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Writers Guidelines

If you are interested in contributing to Gamasutra or Game Developer magazine, we'd like to hear from you. Our features are devoted to the development of games. The audience for your technical article will include professional programmers, animators, sound designers, producers, as well as executives, consultants and others who work in the game industry. We do not target the hobby or amateur game development market.

Gamasutra reaches about 220,000 members worldwide (as of December 2004). We have members from as far away as Pakistan, India, Russia, throughout Europe, Asia, Australia, and of course throughout the Americas. Game Developer magazine is circulated among developers, publishers, headhunters, and a number of other people you are probably interested in getting your name in front of. About 35,000 of them. Writing for Gamasutra and Game Developer is an excellent way to give back to the field some of what you have learned. Whereas game development used to be shrouded in a cloak of secrecy years ago, it's now one of the most open and sharing technical fields, and despite the growth in electronic entertainment sales, the industry still retains some of that tight knittedness that it did in the early days. Why not lend your expertise to others in the community?

Opportunities with Gamasutra and Game Developer

No matter which type of article you are interested in writing, please follow our Submission Guidelines, so that we have enough information to make a decision on accepting your proposal, as well in guiding you in its completion.

Feature Articles. Both Gamasutra and Game Developer magazine welcome feature article submissions on programming, game design theory, 3D animation, sound design, testing, asset management, and other topics related to the development of games. In general, articles should be of a "how-to" nature.

Postmortems. The Postmortem column is a look at a recently finished game you just worked on. (See Game Developer magazine's monthly Postmortem column for examples of postmortems or Gamasutra's postmortem archive.) Like a real-life postmortem, you talk about the goals of the game, and explain what went right and wrong during the development and roll out of the game. The length of this column is approximately 2,500 words.

Gamasutra-Specific Content

Resource Guides. Gamasutra started publishing Resource Guides in 2001. Resource Guides, which are published regularly, are collections of 4-8 feature articles and/or postmortems that have a common theme. To see an example of a Resource Guide, see our 2002 Physics Resource Guide. The length of articles published in Resource Guides is at least 2,000 words. [Submit Resource Guide Article Proposal...]

Interviews. Gamasutra will consider interviews with leading figures in game development. Please clear the interview with us beforehand so we can let you know specific questions we'd like answered. Interviews should run at least 2000 words.

Soapbox. The Soapbox column, now moved to Gamasutra, is your chance to rant on a topic relevant to the game development industry. Don't mince words when you talk about broken technologies, harmful industry trends, bad business practices, and so on. Just remember that there are libel laws! The length of this column is at least 1000 words

Student Theses. If you have completed a game development-related thesis for your undergraduate or graduate degree, Gamasutra may be interested in publishing it in our "Education" section. [Submit Thesis Proposal...]

Game Developer-Specific Content

Product Reviews. Game Developer reviews game development tools on a regular basis. It does not review games. If you are interested in writing product reviews, follow this link to get more information. Important: we do not accept unsolicited product review submissions. The length of product reviews is approximately 1,500 words. [Submit Product Review Proposal...]

Proposing an Article

Proposals can come simply in the form of an email. Explain your idea in as much detail as possible -- an outline of the proposed article is ideal. Of course, if you've already written an article, we'll take a look at that as well. Also, please send along with information about yourself, including your game development background. We will let you know whether we are interested in the article, and if so, we'll discuss details like due date and so on.

If you get the green light for the article, you'll have between 4-6 weeks to write it and get it to us.

Article Formatting & Length
Once an article is accepted, the preferred format to submit it is as a Microsoft Word document. Please do not submit article in HTML. Avoid using embedded images, any images should be referenced in the article and sent as separate attachments. Artwork or screen shots for Game Developer magazine should be submitted in BMP, TIF, or PCX at 72 or (preferably) greater dpi, Gamasutra accepts TIF, JPG, or GIF, PNG, or BMP format. When submitting artwork, please zip all files together into a PC .zip or .uue archive and include a readme.txt to explain things.

Where To Send Article Proposals
Send Gamasutra and Game Developer articles and ideas to:

Christian Nutt
Features Editor

Alternatively, you can send it to our snail-mail address:

Gamasutra or Game Developer magazine
Attn: Editors
Think Services
600 Harrison Street, 6th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94107

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