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SCRUM and enterprise adoption

What kind of enterprises would be willing to take a risk that fundamentally changes the way they work ?How do we get conventional organizations that believe in strong hierarchies to adopt SCRUM ?   Traditionally organizations that believe in experimenting...

posted @ 52 minutes ago by Parlance

System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2007 Workgroup Edition

Jusqu'à peu de temps, pour tester System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM), il fallait disposer d'un contrat de licence relativement contraignant pour des petites entreprises. Désormais, il est possible d'acquérir l'édition pour...

posted @ 56 minutes ago by WebLog de Stéphane PAPP [MSFT]

DLR Beta 1

It's been over a week since we released IronPython 2.0 Beta 1 which also contains the Beta 1 version of DLR. The release includes several favorites of mine in the area of expression trees and compilation, mostly invisible to users of IronPython, but of...

posted @ 1 hour, 33 minutes ago by Martin Maly

The ballad of Hope Sandoval?, aka Where are The Warm Inventions when you need 'em?

Content of Michael Kaplan's personal blog not approved by Microsoft (see disclaimer )! Reader Dana asked me (after reading [Turning]Into dust, aka 'Some feelings may not be available in this blog' ): Do you really prefer the Ashtar Command version of...

posted @ 2 hours, 44 minutes ago by Sorting it all Out

Changing Passwords for Office SharePoint Server Accounts with STSADM

Server Farm Account To update the server farm account, run the following stsadm command on the server that hosts the Central Administration Web site. stsadm –o updatefarmcredentials –userlogin <domain/username> -password <new password> You...

posted @ 5 hours, 0 minutes ago by Sharing ....SharePoint

ASP.NET MVC Preview 2의 소스코드 공개(CodePlex)

ASP.NET MVC Source Code Now Available - ScottGu's Blog ASP.NET - Home (CodePlex) Thoughts on ASP.NET MVC Preview 2 and Beyond 역시나 예고된대로 ASP.NET MVC Framework (Preview 2) 의 소스코드가 공개되었습니다. 이번에 공개된 소스코드는 어셈블리들 중에서 System.Web.Mvc.dll에 해당하는 부분이며, 수정하여 만든 dll의...

posted @ 5 hours, 11 minutes ago by bkchung's WebLog

Alien vs Predator - Scary - why not IM about it :) - using iBloks and Windows Live Messenger Library

The team over at iBloks have delivered a solution for Fox to promote the Alien vs Predator Requiem DVD sale . This is built on the iBloks Video Messenger infrastructure, so when you are on the site watching video, you just click on the video - it takes...

posted @ 5 hours, 28 minutes ago by Angus Logan's Blog

Hello World

I am Jojo Koshy, working for Microsoft Consulting Services, India as Consultant on SharePoint....

posted @ 6 hours, 27 minutes ago by Jojo Koshy

Sometimes it's the obvious answer

Sometimes the answer to a question is so obvious that we skip over it looking for a fancier answer. Example: A chair at my house had a bunch of little indentations on the seat - kind of like what you'd expect if somebody took a math compass and poked...

posted @ 6 hours, 51 minutes ago by Mike Stall's .NET Debugging Blog

Tafiti and SharePoint back together again

During the latest release of the Tafiti Quick App we accidentally nuked some of the code which made Tafiti work with SharePoint. George Durzi ( Clarity Consulting ) has hooked this back up (I can tell because I get an RSS feed from the latest Check Ins...

posted @ 7 hours, 0 minutes ago by Angus Logan's Blog

New Virtual Earth 3D blog

http://ve3d.spaces.live.com Welcome to the Virtual Earth 3D blog, dedicated to the sharing of information about the Microsoft Virtual Earth 3D environment as seen on the Live Search Maps site . Here we will strive to keep you abreast of the latest product...

posted @ 7 hours, 5 minutes ago by Angus Logan's Blog

Looking for info: blogging in Asia and Australia

Sitting down tonight (I know) to work on some slides for a presentation I am doing in Australia to an audience of Asians and Australians about blogging. Well, I know enough about blogging in the US to get by, but I don't know much about how it's different...

posted @ 7 hours, 12 minutes ago by One Louder

Showing Weather web-part using RSS & weather.yahoo.com (in Sharepoint 2007)

