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Get Ready for the ASP.NET 3.5 MCTS Exam
13 March 08 02:25 PM | Gerry O'Brien | 10 Comments   

This exam will also be releasing in beta form shortly.  Again, watch your MCP Flash for the invitation.

This is the new MCTS exam for ASP.NET developers who want to be certified on developing ASP.NET applications using Visual Studio and the .NET Framework 3.5.  The content posted here will be a part of the public preparation guide that will soon be public on the Microsoft web site.

We have posted it here to give you a head start on preparing for this exam.

NOTE: Prep guide is now available for this exam, http://www.microsoft.com/learning/exams/70-562.mspx

Credit toward certification

When you pass Exam 70-562: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ASP.NET Application Development, you earn credit towards the following certification:

Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist: .NET Framework 3.5, ASP.NET Applications

Skills measured by Exam 70-562

Configuring and Deploying Web Applications (10 percent)

Configure providers.

Configure authentication, authorization, and impersonation.

Configure projects, solutions, and reference assemblies.

Configure session state by using Microsoft SQL Server™, State Server, or InProc.

Publish Web applications.

Configure Application Pools.

Compile an application by using Visual Studio or command-line tools.

Consuming and Creating Server Controls (20 percent)

Implement databound controls.

Load user controls dynamically.

Create and consume custom controls.

Implement client-side validation and server-side validation.

Consume standard controls.

Working with Data and Services (17 percent)

Read and write XML data.

Manipulate data by using DataSet and DataReader objects.

Call a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service or a Web service from an ASP.NET Web page.

Implement a DataSource control.

Bind controls to data by using data binding syntax.

Troubleshooting and Debugging Web Applications (16 percent)

Configure debugging and custom errors.

Set up an environment to perform remote debugging.

Debug unhandled exceptions when using ASP.NET AJAX.

Implement tracing of a Web application.

Debug deployment issues.

Monitor Web applications.

Working with ASP.NET AJAX and Client-Side Scripting (15 percent)

Implement Web Forms by using ASP.NET AJAX.

Interact with the ASP.NET AJAX client-side library.

Consume services from client scripts.

Create and register client script.

Targeting Mobile Devices (5 percent)

Access device capabilities.

Control device-specific rendering.

Add mobile Web controls to a Web page.

Implement control adapters.

Programming Web Applications (17 percent)

Customize the layout and appearance of a Web page.

Work with ASP.NET Intrinsic Objects.

Implement globalization and accessibility.

Implement business objects and utility classes.

Implement session state, view state, control state, cookies, cache, or application state.

Handle events and control page flow.

Implement the Generic Handler.

Note This preparation guide is subject to change at any time without prior notice and at the sole discretion of Microsoft. Microsoft exams might include adaptive testing technology and/or simulation items. Microsoft does not identify the format in which exams are presented. Please use this preparation guide to prepare for the exam, regardless of its format.

Get Ready for the ADO.NET 3.5 MCTS Exam
13 March 08 02:20 PM | Gerry O'Brien | 9 Comments   

This exam is due to be in beta very shortly.  Sorry no exact dates just yet so don't ask.  :-) 

Watch your MCP Flash and/or forums for the invitation.

But, are you ready for it?  How do you know?  Be certain.  Have a look at what will be covered on this exam below.  NOTE: this is an excerpt from the prep guide that will be published on the web site in the next couple of days.  We thought you might want to get an earlier look at it though.

