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Deepak Chopra & Family

Wednesday March 26, 2008

Category: Spirituality

One Prejudice, One Solution

An article in the Washington Post in response to the question: Which "ism" is more entrenched in America, sexism or racism? Which should religion address?
One Prejudice One Solution

Filed Under: Racism, Religion, Sexism

Tuesday March 25, 2008

Category: Human Rights

4000 (by Mallika Chopra)

4000 US soldiers dead. The number of Iraqi's - citizens, children - not even quantified. I challenge you to type the numbers... I almost gave up at 282, thinking this is a waste of time, then reminded myself that each one was an individual, with a family, who had dreams and aspirations. Who was 1483, 2567, 321, 3999? What was their story? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ...

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Monday March 24, 2008

Category: Consciousness

Non-Local Mind

Monday March 24, 2008

Category: Politics

The Bill Arrives for a Free War (by Deepak Chopra)

Watching the troubles of the economy, some observers don't want a bailout for either Wall St. or stressed homeowners who find themselves in over their heads. The phrase "moral hazard" is being tossed around as shorthand for "You took the risk, now take your lumps." It would seem that the ground is littered with moral hazards. The reckless borrowing by huge investment banks on a margin of 30 to 1 may turn out to be the greatest moral hazard since the Great Depression. Even the massive rise in gas prices with no end in sight is connected with reckless risk-taking by the Bush administration as they plunged into the maelstrom of the Middle East.

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Filed Under: Barack Obama, Iraq war, John McCain

Sunday March 23, 2008

Category: Vlog


Saturday March 22, 2008

Category: Spirituality

Resurrection Times Three

An article in the Washington Post by Deepak Chopra on the Resurrection

Thursday March 20, 2008

Category: Spirituality

Deepak Interview on Jesus, Consciousness and Spirituality

A Borders Books in-depth interview with Deepak Chopra followed by open question and answer period with the public. Borders interviews Deepak Chopra

Tuesday March 18, 2008

Category: Spirituality

Distinguishing Deity and Spirit (by Deepak Chopra)

Books like yours, Ken Wilber's and Joseph Campbell's all say, from differing perspectives: that the great river of wisdom called the perennial philosophy, is destined to somehow evolve into the "common sense" knowledge of all people willing to embrace such knowledge -- no matter what their faith. This seems to be our best hope for an ultimate solution to the continuing problem of "exclusivity" -- which, by all evidence, is always providing fresh fodder for religious

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Tuesday March 18, 2008

Category: Politics

Why Wright Versus Wrong Matters

An article by Deepak Chopra in the Washington Post in response to the question: How should Barack Obama have responded to inflammatory remarks made by his former pastor, Dr. Jeremiah Wright? Are you responsible for what your spiritual leader says from the pulpit?
Why Wright Versus Wrong Matters

Sunday March 16, 2008

Category: Parenting

My Mother (by Mallika Chopra)

I walked into a room where my mother sat, taking just a moment for herself. We were in Costa Rica for a conference, and until 15 minutes before, she had watched my kids for two days so I could attend meetings. She was finally taking a moment for herself.

I told her that we needed help.

My mother got up, headed to her hotel room, and within two hours was on a plane to Atlanta to help my brother and his wife take care of their baby.

This is my mother. This is what a Mother represents and means to me.

Full of love. Always sacrificing herself. Always willing to give with no expectation to receive.

This is my mother.

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