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Pregnant celebrities get @#$%ed!

Jack Marx

Friday, April 11, 2008 at 10:16am

It was Demi Moore who started it back in 1991. Before then, getting pregnant was seen as something of a temporary disaster for an entertainer’s career, all photo shoots, promotion capers and public arsery put on hold while real life, quite literally, became too important for the nonsense of showbiz. Today, scoring oneself a “baby bump” is like releasing a new CD, with celebrities lining up to expose their bulging tummies to the masses, their spherical guts accompanied by leers that seem to say: “Look, everybody! I’ve been @#$%ed!”. It’s the big dick competition of the 21st century, and it’s time this childsplay was terminated.

My own wife, as I write this, is near 8-months pregnant and, to me, she’s lovely, because she’s my wife, and that’s my baby. But I never stop wondering how it was that the most sophisticated mammals on the planet doomed themselves to such a clumsy, inconvenient method of reproductive gestation. The chicken, arguably the dumbest creature in the universe, drops an egg and goes about its business. But that pregnancy were an egg getting fat in the corner of the room...how the hell did we mess that up?

As I say, the shape of my wife is a source of some pleasure to me at the moment, because of what it means. To me. But, to be perfectly honest, I’d be very disappointed if it somehow came to pass that she were to remain that way once the baby was born, forever casting a silhouette like she’d eaten a pear from The Land of the Giants. Frankly, she looks a little funny right now, and I prefer how she looked before.

So I find it hard to empathise with those - and the magazines are full of them - who spot a pregnant women and immediately declare her “gorgeous”. Is it the actual shape that’s turning them on? If so, why aren’t the covers of our magazines graced with globe-gutted virgins all year round? I’m sure there’s plenty of them about.

Presumably, it’s not the shape alone that’s beautiful – nobody really believes that. It’s what the shape represents; new life. That’s the thing that’s adorable. The miracle of it. The love that made it. The innocent babe that’ll sprout from it. Well, call me a glass-half-empty sort of guy, but when I see a bulbous belly, the future I spy ain’t all Anne Geddes.

I see potential creeps and prospect hooligans, the same bitches and bastards who infect things today. I see scammers and spammers, stalkers and gangsters, wankers with 40 investment properties and neighbours who have the cops on speed dial. Religious fundamentalists who will not rest until you and I are baptised in their stupid juices. Roadblock activists who’d rather perform than let you or I get to the hospital on time. Educated morons who think plants are evil. Murderers, hucksters, bad movie directors, telemarketers and cricketers who are rude to waitresses. That belly may well be an orb of lovely, or a volcano of misery waiting to blow.

If we were to find an old Woman’s Day with a naked and pregnant Carleen Bryant on the cover, with “GORGEOUS!” in 72-point type, would we not wince at an editorial decision so laughably at odds with the horrible truth? Of course we would. Such is the gamble of pregnancy. Giggles and bubbles and, sometimes, filth, are the dividends of those frenzied bangs in the night.

And, yes, entertainers are always a possibility, particularly when the mums are ‘artistes’ themselves. What future lies ahead for the child of one who will use her foetus as a ticket to page one, as a behind-the-scenes prop in a photo op? I’d say there’s a fair bet the umbilical cord is pumping pure hubris to a future spoilt mongrel.

As the feminist said to the macho wanker: “Put it away.”

Some of us have had a gutful.

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Ah, Jack, thank you so very, very, very f**king much! I’ve been waiting for someone to say that for such a long, long, long time now. At last. Thank Christ, at last.

I would so like to find the f**kwit that came up with the term “baby bump” and bump a baseball bat so far up their anus their eyeballs would pop out of their pointy, pointy heads and score a home run.

Good luck to your wife over the next month, and a beer or five for you, Jack Marx. By gum, that was something that so needed to be said. You f**king ripper.

Ross Sharp of Brisbane (Reply)
Fri 11 Apr 08 (11:06am)
harlequin replied to Ross Sharp
Fri 11 Apr 08 (04:28pm)

Ah Ross, that bit with the baseball bat ands the home run - pure gold mate.  I’m stealing that one.