NOTE: Prep guide is now available for this exam, http://www.microsoft.com/learning/exams/70-561.mspx

Credit toward certification

When you pass Exam 70-561: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Application Development, you earn credit toward the following certification:

Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist: .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Applications

Skills measured by Exam 70-561

Connecting to Data Sources (12 percent)

Manage connection strings

May include but is not limited to: using the ConnectionStringBuilder; leveraging the ConfigurationManager; protecting the connection string; using Security Support Provider Interface ( SSPI) or SQL Server authentication; correctly addressing the SQL Server instance; managing “User Instance” and AttachDBfilename

Manage connection objects

May include but is not limited to: managing connection state, managing connection pool; implementing persistent data connections; implementing Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS); encrypting and decrypting data

Work with data providers

May include but is not limited to: Limitations, behaviors, performance, installation issues, deployment issues; ODBC, Microsoft OLE DB, SqlClient, managed providers, third-party providers, native providers

Connect to a data source by using a generic data access interface

May include but is not limited to: System.Data.Common namespace classes

Handle and diagnose database connection exceptions

May include but is not limited to: Implementing try/catch handlers

Selecting and Querying Data (22 percent)

Build command objects

May include but is not limited to: building Parameters collections; using input and output parameters and return values; selecting an appropriate CommandType action; selecting an appropriate Execute method; using the CommandBuilder class; choosing appropriate CommandBehavior

Query data from data sources

May include but is not limited to: writing queries to solve assigned problems; implementing data paging; sorting, filtering, and aggregating data

Retrieve data source data by using the DataReader

May include but is not limited to: retrieving data from SELECT statements; retrieving data from stored procedures; working with multiple result sets

Manage data by using the DataAdapter or the TableAdapter

May include but is not limited to: retrieving data from SELECT statements; etrieving data from stored procedures; working with multiple result sets; working with JOIN products; creating updatable DataAdapters and TableAdapters; modifying TableAdapter Fill methods

Execute an asynchronous query

May include but is not limited to: handling asynchronous events

Handle special data types

May include but is not limited to: Binary Large Objects (BLOBs); Filestream, Spatial, Table Value Parameters

Query data sources by using LINQ

May include but is not limited to: Extended method; CLR delegate; Lambda expressions; Classes of the System.LINQ.Expressions namespace

Manage exceptions when selecting data

May include but is not limited to: Identifying and resolving syntax errors; Security exceptions

Modifying Data (24 percent)

Manage transactions

May include but is not limited to: Selecting an appropriate transaction isolation level; Participating in local transactions; Participating in distributed transactions; Using declarative transactions

Manage data integrity

May include but is not limited to: Cascading updates or cascading deletes; Auto number management; Server-generated value management

Client-side data validation; Business rules, constraints

Update data

May include but is not limited to: Update data by using stored procedures; DataSets to Data Source; Managing concurrency

Manage exceptions when modifying data

May include but is not limited to: Resolve exceptions from data integrity, constraint, or referential integrity violations; Data locking conflicts; Data collision issues

Transform data by using LINQ

May include but is not limited to: Aggregation operators; JOIN operator, QUERY operator, LIKE etc.

Synchronizing Data (15 percent)

Monitor event notifications

May include but is not limited to: Implement notifications by using SqlDependency or SqlNotificationRequest

Cache data

May include but is not limited to: SqlCacheDependency, Local Data Cache

Manage update conflicts between online data and offline data

Partition data for synchronization

Implement Synchronization Services

May include but is not limited to: SyncAgent, SyncTable, ClientSyncProvider, ServerSyncProvider, SyncAdapter

Working with Disconnected Data (16 percent)

Manage occasionally connected data

Programmatically create data objects

May include but is not limited to: DataTable; DataSet

Work with untyped DataSets and DataTables

May include but is not limited to: Populating a DataSet, DataTable

Expose a DataTableReader from a DataTable or from a DataSet

Work with strongly typed DataSets and DataTables

Object Relational Mapping by Using the Entity Framework (11 percent)

Define and implement an Entity Data Model

May include but is not limited to: Mapping schemas and storage metadata; EDM Generator

Query data by using Object Services

May include but is not limited to: Querying data as objects and shaping results; Working with objects; Managing the Object Context; Customizing objects

Map data by using the Entity SQL Language

May include but is not limited to: Manually define mapping files; Execute an Entity SQL Query by using EntityCommand

Access entity data by using the EntityClient Provider

May include but is not limited to: Managing EntityConnection; Creating EntityCommand; Executing a query by using EntityDataReader; Managing EntityTransaction

Note This preparation guide is subject to change at any time without prior notice and at the sole discretion of Microsoft. Microsoft exams might include adaptive testing technology and simulation items. Microsoft does not identify the format in which exams are presented. Please use this preparation guide to prepare for the exam, regardless of its format.

