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January 26, 2001 Issue

The Future of Music
Q: What do you get when you mix senators, lawyers, journalists, musicians, and recording industry execs? A: One of the most invigorating discussions about music on the 'Net. But were any problems solved? Jon Sobel reports from the scene. Start Here.
JavaScript Password Protection
By Pat Besong
If you're looking for top-level security for your sites, look somewhere other than JavaScript. But if you want a simple, useful password authentication system, we've got one right here.

Running JSP
By Duane K. Fields and Mark A. Kolb
We know you're hungry for more Java Server Pages. So here's a look at how JSP works with HTTP servers, and what you need to do to set up JSP using third-party containers.

Don't Like UCITA? Check the Contract of an Application Service Provider
Platform Independent by Andy Oram
Compare and contrast: Problematic licensing for software, or problematic contracts with ASPs. Oh, the horror.

The New New E-Commerce
Strategy Soapbox by Tim Barkow
It took Sam Walton 38 years to build up his chain of Wal-Marts. What makes Web commerce strategists think it can be done faster? In his inaugural column for WebReview.com, Tim Barkow tells us what we need to do to give online retail an honest go.

CSS2 and Tables: Caption Control
Tag of the Week by Chuck Musciano
Web design is all about control, and tables are an elemental part of that control—despite the fact that they were never intended to be used for presentation. CSS2 offers some options that extend layout control, including clever captions.

Click Here, and Here, and Here...
Swaine's Frames by Michael Swaine
WebReview.com simply asks that you please click here for this week's Frames.

Macintosh Vacation
Offline by Paul Jon
For that technical difficulty we call life, here's "Offline." It's a comic about technology, the future, and everything in between.

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