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Italian mafia laundering cocaine money Down Under

By Mark Schliebs

April 11, 2008 11:44am

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THE Australian arm of the Italian mafia, thought to have been in decline 10 years ago, has resurfaced as a key player in a $38 billion cocaine trafficking operation.

Italian authorities say the Calabrian mafia in Australia has been instrumental in creating a “real criminal network”, transporting drugs globally from South America and laundering the proceeds through sophisticated banking schemes.

The allegations are contained in a report to the Italian Parliament by the Anti-Mafia Commission which details the results of a four-year investigation and challenges the view of Australian authorities that mafia operations here had declined by the 1990s.

Click here to download the report (.PDF, 2944kb)

The resurgent crime network has little central control, however, with the criminals operating franchise operations “like a fast-food chain”, the report says.

The Italian report names several “families” established here - including the Sergi, Barbaro, Perre and Papalia clans - as being part of the secretive Italian ‘Ndrangheta crime group.

“The network was formed by the criminals in southern Italy, with import-export duties granting the drugs to Australia (where the clan had another base),” the report says.

“They used to make holes in marble bricks to conceal the transportation of hundreds of kilograms of cocaine.

“Part of the recycling (money laundering) happened in Australia using a sophisticated method, with specialists able to take care of bank movements needed for transferring the money.”

The ‘Ndrangheta - also known as L’Onorata Societa or Honoured Society – became notorious in Australia in the 1970s when anti-drugs campaigner Donald Mackay was gunned down in a hotel car park in rural NSW sparking a royal commission into drug trafficking.

The Commission report says ‘Ndrangheta members first came to Australia in the 1930s and today the group provides an effectively franchised structure and culture in its global operations.

“It (‘ndrangheta) offers the same, recognisable brand and identical criminal product all over the world,” the Italian report says.

The group has developed “like al-Qaeda with a similar tentacular structure”, without a centralised leadership, with Australian cells linked to those in Italy, Spain, Venezuela and Colombia and forming a global trafficking network.

The most recent Australian report on the Calabrian mafia was published almost 13 years ago.

This week the Australian Crime Commission said it stood by a 1995 report by its predecessor – the National Crime Authority (NCA) - which suggested the mafia’s activities in Australia were in decline.

Former NCA chairman John Broome, an expert on trans-national financial crime, said there were reports the mafia was regrouping in Australia, and saying Italian organised crime groups were laundering money here was “like saying the sun rises in the east”.

“I have certainly seen references in more recent times to a ‘resurgence’ of Italian (organised) crime,” Professor Broome said.

“I would certainly believe that anybody involved in serious crime in Australia needs to launder that money… and I’ve certainly seen some references to Italians being involved in that sort of process.”

Professor Broome said the 1995 report changed the belief held by authorities about “the Italians” being a highly organised and structured unit.

“The main message that came out of all that was, in so far as there were Italians involved in criminal activity in Australia, the picture was very different than that painted by the American law enforcement’s experience.

“It was not the ‘crime family’ situation as it was in other places.”

He said following the NCA report’s release, authorities viewed crime figures as individual entrepreneurs and not being members of a hierarchy.

Italian authorities have previously said Colombian drug cartels almost “exclusively” sell their product to the Calabrian mafia because they trusted members more than those from other organisations.

They have also said the ‘Ndrangheta had a monopoly on the European cocaine trade and claimed the organisation had an estimated annual turnover of nearly 36 billion Euros ($61 billion).

The cocaine trafficking network is believed to be worth $38 billion.

It was also revealed this week that the Italian mafia had joined forces with Dutch and Chinese to flood Australia with ecstasy with the Italian’s extensive network of contacts used to keep the smuggling secret.


Report of the Anti-Mafia Commission
Wikipedia: 'Ndrangheta
BBC: The shooting that shocked Europe is not responsible for the content of external sites.

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Mafia report
Exposed ... the cover of the Italian report and, inset, one of the references to 'sophisticated mechanisms' used in Australia.

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Over a decade of Mr Howard getting tough on ordinary citizens who were licensed gun owners; slamming refugees as terrorists; and and playing fast and loose with our freedom and democracy, we find that the mafia has been able to re-establish itself in Australia. This just goes to show what utter frauds politicians are and how foolish the community is to go along with politicians who seek to limit our freedom for our own 'safety'. What state governments should do now is to immediately release the hundreds of police who are desk bound checking law-abiding citizens as a result of Mr Howard's failed gun laws and return them to where they are best employed - chasing criminals. Shame, Mr Howard shame.

Posted by: Jocelyn 4:01pm today

"" Is there an on-line ordering service?"" HAHAHAHAHA, funniest post I've read today...Classic!

Posted by: Classified of Lawnton 3:52pm today

GUYS! More prohibition and more drug users in jail will stop this mayhem! The stupidity of people in government and their "war on drugs" astounds anyone that has half a clue. They should just rename it to what it really is, "profit for violent criminals". Zero tolerance on the users is huge political joke when you see things like "UN Cant explain lower pot usage in a country where its legal"

Posted by: Clued.up of Brisbane 3:48pm today

The best way to stop these professional criminals? Legalise drugs! If you stand for making drugs illegal - you are a dealer's biggest friend!

Posted by: Josh 3:48pm today

A " investigation reveals..." ? Give me a break. The investigation seems to have involved someone google searching "cocaine mafia australia" and then clicking on the first result. The "click here to download report" link is useful though, if you happen to speak Italian.

Posted by: Bruce of Sydney 3:45pm today
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