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Thu Sep 18, 2008

Sarah Palin's Email Account Hacked


Palin's yahoo email account which she used for personal and professional correspondences was hacked. Screen shots of the emails were published on gawker.com. The secret service and the FBI have forged a joint effort to identify the hackers.

Opinion Leaders...Sarah Palin has been under scrutiny and had her private life turn public since she became the vice presidential nominee. Has she been treated unfairly? As a very public person, is anything out of bounds?

Everyone has an Opinion we would like to here yours.

Posted by: KLC on Sep 18, 08 | 6:59 am | Profile

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Tue Sep 16, 2008

Lehman Brothers Bankcrupt

Another investment bank has gone under. The news of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac just hit. Now there are whispers of other companies in mortgages and insurance which are on there way out.
Opinion Leaders...With the collapse of Lehman Brothers and other major US institutions, how will the economy fare? Who will shoulder the burden, the taxpayers?
Everybody has opinions...we'd like to hear yours.

Posted by: KLC on Sep 16, 08 | 6:36 am | Profile

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Thu Sep 11, 2008

On the Seventh Anniversary of September 11th Are We Safer


A recent poll found that 52 percent Americans said that America is adequately prepared for another attack. This marks the first time since the invasion of Iraq in March of 2003 that most people felt safe.

Opinion Leaders...What do you think, are we safer since September 11th? What can we attribute that to?

Everybody has opinions...we'd like to hear yours.

Posted by: KLC on Sep 11, 08 | 7:50 am | Profile

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Tue Sep 09, 2008

Sarah Palin's Nomination Gives McCain's Campaign a Boost

Sarah Palin has closed a longstanding "enthusiasm gap." Voters are excited about her, and especially white women. As the election nears, Sarah will spend more time in the spotlight on the campaign trail, giving speeches and interviews.

Opinion Leaders...Will the GOP ticket be able to sustain the "lightning in a bottle" until election day? Is Sarah Palin exactly what the republican ticket needs to win, and can she be an effective vice president?

Everybody has opinions...we'd like to hear yours.

Posted by: KLC on Sep 09, 08 | 6:43 am | Profile

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Thu Sep 04, 2008

India to Start New Nuclear Program

India has been given the opportunity to begin using nuclear technology to meet their growing energy needs. Why is this newsworthy? Because they were given a waiver from the 45-nation Nuclear Suppliers Group, not requiring them to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Instead they will just be given the technology.

Opinion Leaders...Will this create a dangerous precedent? How will this waiver effect the dealings with other more hostile nuclear states?

Everybody has opinions...we'd like to hear yours.

Posted by: KLC on Sep 04, 08 | 7:22 am | Profile

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Wed Sep 03, 2008

John McCain and Sarah Palin are on the Republican Ticket

McCain has announced his choice for Vice President. Governor Palin has been the nominee for on a few days yet there has been controversy surrounding her already.
Has McCain's choice for running mate helped or hindered his chance at winning the white house this November?
Everybody has opinions...we'd like to hear yours.

Posted by: KLC on Sep 03, 08 | 7:25 am | Profile

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Thu Aug 28, 2008

President Bush Battles with Congress

Congress is demanding testimony from Bush’s top aids. While the President insists that congress does not have the right to force information from his top advisors. This landmark case has the potential to alter the power of President in the future.

Opinion Leaders…Should Bush’s advisors be forced to testify? Does Congress have the right and the authority to demand the information?

Everybody has opinions...we'd like to hear yours.

Posted by: KLC on Aug 28, 08 | 3:27 pm | Profile

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Tue Aug 26, 2008

Democratic Convention

People have flocked to Denver to catch the Democratic Convention. Many prominent politicians have already spoken with many more to come. The Democrats are talking, you are listening and we are sure you have something to say about it.

Opinion Leaders...what do you think about what the democrats are saying?

Everybody has opinions...we'd like to hear yours.

Posted by: KLC on Aug 26, 08 | 5:49 pm | Profile

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Fri Aug 22, 2008

Running Mates are About to Enter the Race Who Will the Candidates Choose?

The 2008 election will offer a chance to vote for John McCain or Barack Obama; but who will share their ticket? With November quickly approaching both candidates have yet to name their choice for vice president. The race is extremely close and picking the right running mate could determine the winner of the race. Obama is scheduled to name his choice Saturday.

Opinion Leaders...who will the candidates choose, who should they choose and why?

Everybody has opinions...we'd like to hear yours.

Posted by: KLC on Aug 22, 08 | 10:57 am | Profile

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Wed Aug 20, 2008

Will Changing the Drinking Age to 18 Save Lives?

image According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 1,700 college students die each year in alcohol-related deaths. Drinking is also linked to car accidents, sexual assaults and fraternity hazing. In an effort to curb the problem over 100 college presidents have united in an attempt to persuade lawmakers to lower the drinking age. College officials propose that the younger age will make drinking the choice of a responsible adult instead of a part of underground culture. MADD insists that the proposed law is an attempt to shift the responsibility of binge drinking related problems away from colleges.

Opinion leaders…should the drinking age be lowered? Will eighteen year olds drinking legally be able to make responsible choices? Will this measure limit fatalities related to alcohol abuse?

Everybody has opinions...we'd like to hear yours.

Posted by: KLC on Aug 20, 08 | 10:29 am | Profile

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