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My Week Off

Last week I took the week off on holiday with my family! We had a wonderful time and I personally think it's really important to get that 'down time' ! A lot happened last week!  We licensed MIX 08 took place, we licensed Activesync to Apple for...

posted @ 22 minutes ago by Jason Langridge's WebLog - MR Mobile!

Attend a Mission to Microsoft HQ USA

Australian Trade Delegation to Microsoft: Gain early access to MS’s strategic vision for the financial services industry About this mission: Be part of the first-ever delegation of Australian financial services technology and solutions providers to Microsoft’s...

posted @ 42 minutes ago by Christian Longstaff's Blog

【覚書】 Sidebar Gadget の置き場所

ぽーっと忘れたりします。 デフォルト Sidebar Gadgtet システムドライブ:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets ユーザー Sidebar Gadget システムドライブ:\Users\ユーザー名\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets 各社のニュースがジェットのソースをみると、面白いくらいにデフォルトのRssFeed.Gadget と同じソースになっているんですよね。ま、これもいい文化だと思います...

posted @ 45 minutes ago by 高橋 忍のブログ

プロフェッショナル BizTalk Server 2006

こんにちは、中原です。 さて、昨日より待望?のBizTalk Serverの日本語書籍である、「 プロフェッショナル BizTalk Server 2006 」が発売になりました。 タイトル通りBizTalk Server 2006を解説している本なのですが、最新のBizTalk Server 2006 R2やWindows Workflow Foundationとの関係にも言及していますので、今読んでも十分"バイブル"になりえる内容だと思います。 また、本書籍は日本語に翻訳するにあたり、原書で記載されている内容をすべて実機検証するほどの気合いの入れようだそうで、お値段にも十分見合う"買い"な本だと言えると思います。...

posted @ 49 minutes ago by 大人しい独り言

February CTP Optimizer Issue

Hi Folks, We don't call them betas, but that's basically what CTPs are: they let us suss out problems before we drop a final product on everyone. Well, we've found a regression in the February CTP spatial support that we'd like to let you know about....

posted @ 54 minutes ago by Isaac @ MSDN

FolderShare 드디어 업그레이드!

Windows Live FolderShare Team Blog: Introducing the new FolderShare! FolderShare는 여러 디바이스들에 공유 폴더를 만들어 이를 지속적으로 sync해주는 솔루션입니다. 마이크로소프트에서 인수를 한 이후로 업데이트가 없었는데, 드디어 리뉴얼이 되어 Windows Live 브랜드와 동기화하였습니다. 현재 베타버젼이고, 설치하니 빌드번호가 14.0.1325.0310으로 나옵니다. 클라이언트를...

posted @ 1 hour, 5 minutes ago by bkchung's WebLog

XNA Game Studio Connect Update

Michael Klucher Program Manger - XNA Community Game Platform We just wanted to give our XNA Creators Club members a heads up that tomorrow we'll be releasing a title update for XNA Game Studio Connect. There are no significant new features in the update,...

posted @ 1 hour, 10 minutes ago by XNA Team Blog

Creating a Dashboard (KPI like bar graph) view with Dataview webpart in Sharepoint 2007

I had a requirement where I had to show the values from a sharepoint custom list like a bar graph. So basically instead of plain number I wanted to show it as a bar Graph with the varying width of that column as it should appear like a progress bar. The...

posted @ 1 hour, 24 minutes ago by Microsoft Tech Blogs

【コラム】DCT ご存じですか?

今、 バグ管理の連載を Think IT さんで展開中 ですが、関連する用語を。 DCT - Defect and Change Tracking ご存知でしょうか?バグ管理のことを Bug Tracking っていいますよね?要するにそれも包含した一連の Change Request (変更依頼、変更要求)の追跡と維持・管理を行うことを指します。 バグや仕様変更、障害、機能拡張などで、ワークフローに違いはでてきますが、成果物との関連も含めた追跡可能性が求められるのは、どれも同じです。 バグの管理からはじめるのは、開発者にとっても開発チームメンバーにとっても身近なものなのでお勧めですが、その先には、あらゆる変更を追跡できるようにするということも、見据えていただくといいかなと。...

posted @ 1 hour, 25 minutes ago by 長沢智治のライフサイクルブログ

6th Annual Financial Developer's Conference in NYC is here! March 12th-13th

Just a reminder that the 6th Annual Financial Developers Conference in NYC starts on Wednesday. I will be one of the presenters on the first day.  My session will focus on how developers today have a slew of new tools and technologies to help aid...

posted @ 1 hour, 35 minutes ago by .

Four Years and 300 Posts Later

It was four years and approximately 300 posts ago that I began this blog with a simple hello world . Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to followed me during that time. It has been an honor to write for you and to receive feedback on my ideas....

posted @ 1 hour, 39 minutes ago by Steve Rowe's Blog

Heroes Happen Launch in Australia - Sponsoring Partners Verbatim's & Pictures!

