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Stalking the next big thing

Nest Egg /Steve Woods

DON'T just sit on your money waiting for the share market to bounce back - the next big thing could be just around the corner.

Borrowers refinance as rates start to bite

House on paperwork /Roland Maier

HOME loan activity jumped unexpectedly in January, as borrowers juggled their finances to cope with rising interest rates.

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Mortgage stress hits rich

Foreclosure sign /AP

MORE than 700,000 households will come under some mortgage stress by June, with financial grief also hitting higher income families.

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Loan sharks cop caning

Debt stress /Steve Woods

GREEDY finance brokers are hitting vulnerable households with massive fees and charges more than 20 times the industry standard.

Riding out the share market rollercoaster

Rollercoaster /File

THE majority of Australian retirees and baby boomers are likely to have less retirement savings than their children will.


High price of an empty nest

Empty nest /Supplied

PARENTS desperate to untie the apron strings are increasingly agreeing to family equity loans as a polite way of saying goodbye.


Investors dump shares to pay off debts

Scrabble tiles /Steve Woods

CONFIDENCE in the share market has slumped to near all-time lows, with consumers opting to pay down debt rather than buy stocks.


Premiums to rise if bad weather persists

Storm clouds /Barnes Kelly

INSURANCE premiums may have to rise if insurers decide a spate of recent storms signal a permanent change in weather patterns.


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Money Guides & Tools

Save for set goals

SOME simple savings tips to get you to your goals.

Buying a property

GET your foot on the property ladder.

Choose a credit card

CHOOSE a credit card that suits your lifestyle.

How to choose an account

BANK accounts are not one size fits all.

Budget planner

CALCULATE your financial position.

Repayment calculator

WORK out your interest and principal payments

Money Tool: Currency Converter


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See the Markets

Up to date information on the ASX, FTSE, Nikkei and Dow Jones markets.

Network Feature

Insider's guide to New South Wales

Business News

BusinessMore Business News

Inflation sparks rate hike talk

A FURTHER rise in official interest rates is on the cards after RBA boss Glenn Stevens predicted annualised inflation will hit 4 per cent.

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