Microsoft Certifications: I Am an MCDBA, What Are My Options for the New Generation Certifications?
10 March 08 12:14 PM | Gerry O'Brien | 4 Comments   

If this sounds like you, then we are one and the same.  I am still sitting on my MCDBA SQL Server 2000.  Shame on me at least, but not necessarily on you.

So, what are we to do?  How can we fix this, assuming we want to fix it?  The answer is simple.  UPGRADE!  How? When? Let me tell you all about it.

It's been 5 years between SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005.  That means we had a lot of time to be comfortable with our platform for database usage.  That may have led us to be a little complacent or at the very least, slow to respond to the changes.

The MCDBA certification will be retiring soon, along with the MCAD and MCSD.  That means that we MCDBAs are at a crossroads.   The three choices we are faced with are;

1) Remain MCDBA certified and not worry about upgrading because we either don't see a need for it, or we won't be upgrading our database software

2) Look at upgrading to SQL Server 2005

3) Look at upgrading to SQL Server 2008

The road you take depends largely on your organization and what platform you will be adopting.  For example, if you will continue to use SQL Server 2000, then by all means, choose option 1.  You don't need to upgrade your certification at all, unless of course you want to.

More than likely, you, or your organization will be upgrading SQL Server 2000 to either 2005 or 2008.  That one single event will help you to make your decision.

Once you have chosen the version you want to upgrade to, you need to know how to go about getting there.  Remember that we are now dealing with a new generation of certifications.  Instead of multiple exams to get one MCDBA certification, you will face different numbers and sets of exams for the new generation of certifications Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) and Microsoft Certified Information Technology Professional (MCITP).

Whether you decide on 2005 or 2008, the MCTS track is simple.  There is no upgrade path from MCDBA to MCTS because the number of exams required to obtain MCTS is simply one. 

For SQL Server 2005, you only need to pass exam 70-431 to obtain the credential of TS: SQL Server 2005.  It doesn't get any simpler than that.

For SQL Server 2008, you can specialize now as either a TS: SQL Server 2008 Database Administrator  (exam 70-432), TS: SQL Server 2008 Database Developer (exam 70-433), or TS: SQL Server 2008 BI (exam 70-448).  Either path requires only one exam. 

As a result of the one exam requirement, there is no logical reason to create an upgrade exam as it would only be one exam as well.

Now, what if you want to become an MCITP?  Well now, that story becomes a little more involved.   The reason for this is because the current SQL 2005 credential in the pro space is split into either MCITP Database Developer, MCITP Database Administrator or MCITP BI.  MCITP Developer requires two exams plus 70-431 as the prerequisite.  MCITP Administrator requires two different exams plus the 70-431 prerequisite.  For BI, you will need to pass 70-445, the TS exam, plus the Pro exam 70-446.

There is, of course, and upgrade path for MCDBA to SQL 2005 MCITP.  If you are interested in the MCITP DBA role, you can take 70-431 as the prerequisite and the 70-447 which is the MCDBA to MCITP Database Administrator skills upgrade exam.

Because there wasn't a database developer equivalent credential in the MCDBA time frame, there is no upgrade path from MCDBA to MCITP Database Developer, nor is there an upgrade path from MCDBA to MCITP BI.

All of the exam prep guides and outlines are available for you to review if you visit the exam search page which also lists the certifications.



Microsoft Certifications: I'm Already Certified as an MCPD and I Want to Upgrade. Where do I start?
04 March 08 04:31 PM | Gerry O'Brien | 13 Comments   

For those of you who have already acquired an MCPD in either Windows, Web or Enterprise for .NET 2.0, I have some good news and some bad news.