I've heard some excellent feedback from our sponsoring partners in both Sydney and Melbourne.  During the Melbourne event I walked around and asked each of the 25 sponsoring partner to provide a verbatim about their experience to date. Melbourne...

posted @ 1 hour, 41 minutes ago by Helping Aussie Partners Get Ready for the 2008 Wave Launch

SQL Server User Group - Thursday

Adrian just emailed me to let me know that Australian Peter Ward is presenting in Wellington on Thursday night: Peter Ward is visiting us from Australia and will make 2 presentations, with refreshments in between. Peter Ward is WARDY IT Solutions Chief...

posted @ 1 hour, 43 minutes ago by Darryl Burling @ Work

Heroes Happen Launch in Australia - Sponsoring Partners Verbatim's & Pictures!

I've heard some excellent feedback from our sponsoring partners in both Sydney and Melbourne.  During the Melbourne event I walked around and asked each of the 25 sponsoring partner to provide a verbatim about their experience to date. Melbourne...

posted @ 1 hour, 49 minutes ago by Partner Marketing - Creating Demand for Microsoft Partners

ASP.NET MVC in CodePlex and Extensible Unit Testing

Phil has some good thoughts on ASP.NET MVC preview 2 and beyond.   A couple of key things that I think are very cool with this project.   CodePlex builds -- The team is very exited to be  able to ship out the source code and unit tests...

posted @ 2 hours, 0 minutes ago by Brad Abrams

ADO.NET Data Services sessions at MIX available

In case you were unable to attend, or you want to watch them again, the MIX sessions are available at http://sessions.visitmix.com/ . You can use the top-right Search box to look for 'data services' and watch or download the recordings. Enjoy!...

posted @ 2 hours, 6 minutes ago by Marcelo's WebLog

Mix08 Watching Party

Thanks to everyone who came along to Odessa tonight. They did a superb job setting up a cool venue for us to watch the videos. I definitely enjoyed watching the Silverlight demos again as well as Guy Kawasaki grill Steve Ballmer. For those who couldn't...

posted @ 2 hours, 7 minutes ago by Martha Rotter's Blog

Mix08 Watching Party

Thanks to everyone who came along to Odessa tonight. They did a superb job setting up a cool venue for us to watch the videos. I definitely enjoyed watching the Silverlight demos again as well as Guy Kawasaki grill Steve Ballmer. For those who couldn't...

posted @ 2 hours, 7 minutes ago by Martha Rotter's Blog

What actually gets used?

Living in the world of software, I paused to consider this question. I thought about my daily interaction with software and wanted to recognize and prioritize (in order to simplify) my top 10 applications. So here they are listed in order of my use: 1)...

posted @ 2 hours, 9 minutes ago by Contagious Curiosity

Catching up on non-controversial topics

While taking a hiatus from Open XML blogging during the BRM, I fell far behind in covering news of interest to Open XML developers. I've certainly forgotten a few things already that I had hoped to cover, but before any more of it slips away I'd like...

posted @ 2 hours, 9 minutes ago by Doug Mahugh

More SSDS video - Jason and Jeff

Let me warn you, the sound for this video is not great as it was recorded in the Open Space area. If you can read the screen you will be able to see the code patterns. Here is the video. Let us know what you think....

posted @ 2 hours, 25 minutes ago by The Long Term Store cast

Using MessageContracts and DataContracts

Users of the Service Factory often ask about the rationale behind the required use of MessageContracts even though the use of MessageContracts aren't mandated by WCF. I've answered this question in other venues, but it seemed like a good thing to put...

posted @ 2 hours, 26 minutes ago by Don Smith

Watch Istvan explaining SSDS

Istvan was interviewed by Ryan Dunn about SSDS. Here is the video....

posted @ 2 hours, 32 minutes ago by The Long Term Store cast

【記事】Think IT の記事 第2回が公開されました。

先週にご案内 した Think IT に執筆した記事の第2回が公開されました。記事は、全4回なのでこれで半分が公開されたことになります(掲載は、毎週火曜日)。 第1回 バグのライフサイクルを理解する! [先週公開] 第2回 開発チームにおけるバグの扱い方   [今回公開!!] 第3回 開発者とチームメンバーをつなぐバグ(仮タイトル)[来週公開予定] 第4回 バグを作りこまないために(仮タイトル)[再来週公開予定] ※仮タイトルとなっている第3回と第4回は、まさに仮です(まだ書き終えてない)。...

posted @ 2 hours, 35 minutes ago by 長沢智治のライフサイクルブログ

Hard Drive Pricing Sweet Spot

Every 8-12 month I take a look at the going prices of hard drives as I'm looking to expand my family's storage capacity.  To that end, I like to take a look at what drives are going for and make a little chart like this that shows the price one's...

posted @ 2 hours, 45 minutes ago by Noah Coad

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