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Thought For The Day

I have answered several questions lately about the future of the world's stock markets and financial institutions. I remain generally optimistic. The further into the year we go, the brighter the outlook will get. Some readers, though, have suggested that a recession could be good news for the environment. Perhaps it could be... but so, too, could be a time of greater awareness. Choices made out of fear are never as wise or as beneficial as choices made out of love and respect. Where growth needs to be moderated, it can happen just as easily through inspiration... as through deprivation.


Jan 21 - Feb 19

We are all of us easily angered and irritated. We may consider ourselves to be calm, measured and mellow. But sooner or later, someone or something will fill us with fury. Whenever passions run high, decisions are made without true regard to affordability or implication. You now have a chance to step back from a choice that was reached in a moment of madness. Don't let pride or false fear stand in your way. An amazingly constructive healing process can soon begin.

Be ready for your chances and your challenges in 2008! Download your Personal Horoscope now. Click here!



Feb 20 - Mar 20

Most of us are actors, at least in so far as we adopt a role on our way into work each morning. We pretend to be whatever it is that we are being paid to be. We carry the air of authority and responsibility that our job demands of us. Yet when we go home, we kick off those shoes. All well and good until we either play a part that we should not be playing, or find ourselves unable to step out of character at the end of a long day. The true you is becoming stunted by a false front. That has to change.

Reveal the astrological secrets of 2008, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions instantly download 'Your Guide to the Future', click here.


Mar 21 - Apr 20

I blame the Westerns myself. They taught us all to think in simple terms. Bad guys with dark hats and moustaches. Good guys in white. We are instantly shown who we should be cheering for and who deserves our boos and hisses. Sadly, real life is not a shoot-out at the OK Corral. Or a pantomime. Or even a political rally. There are shades of grey. People are wonderful in some ways, terrible in others. Don't make an overly hasty judgement today. Reflect. Be wise and you will prosper.

Be ready for your chances and your challenges in 2008! Download your Personal Horoscope now. Click here!



Apr 21 - May 21

If you were to build a time machine, it would not require an engine. It would not need to travel. It would simply need to stay perfectly still. It is time that moves, not us. Or rather, it is time that appears to move. Actually, neither we not it are... well, look. We do not have all of eternity to explain this. Or, rather, we do, but... You are now very conscious of a change that seems irreversible. What has happened has happened. What has yet to happen though, can be altered. Don't feel powerless please.

2008 is here. Find out what the planets have in store with a personal horoscope chart. Or send to a friend for the ideal personal gift. Click here!


May 22 - Jun 21

The world is full of people who mistrust one another. They say one thing to our face and another behind our back. We, in turn, cannot help but be similarly multifaceted. There are people whom we love but do not like. People we like but do not love. People we love to hate. People we hate to hate... even though we find it very hard to love them. We apply different priorities when dealing with each of these categories. Today brings a discovery about how a certain person really sees you... and how you see them.

Once you have had your chart cast, you can then go on to look at where the planets are right now - and where they will be in 2008. Click here!



Jun 22 - Jul 22

Mystics often speak about a veil that separates the present from the future. Such folk search for times and situations when it will be possible to peer through, that veil. It isn't always necessary to wait for a magical occasion. Sometimes, it is just a matter of standing back, drawing a deep breath and applying a little intelligent perspective to a bewildering matter. If today, you can put down the emotional need or desire that is colouring your vision, you will rapidly see what it is that you are truly looking at.

To find out what the planets have in store for you throughout 2008 and instantly download your Year Ahead chart, click here!



Jul 23 - Aug 23

The more powerful we are, the more helpless we are - and the more conscious we become of the things we simply cannot influence. The rich, for example, are the leading experts in 'things that money cannot buy'. They spend their whole lives trying to purchase these things at any price, to no avail! The strong know that no amount of willpower or determination can keep emotional vulnerability at bay. Life is not asking you to fight now. It is asking you to embrace a weakness with grace and wisdom.

Want to know what 2008 has in store? Let me calculate your full personal horoscope from your exact date, time and place of birth. Click here!



Aug 24 - Sep 23

Oceans, moons and seasons bless us with a visual metaphor for a universal, psychological process. The waxing and the waning. The ebb and the flow. The way in which a tide can be in one moment and out the next. This is completely natural. It happens everywhere. Still though, we panic. We see an area of life in which the flow is clearly far away and we assume that it will remain dry or barren for a long while to come. It is important to remember now, that life is cyclical. A tide is about to turn in your favour.

Once you have had your chart cast, you can then go on to look at where the planets are right now - and where they will be in 2008. Click here!



Sep 24 - Oct 23

Across The Universe - the old Beatles' song - is now being beamed out by powerful transmitters so that alien life forms can hear it. It could be worse. They could have picked 'We All Live In A Yellow Submarine.' Now that really would have confused them. And what makes them think that aliens speak English? Oh, hang on. Come to think of it, there's some Sanskrit in that song too. It seems now, as if you are not speaking someone else's language or vice versa, but you are not as far away as you fear.

2008 is here. Find out what the planets have in store with a personal horoscope chart. Or send to a friend for the ideal personal gift. Click here!


Oct 24 - Nov 22

There are some who say that nothing is random. Whenever we come across a sequence of events or numbers without apparent rhyme or rhythm, it is merely because we are unable to crack the hidden code. Others insist that there is no such thing as an accident and that everything happens for a reason. You may well begin to feel sympathetic to that point of view soon. Something that has long baffled or bewildered you is starting to prove very relevant and revealing.

Want to know what 2008 has in store? Let me calculate your full personal horoscope from your exact date, time and place of birth. Click here!



Nov 23 - Dec 22

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So what about a lot? That must be truly destructive, mustn't it? If not, why not? After all, a little of what you fancy does you good, but a lot is supposed to be bad for you. Perhaps the people who say this have only got a little knowledge. Maybe if they knew more, they would stop trying to persuade us all to lead lives full of restraint and restriction. Anyway, you are in the process of making a very big discovery. This in turn, is going to help you get plenty to enjoy.

To find out what the planets have in store for you throughout 2008 and instantly download your Year Ahead chart, click here!



Dec 23 - Jan 20

They say, 'It's a dog-eat-dog world out there.' Dogs, though, very rarely eat other dogs. They say, 'Attack is the best form of defence.' That's not true either. Attack is just the best way to make sure that you will eventually need a defence. They say, 'It's every man for himself.' All over the world, though, we hear heart-warming tales of profound kindness. How tough is your current situation? As harsh (or as hopeful) as your view of human nature. Things will work out much as you expect them to!

Reveal the astrological secrets of 2008, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions instantly download 'Your Guide to the Future', click here.
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Last updated: February 27, 2008 05:06am

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