Jack Marx

Funny, Ross - you’ll never believe this, but I thought of you as I was writing it, and I haven’t a clue why. Perhaps we’ve discussed it in the past - dunno. In any case, thank you, and glad to be of service. 

Jack Marx
Fri 11 Apr 08 (11:17am)

What a great show The Land of the Giants was.

Fwenkay of Newcastle (Reply)
Fri 11 Apr 08 (11:28am)
Fwenkay replied to Fwenkay
Fri 11 Apr 08 (11:50am)

Hmmm...It at least seems to be where Branson got one of his ideas.

I ask you, Fwenkay: Would you, in your right mind, board an outer-space aircraft called “The Spindrift”? Those little people were fools who deserved to be squashed by huge boogers. - Jack

Fwenkay replied to Fwenkay
Fri 11 Apr 08 (01:41pm)

I hear you Jack. I’d be much more comfortable with the idea of climbing aboard the Virgin Galactic.

Jack Marx

But were they really “giants”, or were the “little people” just very small? Interesting question…

Jack Marx
Fri 11 Apr 08 (11:31am)

For those persons that find attraction in the site of a lady with a swollen belly, may I suggest seeking out vintage copies of National Geograghic that focus on tribal Africa. There you will find not only women but children and even men with the same type of bloated abdomen. This is oddly enough, mostly due to parasitic worm disease.
Maybe a dose of Combantrin will quickly rid Angelina Jolie of her supposed baby bump. I hear she visits Africa regularly.

Hunter gatherer of Sydney (Reply)
Fri 11 Apr 08 (11:48am)

How ironic (spooky even) to discuss pregnancies and “The Land of the Giants” in the one breathe.

From the imdb website...(Heather Young) “was pregnant during much of the second season of “Land of the Giants” (1968) and had to either be filmed mostly from the waist up or was written out of several episodes altogether”.

How times (have been made to) change!

ILR of Adelaide (Reply)
Fri 11 Apr 08 (11:53am)
ILR replied to ILR
Fri 11 Apr 08 (04:28pm)

Probably just use some oversized novelty barbeque tongs.

Jack Marx

I wonder were there ever any huge forceps on Land of the Giants?  I know they had big pencils and stuff, but I don’t believe I ever saw any massive obstetrics apparatus. Strange…

Jack Marx
Fri 11 Apr 08 (12:14pm)

Unfortunately, these self-centred celebrity twits, being oblivious to everything around them, believe that procreating is something new that they have invented.

Why don’t to try and get an exclusive with New Ideas for your child’s impending birth.  They seem to have plenty of dosh.

Bill in KL (Reply)
Fri 11 Apr 08 (12:08pm)

And yet the beer belly, as much the result of good times and fond memories as the baby bump, is abhorred by todays fashion elite. I’m sick of the discrimination.

el mariachi (Reply)
Fri 11 Apr 08 (12:21pm)
Gordon Rouse replied to el mariachi
Fri 11 Apr 08 (07:53pm)

A comment as funny as that deserves some recognition - well done!

At least they make a change from the arrest photos.

Pregnant = racy photos of Mum only.

Post natal = Hallmark photos of Mum and Dad gazing lovingly and responsibly at serenely peaceful child.

Conclusion : Dad’s out frantically banging pole dancers all throught the last trimester.

SC (Reply)
Fri 11 Apr 08 (12:42pm)

Strangely, it was only after I became a dad that I suddenly started finding young mothers pushing prams along the street as sexy.

I can’t work out whether it’s because I’m suddenly in that market, or because there’s some gene that’s suddenly switched on when you become a parent that screams “now go and father some more...with someone else”.

(I should add these are only thoughts and impulses, I’m not acting on any of them wink )

Clem of Stanmore (Reply)
Fri 11 Apr 08 (12:45pm)
Clem replied to Clem
Fri 11 Apr 08 (02:22pm)

I was talking about ‘young mothers pushing prams’, not pregnant women, or are you having a lend of me?

