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 open Method
open Method

Assigns method, destination URL, and other optional attributes of a pending request.


XMLHttpRequest.open(sMethod, sUrl [, bAsync] [, sUser] [, sPassword])


sMethod Required. String that specifies the HTTP method used to open the connection: such as GET, POST, or HEAD. This parameter is not case-sensitive.
sUrl Required. String that specifies either the absolute or a relative URL of the XML data or server-side XML Web services.
bAsync Optional. Variant that specifies true for asynchronous operation (the call returns immediately), or false for synchronous operation. If true, assign a callback handler to the onreadystatechange property to determine when the call has completed. If not specified, the default is true.
Performance Note   When bAsync is set to false, send operations are synchronous, and Windows Internet Explorer does not accept input or produce output while send operations are in progress. Therefore, this setting should not be used in situations where it is possible for a user to be waiting on the send operation to complete.
sUser Optional. Variant that specifies the name of the user for authentication. If this parameter is null ("") or missing and the site requires authentication, the component displays a logon window.
sPassword Optional. Variant that specifies the password for authentication. This parameter is ignored if the user parameter is null ("") or missing.

Return Value

No return value.


open was introduced in Internet Explorer 7.

The following HTTP verbs and World Wide Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) methods World Wide Web link are supported:

Verb / MethodDefined In HTTP (RFC-2616) World Wide Web linkDefined In WebDAV (RFC-2518) World Wide Web linkFunction
GETHTTP World Wide Web linkWebDAV World Wide Web linkRequest URI
POSTHTTP World Wide Web linkWebDAV World Wide Web linkSend data to server
HEADHTTP World Wide Web linkWebDAV World Wide Web linkRequest URI without body
PUTHTTP World Wide Web linkWebDAV World Wide Web linkStore data for URI
DELETEHTTP World Wide Web linkWebDAV World Wide Web linkDelete data for URI
MOVEWebDAV World Wide Web linkMove URI to to new location
PROPFINDWebDAV World Wide Web linkRequest URI Properties
PROPPATCHWebDAV World Wide Web linkUpdate or Delete URI Properties
MKCOLWebDAV World Wide Web linkCreate collection at URI
COPYWebDAV World Wide Web linkCreate copy of URI
LOCKWebDAV World Wide Web linkCreate Lock
UNLOCKWebDAV World Wide Web linkRemove Lock
OPTIONSHTTP World Wide Web linkWebDAV World Wide Web linkRequest URI Options

Internet Explorer caches the results of HTTP GET requests in the Temporary Internet Files (TIF) folder. In most cases, caching improves performance for data that will not change frequently. To guarantee that the results are not cached, use POST.

security note Security Alert   Cross-domain, cross-port, and mixed protocol requests are not allowed. The sUrl parameter may only specify files in the same domain, using the same port and protocol method, as that from which the page is served.

Although this method accepts credentials passed via parameter, those credentials are not automatically sent to the server on the first request. The sUser and sPassword parameters are not transmitted unless the server challenges the client for credentials with a 401 - Access Denied response.

After calling this method, use send to send the request and data, if any, to the server.

Standards Information

This method is defined in The XMLHttpRequest Object (W3C Working Draft) World Wide Web link.

Applies To


See Also

abort, onreadystatechange, Communicating XML Data over the Web with WebDAV World Wide Web link
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Misleading secuity note      EricLaw   |   Edit   |  
The security note in this article incorrectly implies that the target of the XMLHTTPRequest object must be XML. This is not correct.
More about security      StijnSanders   |   Edit   |  
Ontop of the check the security makes note of, XML from any other source than 'http' and 'https' URL's, won't get parsed. (Which is requires a work-around when developing an Asynchronous Pluggable Protocol: an IInternetProtocol implementation)
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