First the good news.  You are only one exam away from upgrading your skills to .NET 3.5 MCPD, (almost).  The almost means that for Web and Windows, there will be one upgrade exam but for Enterprise, there will be two, similar to .NET 2.0.  There is just too much stuff to cover for one upgrade exam.

That's right, we have kept the same pillars for the MCPD track that you are already familiar with in 2.0.  We will have MCPD Web, Windows and Enterprise for .NET 3.5.

Obviously some of the material will be different such as needing to know WCF, ADO etc. for MCPD Enterprise Developer and of course MCPD Web will be renamed to MCPD ASP.NET, official names to follow.

So, what is the bad news?  Well, you won't be able to upgrade until the exams become available.  At this time, I don't have an ETA on that availability.   One of the reasons is that upgrade exams are comprised of multiple other exams from the TS and Pro tracks.  At this time, only our TS level exams are nearing completion and the Pro level exams are still a way out.

This of course provides you the ability to get up to speed on the new technologies in .NET 3.5 before the exams launch. 

These delays are a direct result of the issues we faced with the Pro level exam retirement decision and we couldn't create these exams until we had a solid decision and game plan in place.  Please ensure you watch the MCP web site and your MCP Flash newsletters for the announcements around those decisions and to better help you understand why the Pro certifications were delayed.  I won't go into the specifics here as Trika and team have done a much better job at explaining this than I could possibly provide.

These upgrade paths have been a long time coming and we appreciate your patience in waiting for this information, well, most of you were patient.  ;-)

I hope it is good news and that you will be satisfied with the decisions we have made.  They were done with your best interests in mind.

As always, opinions, comments and questions welcome.



Microsoft Certifications: I'm Already Certified as an MCTS but I Want to Upgrade. Where do I Start?
27 February 08 04:34 PM | Gerry O'Brien | 10 Comments   

Congratulations on achieving your MCTS credential and moving into the new generation of Microsoft certifications.  Because this blog is focused on developer and SQL Server, I will concentrate my topic on the following certifications;

TS: .NET Framework 2.0 Windows Applications
TS: .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications
TS: .NET Framework 2.0 Distributed Applications

MCTS: SQL Server 2005
MCTS: SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence

One of the first things I want to clarify is the definition of upgrade in relation to your certifications.  Upgrading means to move from an older version to a newer version.  Similar to trading up your old car for a newer model.

Going from MCTS to MCPD is not considered an upgrade in this instance.

Developer Related:

The .NET Framework 2.0 was the first developer certification track that used the new generation certification credentials.  This means that it is the first MCTS set of credentials for developers.

We created three pillars, or silos, known as Windows developers, Web developers and distributed apps developer.   These three pillars have worked fine for the .NET 2.0 world but as we move into 3.5, there are more technologies added to the framework and as a result, we have added more MCTS certifications.

Rather than setting up 3 pillars, we concentrate on the specific technologies such as Windows Presentation Foundation, Communication Foundation, Workflow, ASP.NET, ADO.NET and Windows Forms.  WOW, six certifications?  What the heck?  Well, the main reason is to allow you to more closely focus your credential on specific technologies.

SO, what is the upgrade path Gerry?

In short, there isn't one.  If you have an MCTS already, you need to take one exam to get a 3.5 credential.  For example, if you are a TS:.NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications, you would likely want to get TS: .NET 3.5 Framework, ASP.NET.  You only need to take exam 70-562.

What if you don't have an MCTS already?  You will need to take 70-536 first, the same exam that is the foundation for .NET 2.0.  Then you would take the exam of your choice based on the technology, for example 70-502 for TS: .NET 3.5 Framework, Windows Presentation Foundation.

So, in a sense, there is an upgrade path that is almost equal to starting from scratch.  Almost equal because you may have already passed 70-536, which means only one exam for a TS.

Hopefully this makes some sense to you.  Simply put, one exam is the upgrade path, but there are more choices in technology in 3.5 than you had in 2.0.



