU ARE INVITED to join us ... get inspired, motivated, learn all the secrets to permanent fat removal, and just plain have FUN!

So, to all those who entered. A HUGE thank you for playing with me. It was soooo much mouth-watering fun to read your responses to a most irresistible question!

More contests a comin!
More opportunity to party-hardy!

Filed Under: contest, diet, diet coach, dieting, fun, happiness, health, Janice Taylor, Kick in the Tush Club, lose weight, Our Lady of Weight Loss, permanent fat removal, Transitions Bookplace, weight loss, weight loss coach, well being, wellness

Friday May 9, 2008

Get Me to Your Church on Time

Permanent Fat Removal is the Ultimate Spiritual Journey.
At its heart, permanent fat removal is a spiritual matter. It is a journey that takes one from a place of despair, depression, and defeat … into the “LITE.” The light of self-love, self-acceptance, self-mastery, gratitude and forgiveness.

It is so much more than simply ‘getting rid of’ excess weight. It is about ‘letting go' (gently, kindly, and with love) of old belief systems that no longer work for you. It is about de-cluttering the body (excess weight), the mind (negative chatter) and the physical environment (all that mess around you is weighing you down, for sure).

A Miraculous Happening.
To that religious and spiritual point, a number of churches, synagogues and spiritual organizations throughout our great nation have invited me to speak, as I set out on “The Forgiveness Tour” promoting my new book All Is Forgiven, Move On.

Should you and your church, synagogue, or spiritual group be interested in my stopping by to engage in a talk about The Spiritual Nature of Weight Loss (a.k.a. permanent fat removal), please feel free to contact me. I will make every effort to make my way to you. It would be an honor and a privilege to dialogue with you.

Get Me to Your Church On Time!
THE FORGIVENESS TOUR (Destinations and dates set thus far; invite me to your city and I will do my best to expand the tour)
June 1 and 2 – Phoenix, Arizona
June 3 and 4 – San Antonio, Texas
June 5, 6 and 7 – Austin Texas
June 17 and 18 – Nashville, Tennessee
June 19, 20, 21 and 22 – Chicago, Illinois
July 7 and 8 – San Francisco, California
July 9 and 10 – Seattle, Washington

Feel free to ask questions and invite me.

Filed Under: All Is Forgiven Move On, Book Tour, Church, diet, diet coach, dieting, happiness, health, Janice Taylor, Kick in the Tush Club, lose weight, Our Lady of Weight Loss, Spirituality, weight loss, weight loss coach, well being, wellness

Thursday May 8, 2008

The Art of Imperfection: Seven Simple and Imperfect Ways to Crumple Up and Make Messy Your Perfectionism

No one is perfect... that's why pencils have erasers. ~ Author Unknown

“What’s wrong with perfectionism?” you ask. “PLENTY,” I answer! … which, by the way, makes perfectionism totally imperfect.

Perfection is often linked with achievement, painstaking awareness to detail. Yet, it often produces procrastination (no point in doing something if I can’t do it perfectly), low self-esteem (if I am not perfect, no one will love me), low-productivity and in some cases obsession compulsive disorders, depression, sexual dysfunction, divorce and eating disorders.

Do or do not … there is no try. ~ Yoda, Star Wars
Life is full of obstacles, is it not? Therefore, life – in it of itself – is imperfect. Trying to be perfect goes against the grain of the natural flow of things, and it results in anxiety and fear of failure.

If perfectionism is interfering with your life, in any way (weigh), shape (pear shaped or apple) or form, I invite you to consider letting go of this potentially dangerous characteristic.

Seven Simple and Imperfect Ways to Crumple Up and Make Messy Your Perfectionism

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Filed Under: anxiety, diet, diet coach, dieting, fear, happiness, health, Janice Taylor, Kick in the Tush Club, lose weight, Our Lady of Weight Loss, perfectionism, weight loss, weight loss coach, well-being, wellness

Wednesday May 7, 2008

A HUMP-Day Tune ... It's about forgiveness!

Dromesburg, Kick in the Tush Club community member, added her pick to the "MUSIC: What's Your Song" discussion board.

She writes, "Recently, I've had Don Henley's "The Heart of the Matter" stuck in my head. "I think it's about forgiveness..." - no possible message there!"

What's your song? Join us for a HUMP-DAY TUNE!
Join the Kick in the Tush Club community and have your tune featured!

Thanks, Dromesburg, for playing (I'm always looking for someone to play with!!).

Filed Under: diet, diet coach, dieting, happiness, inspiration, Janice Taylor, Kick in the Tush Club, lose weight, motivation, music, Our Lady of Weight Loss, song, weight loss, weight loss coach, well-being, wellness

Tuesday May 6, 2008

A No Jiggle/No Wiggle Jiggy JigSaw Puzzle

Click to Mix and Solve

The Mighty Jigsaw Puzzle not only keeps your hands busy, but it awakens and exercises the mind. You can work on your fine motor skills and eye-to-hand coordination without using a fork!

Medical research shows that people who keep their brain muscles exercised, maintain their mental acuity, their alertness and memory.

For a healthy mind and nimble fingers, and just for the fun of it, get jiggy with Our Lady of Weight Loss’s “No Jiggle/No Wiggle Jiggy JigSaw Puzzles.”

Filed Under: diet, diet coach, dieting, fun, happiness, health, Janice Taylor, Jigsaw Puzzle, Kick in the Tush Club, lose weight, Our Lady of Weight Loss, Puzzle, self-love, weight loss, weight loss coach, well-being, wellness


About Our Lady of Weight Loss

"Janice Taylor is a 'kooky genius'"
~ O, The Oprah Magazine

Janice Taylor is a Weight Loss Coach and Certified Hypnotist, author, artist and motivational speaker. She is the author of Our Lady of Weight Loss: Miraculous and Motivational Musings from the Patron Saint of Permanent Fat Removal and All Is Forgiven, Move On: Our Lady of Weight Loss's 101 Fat-Burning Steps on Your Journey to Sveltesville (publication date May 15, 2008). Janice is also the creator of the popular e-newsletter Kick in the Tush Club and a 50-pound big-time-loser.

Books By Janice:

book_ourlady2.jpg   book_allisforgiven2.jpg

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