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Kalen Delaney

Did You Know? I'm going to Portland

I almost titled this one with OT, but then I realized that this MY BLOG, and nothing is really off-topic, right? It's my blog and I can say whatever I want. :-)

I get a real big kick out of seeing places in movies where I have actually been. I took my husband to NYC for his birthday in early March, and the first night, in our hotel room, the movie playing on HBO was "Night at the Museum" and we were planning to go to the Museum of Natural History while in the Big Apple! Even though we'd seen the movie before, it was fun to see it again, knowing we were going to be there the next day. Our last night in town, we saw a show (Wicked) and then walked along Broadway. The next day flying home, the movie on the flight was "Enchanted", in which a Princess pops up right in the middle of Broadway. She was right on a corner where we had been the day before. Again, it was so fun just to see a place in a film that we completely recognized.

Last night we rented a movie that took place in one of my favorite cities, Portland, Oregon.

What The Bleep!? home page

Again, it was really fun to see sights that we knew really well. Portland is only about a 3 hour drive from where I live, so when I have a class there, I can drive. I love going to a job in my own car, rather than flying, because then I don't have to worry about baggage restrictions or losing my pocketknife to TSA. I just throw whatever I want in the trunk of my car.  Since I live out in the boondocks, there are not too many places I can go to work that I don't have to fly away.

I'll be in Portland twice in the next two months.  May 12 - 16, I'll be teaching my 5-day SQL Server Internals and Tuning class publicly, for my training partner SQLSoft+.  June 9-13 I'll be teaching a private class, less than 5 minutes away from the SQLSoft+ location, and I'll be staying at the same hotel. I guess if I just forget something, like my pocketknife, I could just retrieve it when I go back.

So now you know. Or do you?


Published Tuesday, April 29, 2008 8:11 PM by Kalen Delaney
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FleaCircusDirector said:

Kalen, you are not the only person who puts Off Topic articles on your "personal blog". Bruce Schneier puts comments about Squids in his security blog and Tony Rogerson has included all sorts of things including stuff about his pet rabbit.



As a regular subscriber to all three of you, I find this quite iritating. My own solution to the problem is to have multiple blogs focused on my different interests.

April 30, 2008 6:54 AM

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