Microsoft Certifications: How do I upgrade my MCAD or MCSD?
25 February 08 03:14 PM | Gerry O'Brien | 14 Comments   

Sorry for the long time between posts but work just keeps getting in the way.  Along with moonlighting and University.  Oh well, moonlighting is pretty much over and my final has been written.  Woohoo, more free time.  Yeah right!

At any rate, to the question at hand.

When we made the switch over to the new generation of certifications, that left the MCAD and MCSD monikers sitting as older designations, or what we refer to as "Classic certifications".  These certifications also proved proficiency in earlier versions of developer technologies such as Visual C++ 6, VB 6 and .NET 1.0/1.1.

The new generation of certifications concentrate more on specific technologies and are getting more and more focused.  Where MCAD and MCSD required multiple exams to achieve the credential, the new generation require fewer exams.  They also allow hiring managers to more closely gauge your fit for their needs.

Because there is such a change in technologies, coupled with the new generation of certifications, we have provide only one upgrade path.  That is from MCAD or MCSD to MCTS or MCPD in .NET 2.0.  There will be NO direct upgrade path from MCAD or MCSD to .NET 3.5.

Initially, we had a path from MCAD to MCPD Web or MCPD Windows, but we found that the fail rate was rather high.  A part of that reason revolves around what I think, in that the MCAD is not qualified to be an MCPD yet.  We are restructuring the exam story and recommending a different upgrade path depending on whether you are an MCAD or and MCPD.  Although not mandatory, here is my recommendation for the most success.

If you are an MCAD already;

You can take the upgrade path to MCTS Web or Windows 2.0.  These exams will be released shortly and will be numbered 70-558 for upgrading MCAD skills to MCTS: .NET 2.0 Web Developer and 70-559 upgrading MCAD skills to MCTS: .NET 2.0 Windows applications.

It is recommended that you do not take the current exams 70-551 and 70-552 to upgrade from MCAD to MCPD based on the current failure rates.  Once again, we are not enforcing this, but recommending it. 

If you are not ready for MCPD yet, then taking the upgrade path to MCTS 2.0 is a good choice if want to remain current on 2.0.  Again, there is no direct upgrade path to 3.5 and the MCTS exams will require passing 70-536 for both 2.0 and 3.5, as well as the requisite MCTS exam.

If you are an MCSD already;

It is my intention to leave 70-551 and 70-552 in market for upgrading MCSD to MCPD.  The reason I want to to do this is simple.  I mentioned earlier that there is no direct upgrade path to 3.5 for MCAD or MCSD, but this path allows you an indirect upgrade.

So, I am sure this is likely still somewhat confusing and if so I apologize but to summarize:

Upgrading your MCSD to MCPD 2.0 is the quickest way to gain the MCPD credential.  It also allows you to take one upgrade exam, when available, to the MCPD 3.5.  Upgrading your MCAD to MCPD 2.0 will also afford you the same but again, I point out that is not recommended.


On a closing note, there will be an announcement next month surrounding the retirement of exams and certifications in the MCAD/MCSD space so if you don't currently have either of these, now is not a good time to start unless you don't plan on using .NET 2.0 or later.



Microsoft Certifications: Where Do I Start? (Part 2 of 2)
21 February 08 10:16 AM | Gerry O'Brien | 3 Comments   

Ok, so I've filled your head with credentials, certification names, links to MCTS, MCPD and MCITP stuff, but you're waiting for the direction.  North.  That's it, just head North.  I mean, that's where Canada is, and that's where I'm originally from and we have great beer and 4 seasons.........

I asked you to answer four questions;

1) What technology do I want to concentrate on?

2) What technology is my company using now and what will we be using in the future?

3) What is your job role? (Developer, Team Lead, Lead Developer, Management etc)

4) How soon do I want to be certified.

Why did I want you to think about these topics?  Quite simply, to help you get the correct certification that fits your needs, this information is crucial.  If you don't know what technology your or your company are using or will be using, you have no end goal.  Without and end, there can be a beginning, but the road leads to nothing.

Why is your job role important?  It helps to determine the best path for you to take that will result in your satisfaction with a certification that shows your true skills and allows you to market those skills at the proper level.