My apologies, Clem - I foolishly imagined pregnant mothers pushing empty prams, which in fact is not likely. The question now is: If they’re not pregnant, why not get with the evolutionary program, follow you instincts and pitch a little woo? Nothing bad about it. - Jack

Clem replied to Clem
Fri 11 Apr 08 (10:04pm)

Interesting advice, Jack, but I don’t think the missus will be too pleased. I’ll leave the philandering to the people who do it best: celebs.

Jack Marx

I suppose the reason you’re not acting on those impulses is because, deep down, Clem, you know that attempting to father a child with an already impregnated female would be a little bit silly...and perhaps suicidal.

Jack Marx
Fri 11 Apr 08 (12:51pm)

Please don’t destroy my illusions. I want to be able to pretend that pregnant celebrity stories are good news stories.

No way are chickens the dumbest creatures in the universe. Please see Darwin awards for proof.

My theory is that the inconvenience of childbirth is responsible for the rise of human civilisation ... ‘No, honey, I’m not going to drop another one on the way to the summer hunting grounds, I’m staying put and you’re gonna be a farmer’.

Soap (Reply)
Fri 11 Apr 08 (12:52pm)
Jack Marx

So, in a more direct way than originally thought, rumpo is responsible for agriculture. Plowing, fertilising, growing....it’s all falling into place! 

Jack Marx
Fri 11 Apr 08 (12:58pm)

You’d think differently if men could get pregnant.

Best for the forthcoming sprog.

colourNOmovement (Reply)
Fri 11 Apr 08 (12:58pm)
Smokey replied to colourNOmovement
Fri 11 Apr 08 (02:14pm)

That’s evil, cNm!!!!

Ross Sharp replied to colourNOmovement
Fri 11 Apr 08 (02:46pm)

My eyes!! My eyes!!

Sten replied to colourNOmovement
Fri 11 Apr 08 (03:28pm)

Ay! No es bueno!

Brilliant as usual, but quite disturbing.

Hel replied to colourNOmovement
Fri 11 Apr 08 (04:26pm)

I think I’m going to be ill…

Me too...though it’s probably just morning sickness. - Jack

harlequin replied to colourNOmovement
Fri 11 Apr 08 (04:32pm)

Ah, the keys are all blurry, I’m crying with laughter.

Jack Marx

Strike me Roman! 

Jack Marx
Fri 11 Apr 08 (01:00pm)

Ahh but anyone can do it Jack. You too could be a celeb bumper if you emulate that dickwit thats taken up ALL the front pages. Why ,hes a this bloke and to be truthfull in a sleezy way I wonder if he has 2pissholes too. i get a sore arse just thinking about it.This will beat the cake for sure, Birth pics,first tooth,Bath,schoolday. ETC right up to its confused later life.A true media magnet

bushrat (Reply)
Fri 11 Apr 08 (01:00pm)

I don’t mind people knowing i’ve got STD’s, it means they know i’ve had sex.

Ron of Blakiston (Reply)
Fri 11 Apr 08 (01:26pm)

Scary to think it only took two years for Britney to be pregnant to looking pregnant all the time.

Jj (Reply)
Fri 11 Apr 08 (01:46pm)

I’m just fed up with celebrities, full stop. The fact that they’re breeding is depressing and the fact that they’re milking(!) this fact for even more $$$ is even more depressing. The only bright spot is that I know they have the nausea, mastitis, etc etc like everyone else.

The thought I have when I see photos or mentions of some celebrities is not of the miracle of conception, pregnancy and childbirth but the miracle of abortion and how it would be even a more satisfying miracle if it could be applied retrospectively simply by wishing it.

Roger That (Reply)
Fri 11 Apr 08 (01:57pm)
Jack Marx

A bit dark, Roger, but I like it. 

Jack Marx
Fri 11 Apr 08 (02:00pm)

Studies show that 92.85% of kids who grow up with limited parental affection turn out to be completely self-obsessed wankers or local council aldermen. No, really. The cost to society is horrendous.

