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ISO Latin-1 Character Set

The following table contains the complete ISO Latin-1 character set, corresponding to the first 256 entries of the Unicode character repertoire in Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and later. The table provides each character, its decimal code, its named entity reference for HTML, and also a brief description.

CharacterDecimal codeNamed entityDescription
---	---Horizontal tab
---Line feed
------Unused
---Carriage Return
!!---Exclamation mark
"""Quotation mark
##---Number sign
$$---Dollar sign
%%---Percent sign
((---Left parenthesis
))---Right parenthesis
++---Plus sign
..---Period (fullstop)
//---Solidus (slash)
00---Digit 0
11---Digit 1
22---Digit 2
33---Digit 3
44---Digit 4
55---Digit 5
66---Digit 6
77---Digit 7
88---Digit 8
99---Digit 9
<&#60;&lt;Less than
=&#61;---Equals sign
>&#62;&gt;Greater than
?&#63;---Question mark
@&#64;---Commercial at
A&#65;---Capital A
B&#66;---Capital B
C&#67;---Capital C
D&#68;---Capital D
E&#69;---Capital E
F&#70;---Capital F
G&#71;---Capital G
H&#72;---Capital H
I&#73;---Capital I
J&#74;---Capital J
K&#75;---Capital K
L&#76;---Capital L
M&#77;---Capital M
N&#78;---Capital N
O&#79;---Capital O
P&#80;---Capital P
Q&#81;---Capital Q
R&#82;---Capital R
S&#83;---Capital S
T&#84;---Capital T
U&#85;---Capital U
V&#86;---Capital V
W&#87;---Capital W
X&#88;---Capital X
Y&#89;---Capital Y
Z&#90;---Capital Z
[&#91;---Left square bracket
\&#92;---Reverse solidus (backslash)
]&#93;---Right square bracket
_&#95;---Horizontal bar (underscore)
`&#96;---Acute accent
a&#97;---Small a
b&#98;---Small b
c&#99;---Small c
d&#100;---Small d
e&#101;---Small e
f&#102;---Small f
g&#103;---Small g
h&#104;---Small h
i&#105;---Small i
j&#106;---Small j
k&#107;---Small k
l&#108;---Small l
m&#109;---Small m
n&#110;---Small n
o&#111;---Small o
p&#112;---Small p
q&#113;---Small q
r&#114;---Small r
s&#115;---Small s
t&#116;---Small t
u&#117;---Small u
v&#118;---Small v
w&#119;---Small w
x&#120;---Small x
y&#121;---Small y
z&#122;---Small z
{&#123;---Left curly brace
|&#124;---Vertical bar
}&#125;---Right curly brace
 &#160;&nbsp;Nonbreaking space
¡&#161;&iexcl;Inverted exclamation
¢&#162;&cent;Cent sign
£&#163;&pound;Pound sterling
¤&#164;&curren;General currency sign
¥&#165;&yen;Yen sign
¦&#166;&brvbar; or &brkbar;Broken vertical bar
§&#167;&sect;Section sign
¨&#168;&uml; or &die;Diæresis / Umlaut
ª&#170;&ordf;Feminine ordinal
«&#171;&laquo;Left angle quote, guillemet left
¬&#172;&notNot sign
­&#173;&shy;Soft hyphen
®&#174;&reg;Registered trademark
¯&#175;&macr; or &hibar;Macron accent
°&#176;&deg;Degree sign
±&#177;&plusmn;Plus or minus
²&#178;&sup2;Superscript two
³&#179;&sup3;Superscript three
´&#180;&acute;Acute accent
µ&#181;&micro;Micro sign
&#182;&para;Paragraph sign
·&#183;&middot;Middle dot
¹&#185;&sup1;Superscript one
º&#186;&ordm;Masculine ordinal
»&#187;&raquo;Right angle quote, guillemet right
¼&#188;&frac14;Fraction one-fourth
½&#189;&frac12;Fraction one-half
¾&#190;&frac34;Fraction three-fourths
¿&#191;&iquest;Inverted question mark
À&#192;&Agrave;Capital A, grave accent
Á&#193;&Aacute;Capital A, acute accent
Â&#194;&Acirc;Capital A, circumflex
Ã&#195;&Atilde;Capital A, tilde
Ä&#196;&Auml;Capital A, diæresis / umlaut
Å&#197;&Aring;Capital A, ring
Æ&#198;&AElig;Capital AE ligature
Ç&#199;&Ccedil;Capital C, cedilla
È&#200;&Egrave;Capital E, grave accent
É&#201;&Eacute;Capital E, acute accent
Ê&#202;&Ecirc;Capital E, circumflex
Ë&#203;&Euml;Capital E, diæresis / umlaut
Ì&#204;&Igrave;Capital I, grave accent
Í&#205;&Iacute;Capital I, acute accent
Î&#206;&Icirc;Capital I, circumflex
Ï&#207;&Iuml;Capital I, diæresis / umlaut
Ð&#208;&ETH;Capital Eth, Icelandic
Ñ&#209;&Ntilde;Capital N, tilde
Ò&#210;&Ograve;Capital O, grave accent
Ó&#211;&Oacute;Capital O, acute accent
Ô&#212;&Ocirc;Capital O, circumflex
Õ&#213;&Otilde;Capital O, tilde
Ö&#214;&Ouml;Capital O, diæresis / umlaut
×&#215;&times;Multiply sign
Ø&#216;&Oslash;Capital O, slash
Ù&#217;&Ugrave;Capital U, grave accent
Ú&#218;&Uacute;Capital U, acute accent
Û&#219;&Ucirc;Capital U, circumflex
Ü&#220;&Uuml;Capital U, diæresis / umlaut
Ý&#221;&Yacute;Capital Y, acute accent
Þ&#222;&THORN;Capital Thorn, Icelandic
ß&#223;&szlig;Small sharp s, German sz
à&#224;&agrave;Small a, grave accent
á&#225;&aacute;Small a, acute accent
â&#226;&acirc;Small a, circumflex
ã&#227;&atilde;Small a, tilde
ä&#228;&auml;Small a, diæresis / umlaut
å&#229;&aring;Small a, ring
æ&#230;&aelig;Small ae ligature
ç&#231;&ccedil;Small c, cedilla
è&#232;&egrave;Small e, grave accent
é&#233;&eacute;Small e, acute accent
ê&#234;&ecirc;Small e, circumflex
ë&#235;&euml;Small e, diæresis / umlaut
ì&#236;&igrave;Small i, grave accent
í&#237;&iacute;Small i, acute accent
î&#238;&icirc;Small i, circumflex
ï&#239;&iuml;Small i, diæresis / umlaut
ð&#240;&eth;Small eth, Icelandic
ñ&#241;&ntilde;Small n, tilde
ò&#242;&ograve;Small o, grave accent
ó&#243;&oacute;Small o, acute accent
ô&#244;&ocirc;Small o, circumflex
õ&#245;&otilde;Small o, tilde
ö&#246;&ouml;Small o, diæresis / umlaut
÷&#247;&divide;Division sign
ø&#248;&oslash;Small o, slash
ù&#249;&ugrave;Small u, grave accent
ú&#250;&uacute;Small u, acute accent
û&#251;&ucirc;Small u, circumflex
ü&#252;&uuml;Small u, diæresis / umlaut
ý&#253;&yacute;Small y, acute accent
þ&#254;&thorn;Small thorn, Icelandic
ÿ&#255;&yuml;Small y, diæresis / umlaut
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Do not forget that you can directly use the Unicode hexadecimal value as given in the Character Map application. For example, Greek capital letter alpha, U0391 can be displayed by &#x391;
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