How soon?  Why is that a factor?  It matters greatly as it will be used to determine the technology and or path that will be recommended based on exam and credential availability as well as product technologies.  Most of Microsoft has moved to a 2 year product lifecycle.  And you thought it was hard to keep up before?

So let's get started.


Visual Studio:

.NET Framework 1.0/1.1 - we have certifications for this that are known as Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD) and Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD).  If you are developing on, or will continue to develop on Visual Studio 2003 using version 1.0/1.1 of the .NET Framework, then you should visit these links and look at the prep guides.  These certifications require passing multiple exams and they are actually a rigorous certification path as a result. 

I say this because if you want your certification to mean something to employers, but most importantly, to yourself, you will gain the experience and knowledge to pass these without using the plethora of brain dumps or easy paths.

Microsoft Learning offers many training resources for these exams which are found at the above links.  I will put out this notice to those thinking of taking this path, DO IT NOW!  There will be announcements coming out shortly about the retirement of exams, and these are set to retire next year.

.NET Framework 2.0 - Up until November of 2007, this was the current version of the framework for .NET developers.  There is a large base of organizations and people using version 2.0 at present.  This was also the first version that formed our new generation of certifications.

In my previous post, I mentioned that hiring managers had trouble determining your skill set from the MCAD or MCSD certifications and that the new generation would help to alleviate that.  For this version of the .NET Framework, you can achieve two different levels of certification, not counting the MCA program but we're not getting into that yet.  You can achieve the MCTS and/or MCPD credential with a focus on either Windows development, Web development using ASP.NET technologies, or Distributed/Enterprise development.

MCTS is the base level certification for all of our new generation credentials across developer, SQL and IT Pro audiences.  The exams in this series are designed to test your ability to actually use the tools and implement the technology.  In essence, they are the "how to" concepts of working with the technology.  In other words, how do you inherit from a class, how do you create looping structures, how do you implement IEnumerable in your own classes, how do you backup a SQL Server database, how do you add logins and server roles on SQL Server.  I think you get the picture.

MCPD becomes the next step and is aimed more at a job role with the ability to make decisions on what technology to use and when.  Typically you would be in a lead role at this stage of your certification path.  You already understand the "how to" because the MCTS was a prerequisite and you have proven you have those skills.  Now, you are taking that knowledge and applying it to design and implementation decisions.

The exams that you need to concentrate on for these certifications can be found here;

TS: .NET Framework 2.0 Windows Applications
TS: .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications
TS: .NET Framework 2.0 Distributed Applications
MCPD: Windows Developer
MCPD: Web Developer
MCPD: Enterprise Applications Developer

Each of the TS exams above require you to pass one prerequisite exam first, 70-536, which is the .NET foundations exam.  You only need to pass it once and it is good for either Web, Windows or Distributed.  You don't need to start with that exam, but I highly recommend it as the remaining exams assume you have the knowledge that is tested on 70-536.

These credentials and exams will be available for some time to come so you have lots of time to prepare for these.  Again, use these prep guides to understand the topics that the exams test on so you can gain experience with them.  Then, use the training recommendations to prepare for the actual exam.

.NET Framework 3.0/3.5 - Because 3.0 was essentially extensions for Visual Studio and 3.5 has the new technologies as a native part of it, we chose not to create any certifications for 3.0 but rather wait for 3.5 to release with Visual Studio 2008.

At present, we have three exams that are ready to go live in late March on Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Communication Foundation, and Windows Workflow Foundation.  These exams are 70-502, 70-503, and 70-504 respectively.

The prep guides found at these links will help you understand what aspects of the technology are covered on the exam.  These are new technologies and our current courseware and other training resources are still in development but MSDN is always a great resource to get started on how to use these technologies.

We have three other exams that are in various stages of development for the rest of .NET 3.5 which are 70-561 ADO.NET, 70-562 ASP.NET, and 70-505 Windows Forms.  These are all MCTS level exams which means they are the starting point for your .NET 3.5 certification path. 

