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U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

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Scalia Vigorously Defends a 'Dead' Constitution

In the final part of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's three-part interview with NPR, he says he believes the Constitution's meaning is fixed and that it cannot change over time


Oates Details Writers' Last Days in 'Wild Nights'

The author talks about her latest effort, which collects stories about Poe, Twain and other greats.

Judi Dench, Living Quietly in 'Cranford'

The actress talks about her career — and her role in the new Masterpiece TV series.Web Extra:Book Excerpt, Clips from 'Cranford'


Performing Arts

Enter New Playwrights, Stage Left, in Denver

April 19, 2008 · Three years ago, Kent Thompson became the artistic director of the Denver Center Theatre Company. Under his leadership, the company has become one of a handful of regional theaters around the country committed to developing new work.


Helen Hunt, Throwing Herself into Her Latest Role

April 18, 2008 · She's been acting for nearly 40 years; now she's taking a stab at directing, producing and writing. And she's doing all that — as well as acting — in one film: Then She Found Me. She tells NPR why.


A Conversation with the Dalai Lama

April 14, 2008 · In an NPR interview, the Dalai Lama renewed his call for "meaningful" autonomy for Tibet within China and said China, "whether intentionally or unintentionally," is carrying out "cultural genocide" in Tibet.



World Bank Chief: Biofuels Boosting Food Prices

April 11, 2008 · Demand for ethanol and other biofuels is a "significant contributor" to soaring food prices around the world, World Bank President Robert Zoellick says. Droughts, financial market speculators and increased demand for food have also helped create "a perfect storm" that has boosted those prices, he says.


Clinton Rejects Petraeus' Call to Slow Troop Pullout

April 8, 2008 · As Gen. David Petraeus answered questions from a Senate panel about the status of the war in Iraq, Sen. Hillary Clinton suggested it's time "to begin an orderly process of withdrawing troops." The Democratic presidential hopeful discusses her approach to Iraq and her push to woo superdelegates with Michele Norris.


Film Documents Rape of Women in Congo

April 8, 2008 · Documentary filmmaker Lisa Jackson traveled to the Congo in 2006 to investigate the systematic rape of tens of thousands of women. She discusses her film, The Greatest Silence, which debuts Tuesday on HBO.



Boeing Official: Air Force Manipulated Tanker Deal

April 4, 2008 · When the Air Force picked Northrop Grumman and its European partner over Boeing to build refueling planes, controversy erupted. Now Boeing is trying to get the contract overturned. Mark McGraw, vice president of Boeing's tanker programs, says the Air Force manipulated the cost data in the bidding process.



Northrop Grumman CEO Defends Air Force Deal

April 1, 2008 · The Air Force awarded one of its largest-ever contracts in February to Northrop Grumman and its European partner, EADS. Then controversy erupted. Now Boeing is trying to get the Government Accountability Office to overturn the contract. Northrop's CEO says Boeing's complaints are unfounded.



'Pretty' Chronicles Drastic Steps to Prevent Cancer

April 1, 2008 · Jessica Queller was a young writer working on a hit TV show in Los Angeles when her beautiful, vibrant mother died — of ovarian cancer. After Queller tested positive for the breast cancer gene mutation, she had a prophylactic double mastectomy — and chronicled her experience in the book Pretty Is What Changes.


Pelosi on the Democratic Race, China and Tibet

April 1, 2008 · Superdelegates shouldn't decide the Democratic presidential nomination if it means overturning "the votes of the people," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says. Separately, she says a boycott of the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics should be considered in protest of China's crackdown on Tibet.


Plan to Overhaul Financial Industry Outlined

March 31, 2008 · Treasury Department Undersecretary Robert Steel outlines how the Bush administration's proposal to overhaul government oversight of the financial industry would broaden the Federal Reserve's risk assessment role and define consumer protection goals.



Helen Mirren Traces Her Regal Russian Roots

March 31, 2008 · Actress Helen Mirren has played countless royals — Cleopatra, Queen Charlotte, Queen Elizabeth I and II. It's no coincidence. Aristocracy is in the blood. Even the working class women in her family were "queenly," she says.Web Extra: Audio Slideshow: The Perfect Costume



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America Talks

The StoryCorps oral history project roves the country to collect stories.


Motley Fool Profiles

Interview: Dave Barry and His Money Secrets

You've read his columns. You've bought his books. But should you take his financial advice? David Gardner talks fun and finance with Pulitzer-winning columnist Dave Barry, author of Dave Barry's Money Secrets: Like -- Why Is There a Giant Eyeball on the Dollar?


Film Critic Leonard Maltin on the Oscar Biz


Roomba, Scooba and More: iRobot CEO Colin Angle


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