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GOP Leaders Critical of Housing Relief Legislation

The House takes up several bills Wednesday aimed at easing the mortgage foreclosure crisis. The main proposal would authorize billions of dollars in new loan guarantees to help struggling homeowners refinance their mortgages. The legislation has bipartisan support, but GOP leaders call it a bailout.


Women Trained for Post-Hurricane Construction Jobs

A program in southern Mississippi is training women to become construction workers.

Chrysler Aims to Lure Car Buyers with Cheap Gas

Chrysler has come up with a promotion it hopes will revive sales of trucks and SUVs.


Fannie Mae Reports Massive Loss in First Quarter

May 6, 2008 · Fannie Mae, the largest buyer of home loans, lost almost $2.2 billion in the first quarter of 2008. Mounting foreclosures took a toll on the government-sponsored lender. At the same time, the government is relying ever more on Fannie Mae to keep the mortgage market active and liquid.


Gambling Industry Suffering in Economic Downturn

May 6, 2008 · Gambling revenues have declined in Clark County, Nev., by 4 percent, the first drop in revenue since Sept. 11, 2001. Robert Goodman, former director of the U.S. Gambling Research Institute, talks with Michelle Noris about how the U.S economic slowdown is affecting many industries in Las Vegas, including gaming.


Condo Associations Feel Pinch of Housing Downturn

May 6, 2008 · In Florida, California and anywhere there are condominiums, rising numbers of owners are delinquent on their dues. Making the problem worse is that even after banks foreclose, they often don't pay association fees — leaving many condo associations in desperate circumstances.


In Charlotte, Home Prices Still Rising

May 6, 2008 · Charlotte, North Carolina is one of the few major cities with rising real estate values this year. Dan Cottingham, co-founder of the Cottingham Chalk real estate company, discusses why this is.


Web Site Pays for People's Modest Needs

May 6, 2008 · Keith Taylor started ModestNeeds.org to help people with small, immediate needs and prevent a single overdue gas bill, for example, from leading to financial ruin. The foundation provides $100,000 dollars a month to help regular people stay afloat.



Sonoma Restaurants Seek Creative Fixes for Woes

May 5, 2008 · Rising food prices and the sagging economy are a double whammy for restaurants in California's Sonoma County. In a place that sets the pace for fine cuisine, restaurant owners are under pressure to get creative as they face soaring costs and fewer diners.


The Color of Money By Michelle Singletary

How to Stay on Top after Graduation

May 6, 2008 · This spring, millions of college students are joining a workforce battered by a bad economy. Resist the urge to buy a new wardrobe and car, says our personal finance contributor.



Woman: Countrywide Proposed Fibbing to Get Loan

May 6, 2008 · Countrywide, the nation's largest home lender, used to specialize in the kind of risky loans that have gone sour in huge numbers recently. Countrywide and other lenders say they have cleaned up their act. But one homeowner says she was recently given the hard sell by a Countrywide loan officer who appeared to be breaking rules.


Casino's Bankruptcy Signals Gambling Boom's Bust

May 6, 2008 · Casino operator Tropicana Entertainment has filed for bankruptcy protection. And there are signs the economic downturn is spreading to the gambling industry.


Why Bad News Boosts Market and Good News Hurts

May 6, 2008 · Expectations have the power to move the stock markets. Host Steve Inskeep talks to David Wessel, economics editor of the Wall Street Journal, about the psychology of expectations on Wall Street.


Bernanke Urges Government, Lenders to Do More

May 6, 2008 · The Federal Reserve chairman has urged mortgage lenders and the government to do more to prevent foreclosures. Ben Bernanke's comments Monday night come as home foreclosures continue to spread. His views differ from that of the Bush administration, which wants only the industry to deal with the problem.



Taco Truck Battle Heats Up in Los Angeles

May 5, 2008 · The trucks have long been a favorite spot for cheap Mexican food in Los Angeles. But a new law goes into effect next week in Los Angeles County that truck owners say could drive them out of business.


View from the Fed

Economic Woes Test Bernanke's Leadership

The Federal Reserve chairman has made some bold moves but has been criticized for acting too late.



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'Marketplace' Report: Cashing in on Britney

For a number of media outlets and businesses, Spear's saga translates into money.


'Marketplace' Report: Stocks Drop Again

Are lawmakers doing everything they should to address the matter?


'Marketplace' Report: College Tuition Jumps

The country's wealthiest universities are raising tuition faster than the rate of inflation.


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