The credentials that fall under this category are;

TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 - Windows Presentation Foundation
TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 - Windows Communication Foundation
TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 - Windows Workflow Foundation
TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 - Windows Forms Developer
TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 - ADO.NET
TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 - ASP.NET

Each of these credentials will require the 70-536 exam as a prerequisite.

The MCPD story for .NET 3.5 will be completed and announced in the near future so stay tuned to this blog and Trika's blog for those announcements.


SQL Server:

If you are interested in pursuing certification in SQL Server, there are three considerations for you to look at,

SQL Server 2000 - The Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) credential is another one of our older certifications that will be retiring soon, however, if you are still using SQL Server 2000 and don't see any immediate upgrades in technology, then you can look to this credential to prove your skills on SQL Server 2000. 

NOTE: Because this credential required core exams and elective exams, be sure you check the requirements, listed at the link provided above, to be aware of any elective exams that may be retiring.

SQL Server 2005 - SQL Server had one of those long product life cycles that took 5 years but, the wait was well worth it for the features that were added to the product.  As a result of the new technologies, SQL Server 2005 certifications also entered the new generation certification plan to better reflect the technology and how it would be used in the workplace.

Current credentials for SQL 2005 include;

TS: SQL Server 2005 - This credential requires the passing of one exam, 70-431, which tests topics on database administration and database development.

TS: SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence - this credential shows your ability to implement and maintain business intelligence solutions using SQL Server 2005.  You are required to pass one exam for this credential, 70-445.

MCITP Database Administrator - This is the new professional level certification for Database Administrators.  Keep in mind that the professional level certifications are intended to be job role specific in the same manner as that for .NET as described above.

This credential requires the TS: SQL Server 2005 as a prerequisite plus two other exams,
70-433 and 70-444.  The prep guides found at these two links will help you prepare for these exams outlining our current training resources.

MCITP Database Developer - is a certification that is target more to those who are designing and implementing relational database models and database storage objects.  A lot of coverage around user-defined functions, triggers, stored procedures, Transact-SQL, and the CLR will be found on these exams, 70-441 and 70-442.  Again, 70-431 is a prerequisite for this credential.

MCITP Business Intelligence Developer - complete the 70-445 exam as the prerequisite and you can take one more exam, 70-446, to compete your credential as a SQL Server 2005 BI developer. 

This proves you can design analysis solutions, data transformations, and reports. Business intelligence developers design and implement multi-dimensional database models (logical and physical), data marts, data warehousing, data transforms, data analytics, and reporting solutions. This includes programming and customizing servers that use Multidimensional Expressions (MDX), customer transforms, and custom reporting solutions. Business intelligence developers are typically employed by mid- to large-sized organizations.

SQL Server 2008 - We are still completing development of our SQL Server 2008 exams but here's what you can expect on the MCTS front.

There will be three TS level exams this time around;

SQL Server 2008 Database Administrator - 70-432
SQL Server 2008 Database Developer - 70-433
SQL Server 2008 Business Intelligence - 70-448

Because these exams are not complete yet and the pro story is not complete, there are no links at this time for the prep guides etc.  We can't offer prep guides for exams that aren't complete.  :-)

I can recommend that you start preparing now by looking at content for SQL Server 2005 as I don't expect there to be any large amount of changes between the two versions of the products that will trip you up for your studying.

So, a very long post, but I hope one that is worth something to those who are starting our and are not currently certified.

Tune in for the next iteration in the series.


Microsoft Certifications: Where Do I Start? (Part 1of 2)
19 February 08 04:41 PM | Gerry O'Brien | 4 Comments   

I'm new to Microsoft certifications.  Where do I start?

This question comes up a lot and quite frankly, I can understand why.  Microsoft has a plethora of certifications that go way back to early versions of Visual Basic, C++ and SQL Server.  We have changed designations over the years which has added confusion.  So, the purpose of this first post in the series is to help you understand our certification story and then point out suggested paths for getting started.