There’s also the argument of whether pure evil can be born, rather than as a result of poor parental skills. I don’t know what Carleen Bryant was like as a Mum but I tend to think there was nothing she could have done. Except maybe smother him at birth.

All the best Jack. My wife was as horny as hell with our first (a girl) but there was no action for months with the second (boy). If you didn’t get any action with this one (and you haven’t found out what sex it is), I’d be putting my money on a brother for young Declan.

Ad (Reply)
Fri 11 Apr 08 (01:59pm)
Ad replied to Ad
Fri 11 Apr 08 (02:15pm)

Excellent. A little princess Marx. I don’t know what the Chinese have against girls, they’re so less rowdy and not prone to break so much stuff.

harlequin replied to Ad
Fri 11 Apr 08 (04:35pm)

girls, they’re so less rowdy and not prone to break so much stuff.

Then they become teenagers.  Don’t fret though, most of them rejoin the human race at about twenty four or twenty five. Thirty and still counting in the case of my third daughter.

Jack Marx

You lose. 

Jack Marx
Fri 11 Apr 08 (02:02pm)

You were in fine form with this one Jack.

I think the whole celebrity expose the body thing is cause of the whole generation of entertainers who seem to think that it’s nothing ever happened to anyone before them.

Luke (Reply)
Fri 11 Apr 08 (02:16pm)

Congrats on the impending arrival, Jack.  I look forward to a blog about his/her first haircut!

Poor Declan...I hope he never read that!

Smokey (Reply)
Fri 11 Apr 08 (02:17pm)
SC replied to Smokey
Fri 11 Apr 08 (03:42pm)

Do you yell out “All hands on deck” while you’re doing that ?

It would probably lighten the moment a bit.

bushrat replied to Smokey
Fri 11 Apr 08 (04:02pm)

And Hat.

Jack Marx

He actually surprised me recently with his recollection of that event. Mostly, he recalled his own outrage at me throwing away his Ninja Turtles, but then he added: “And then you put it up on your dumb blog!” It nearly earned him another thrashing for impugning the quality of his father’s work. 

Jack Marx
Fri 11 Apr 08 (02:40pm)

The obsession with pregnant celebrities is simple to explain. A large portion of the population loves celebrities, for what they believe their lives are like - glamorous, excessive blah blah - even if it isn’t necessarily all that true. But there’s nothing more brilliant for these admirers, mostly women, to see their glamorous celebrity is the purest of state. Every pregnant woman is a pregnant woman. If your wife goes to the movies, she may wear a nice dress you bought her, or she bought for herself with your money. If J-Lo, Lindsay Lo or Brit Ho go to a movie, it’s in an outfit worth thousands compiled by a team of stylists and pored over by the media. But when these celebs are pregnant, they are pregnant. When they give birth it will be cut out of their stomach or unceremoniously squeezed out of a hole that doesn’t seem like it would fit a human. Nothing separates them in that scenario. It’s ironic but makes perfect sense.

Mick of Epping (Reply)
Fri 11 Apr 08 (02:34pm)

I hate to tell you buddy but it’s unlikely your wifes body will return to exactly the same shape it was.  Having a full grown baby in your body does do some wear and tear (not to mention stretching).

Jess (Reply)
Fri 11 Apr 08 (02:52pm)
bushrat replied to Jess
Fri 11 Apr 08 (03:38pm)

Wear and tear can be sorted. Running, Bike riding,Dectathlons, triathlons,body building Etc. right up to a point where you find yourself banging a steel man trap.As for the stretching couple of EXTRA stiches does the trick.

Jane replied to Jess
Sat 12 Apr 08 (10:49am)

Have you noticed it’s only the bellies that don’t look like a Shell Road Map that go on display.

My husband used to play cars on my road map when I was preggers.  shut eye

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Jack Marx

Jack Marx

Jack Marx rummages around in the world of current and not-so current affairs, matters of import and ideas of no importance whatsoever, strange thoughts, fringe theories and utterances commonly left unuttered.


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