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 screen Object
screen Object

Contains information about the client's screen and rendering capabilities.

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the screen object.

availHeight Retrieves the height of the working area of the system's screen, excluding the Microsoft Windows taskbar.
availWidth Retrieves the width of the working area of the system's screen, excluding the Windows taskbar.
bufferDepth Sets or retrieves the number of bits per pixel used for colors in the off-screen bitmap buffer.
colorDepth Retrieves the number of bits per pixel used for colors on the destination device or buffer.
deviceXDPI Retrieves the actual number of horizontal dots per inch (DPI) of the system's screen.
deviceYDPI Retrieves the actual number of vertical dots per inch (DPI) of the system's screen.
fontSmoothingEnabled Retrieves whether the user has enabled font smoothing in the Display control panel.
height Retrieves the vertical resolution of the screen.
logicalXDPI Retrieves the normal number of horizontal dots per inch (DPI) of the system's screen.
logicalYDPI Retrieves the normal number of vertical dots per inch (DPI) of the system's screen.
updateInterval Sets or retrieves the update interval for the screen.
width Retrieves the horizontal resolution of the screen.

Standards Information

There is no public standard that applies to this object.

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