One of my Colleagues happen to ask me how do we show the weather web-part on our Sharepoint Portal. The Solution was pretty simple and thought I should share this with you all. Following are the steps: 1. Add the RSS web-part on your sharepoint portal...

posted @ 9 hours, 33 minutes ago by Microsoft Tech Blogs

Online Community Roundtable

http://redplasticmonkey.wordpress.com/2008/03/14/notes-from-the-online-community-roundtable-312-microsoft/ I have to agree with Bill, there were some smart people there, and the conversation was lively. We'll have to do it again sometime. Some other links:...

posted @ 9 hours, 52 minutes ago by Process of Change

The Value of XAML

Of the many interesting MIX things that I learned, saw, and brought home, one is a copy of The New Iteration . Subtitled  How XML Transform the Collaboration Between Designers and Developers in Windows  Presentation Foundation , I've found this...

posted @ 10 hours, 36 minutes ago by Out Of The Box

Improved access to Silverlight 2's generic.xaml resources [SilverlightDefaultStyleBrowser available via ClickOnce]

In response to my previous post announcing the SilverlightDefaultStyleBrowser tool for working with default styles for Silverlight 2 controls , I got an email from Rob Relyea suggesting that I make SilverlightDefaultStyleBrowser available via ClickOnce...

posted @ 10 hours, 52 minutes ago by Delay's Blog

Material del Architect Forum sobre Software + Servicios en Santiago

El pasado miércoles 19 de marzo se llevo a cabo en Santiago el Architect Forum sobre Software + Servicios. Nos encantó realmente el interés y la discusión que se generó alrededor del tema. El material utilizado durante el evento lo pueden descargar desde...

posted @ 11 hours, 42 minutes ago by Martín Cabrera

AJAX PageMethods, JSON Serialization, and a little bit of LINQ databinding

I’ve put together a small demo on using PageMethods to bring data from the server to the client. I’m a big believer in PageMethods, as the definitely offer greater performance than an UpdatePanel, especially when used correctly. In the spirit of March...

posted @ 12 hours, 27 minutes ago by I am Globally Unique...

Silverlight Momentum Video

Over the past year, we have gained quite a bit of momentum around Silverlight. Check out the following video, which was showed during MIX keynote, contains a montage of major early adopters of Silverlight. I used Expression Encoder 2 to encode the video...

posted @ 12 hours, 43 minutes ago by Canadian User Experience

My blog is a pre-schooler

I missed this last week, partly because I don't really care (does the age of your blog mean anything?) and partly because I'm under an avalanche at work and partly because I've got a lot of stuff going on outside of work that is clogging up my brain....

posted @ 13 hours, 57 minutes ago by One Louder

My Vista Experience just got sooooo much better

Quietly I've been suffering through an experience with Windows Vista on my laptop. I got my laptop, a HP/Compaq nc8430 , in October 2006 and had been running Vista on it since then. In the early days, I used a pre-release version of vista, but I switched...

posted @ 14 hours, 36 minutes ago by All About Interop

Deep Zoom Collections Example

Up until now, all of the Deep Zoom samples we’ve shown in this blog were of single high-resolutions images. This is the case where you arrange all of your images on the artboard, and during export, flatten everything into a large image before breaking...

posted @ 14 hours, 36 minutes ago by Expression Blend and Design

The Glory Days of Home Computing

It has been a long time since I have blogged (more about that in some later posts), but two recent articles that I read on the BBC website have motivated me to write again. The articles honor the creators of the BBC Microcomputer which along with companies...

posted @ 14 hours, 37 minutes ago by The Hogg Blog

Tutorial: Writing a Templated Silverlight 2 Control

We're going to create this control: It's called the ExpandoHeaderControl, and it does two basic things.  First, it has an area for a header, and a collapsible content area, with a ToggleButton to manage when the content is visible or not (e.g. collapsed)....

posted @ 14 hours, 49 minutes ago by Shawn Burke's Blog

Sony offers customers a way to "opt out" of trial ware and applications on new TZ notebook PCs for free

Breaking: Sony Won't Charge $50 To Remove Bloatware | Gadget Lab from Wired.com Peter Sayer of infoWorld noted noted in an article yesterday that Sony initially offered to remove some of the trial software installed on new laptops for a fee... "Buyers...

posted @ 15 hours, 0 minutes ago by Satisfy Me

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