FORMER Miss Universe Australia Erin McNaught has been caught in a controversy, accusing winemakers Cockatoo Ridge of misleading her about their saucy ad campaign. "/>   »   [go: up one dir, main page] Network |
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The Courier-Mail

Model Erin McNaught whines over ad cock-up

From QConfidential April 10, 2008 02:05am

Rude shock ... Erin McNaught miffed over saucy ad campaign

Rude shock ... Erin McNaught miffed over saucy ad campaign

FORMER Miss Universe Australia Erin McNaught has been caught in a controversy, accusing winemakers Cockatoo Ridge of misleading her about their saucy ad campaign.

McNaught is the star of the wine company's provocative new billboards, which include some cheeky double entendre's - none more so than the one that reads "She Loves A Cockatoo".

The billboards are on display in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide and Cockatoo Ridge managing director Peter Perrin says Erin signed off on the campaign.

But the leggy Sydneysider disagreed, telling QConfidential yesterday that she didn't know the slogans would be so, er, suggestive.

"I wasn't thrilled with what that line was implying," Erin said.

She said the company emailed the slogans to her for approval, but it was while she was moving to Melbourne to be in Neighbours and she didn't see them in her inbox until later.

"When I saw the slogan, I tried to stop them using that one but they said it was too late and they were already being printed. It was pretty disappointing," she said.

Other Cockatoo Ridge billboards display McNaught with slogans "Who's a cheeky girl then" and "McNaughty but nice".

"I didn't have a problem with the other two because they are in good fun," she said.

"But that one was a bit rude."

The controversy has helped Cockatoo Ridge, with Perrin saying sales are up since the campaign began.

"And part of the campaign includes cardboard cut-outs of Erin in bottle shops," Perrin said. "It must be working because the cut-outs have actually been disappearing."


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Latest Comment:

Elijae of Sorrento writes:

Another 'wannabe' Australian celebrity!! Grow up girl. It is a tough world out there and because you make your living this way smile and take your money. Stop whinging and being precious about it. You have got the extra publicity you were after so move on.

Posted at 4:39pm today

counterpoint of Williamstown writes:

Cool, keep these ads coming, certainly got my attention. lighten up people

Posted at 4:25pm today

Macca writes:

Typical behaviour from an advertising company... what more do you expect? They are lowlifes. Not funny, and we should protest by not buying the product. The company should be pulling them into line over this. What do Cockatoo Ridge have to say?

Posted at 3:04pm today

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