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Sen. Barack Obama delivers his victory speech following the North Carolina primary.

AFP/Getty Images

Obama Wins N. Carolina; Clinton Takes Indiana

Sen. Barack Obama took a decisive victory in North Carolina's Democratic primary Tuesday. In Indiana, Sen. Hillary Clinton won with a narrow lead. With a total of 187 delegates, the two states were the biggest prizes left in the nomination fight.


Special Counsel Case May Extend Far Beyond Bloch

Subpoenas sought information on subjects including a 2004 investigation of Condoleezza Rice.

Democrats May Be at a Critical Turn in the Race

Barack Obama defied polls and expectations in both the North Carolina and Indiana primaries.


Election 2008

Special Primary Night Coverage

May 6, 2008 · Barack Obama has won the Democratic primary in North Carolina, NPR projects based on early returns and exit polls. It's the first large-state primary that Obama has won in nearly three months.



Chrysler Aims to Lure Car Buyers with Cheap Gas

May 7, 2008 · Chrysler has come up with a promotion it hopes will revive sales of trucks and SUVs. It is offering car buyers a chance to lock in a relatively cheap price for gasoline for three years.


Road-Trippers Confident They'll Set Record

May 7, 2008 · Three guys are driving across the country in an attempt to break a record for traveling through all 48 contiguous states. The current record is five days and seven hours. Adam Gatherum talks about this journey he is on with his two friends.



Women Trained for Post-Hurricane Construction Jobs

May 7, 2008 · A program in southern Mississippi is training women to become construction workers. The goal is to help them take advantage of the many rebuilding jobs available after hurricanes Katrina and Rita.


Mexican Smugglers Take to Sea to Cross into U.S.

May 7, 2008 · U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents in San Diego are seeing an increase in smuggling by sea. Improvements in border security on land have pushed immigrant and drug smugglers offshore. During the past few months, dozens of small boats have been found on the beaches near the border. Now federal agents are responding.


FBI Raids Office of Special Counsel

May 6, 2008 · FBI agents on Tuesday raided the Office of the Special Counsel, the agency that investigates whistleblower and discrimination complaints by federal employees. The FBI is examining allegations of political misconduct by agency employees.



Ohio's Attorney General Under Pressure to Resign

May 6, 2008 · Ohio's attorney general, Democrat Marc Dann, risks impeachment over a sexual harassment scandal in his office and an admitted affair. The state's governor, Ted Strickland, and other top state Democrats want Dann to step aside. Jo Ingles reports from Ohio Public Radio.



Fannie Mae Reports Massive Loss in First Quarter

May 6, 2008 · Fannie Mae, the largest buyer of home loans, lost almost $2.2 billion in the first quarter of 2008. Mounting foreclosures took a toll on the government-sponsored lender. At the same time, the government is relying ever more on Fannie Mae to keep the mortgage market active and liquid.



Gambling Industry Suffering in Economic Downturn

May 6, 2008 · Gambling revenues have declined in Clark County, Nev., by 4 percent, the first drop in revenue since Sept. 11, 2001. Robert Goodman, former director of the U.S. Gambling Research Institute, talks with Michelle Noris about how the U.S economic slowdown is affecting many industries in Las Vegas, including gaming.



Condo Associations Feel Pinch of Housing Downturn

May 6, 2008 · In Florida, California and anywhere there are condominiums, rising numbers of owners are delinquent on their dues. Making the problem worse is that even after banks foreclose, they often don't pay association fees — leaving many condo associations in desperate circumstances.


City Center Could Change Character of Vegas Strip

May 6, 2008 · Las Vegas is changing again, trying to turn from a theme-park into a sophisticated metropolitan center. At $8 billion, City Center on the Strip is the most expensive private development in history. The development will include world-class casinos, hotels, condos, apartments, retail and restaurants.


FBI Raids Special Counsel Office, Seizes Records

May 6, 2008 · A multiyear investigation has led federal agents to search the Office of Special Counsel's building. Employees have alleged that the agency, which investigates whistleblower complaints, was misused for political purposes. The FBI secured a separate subpoena for the agency chief's home, but no one has officially been charged with a crime.


Political Junkie

The Democrats' Fight to the Finish

The Democrats' Fight to the Finish


Snapshots of America

Legal Affairs

States React to Court's Lethal Injection Ruling

The decision means executions can go forward, but whether they will varies from state to state.

Pope Benedict XVI Visits the U.S.

Clergy Abuse Victims Meet with Pope

Two victims told NPR what they discussed and the changes they want to see in the church.

The Gulf Coast's Everyday Heroes

Trust Guides Bank's New Orleans Rebuilding Effort

Bank chief Alden McDonald has taken unorthodox steps to care for customers.

Innovative Trends in High School

Public Schools Expand Curriculum Online

A growing number of small schools are turning to online programs to offer additional courses.

The Toll of War

U.S. and Iraq Fatalities

Chart military and civilian deaths in Iraq and hear key moments from the war.


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