Microsoft Certification Designations

Most people are likely familiar with the credentials known as Microsoft Certified Solution Solutions Developer (MCSD) and Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD).   These credentials have served our certified community well over the past few years but there were, and are issues with those credentials now.

Before the .NET Framework came along, these certifications fit well with developers because they were certified as developers creating applications on Windows using either Visual Basic or Visual C++.

Enter .NET and the ability to develop in VB, C#, C++, J# etc.  Windows applications, Web applications, client-side scripting, Web Services.  It got to the point where hiring managers had no idea what qualifications a candidate had by looking at the MCSD or MCAD credential anymore.  We had to find a way to fix this.

As technologies change and get added or removed to Visual Studio and the Microsoft development world, certifications must keep up.  This is why we created the new generation of certifications listing Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS), Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD) and Microsoft Certified Information Technology Professional (MCITP) as the credentials that would help to alleviate these issues.

By creating the new generation of certifications, we are not able to provide credentials that focus on technologies.  At first it was simple, MCTS Windows Developer meant you were certified to create applications for Microsoft Windows using .NET.  It didn't say you could create Web apps, nor did it say you could create distributed apps.  Now, we have more technologies, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and Workflow Foundation (WF).  Not a problem, the new generation of certifications is able to keep pace.

So for a software developer, what is currently available?  The following certifications are available now;

TS: .NET Framework 2.0 Windows Applications
TS: .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications
TS: .NET Framework 2.0 Distributed Applications
MCPD: Windows Developer
MCPD: Web Developer
MCPD: Enterprise Applications Developer

And for SQL Server;

MCTS: SQL Server 2005
MCTS: SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence
MCITP: Database Administrator
MCITP: Database Developer
MCITP: Business Intelligence Developer

I encourage you to visit these links to view the preparation guides and requirements for these certifications as to post that here would make this way too long, and you would go away before completing it.  The Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008 certifications are coming out soon so I will cover what to do about those in tomorrow's and the remaining posts.

How do I get there?

Now you know what certifications are currently available, how you go about getting one or more of them depends a great deal on you.  Have answers to these questions for tomorrow's post, and it will help you decide which path is right for you.

1) What technology do I want to concentrate on?

2) What technology is my company using now and what will we be using in the future?

3) What is your job role? (Developer, Team Lead, Lead Developer, Management etc)

4) How soon do I want to be certified.


Until tomorrow.



Microsoft Certifications: Where Do I Start? (A Series)
19 February 08 09:20 AM | Gerry O'Brien | 13 Comments   

I am kicking off a series of posts today that are designed to address your questions around getting or updating a Microsoft certification.  The series will follow this outline;

1) I'm new to Microsoft certifications.  Where do I start?

2) I am already certified as an MCSD or an MCAD but I want to upgrade.  Where do I start?

3) I am already certified as an MCTS and I want to upgrade.  Where do I start?

4) I am already certified as an MCPD and I want to upgrade.  Where do I start?

5) I am an MCDBA, what are my options for the new generation certifications?

6) I am already an MCTS in SQL 2005 and I want to upgrade.  Where do I start?

7) I am already an MCITP in SQL 2005 and I want to upgrade.  Where do I start?

5) I am already certified but I want to be an MCA.


Please let me know if you want me to cover IT Pro certs as well instead of just developer and SQL Server.



When Do My Certifications Retire?
14 February 08 03:28 PM | Gerry O'Brien | 15 Comments   

We are starting to see a lot of questions around the retiring of certifications and credentials so Trika thought it would be a good idea for me to post about that.  What a good idea.  And, it gets me off the hook for coming up with an idea for today's post.  She really looks out for me, Trika does.  :-)

So, here is the scoop.  For the new generation certifications, MCTS, MCPD and MCITP, you can expect the certifications to retire when mainstream product support ends.  That means support for the product or technology. 

When this happens, the certification will likely be removed from your credential.  We are looking at the best way to do this with ideas such as removing it from your transcript altogether, leaving it on the transcript but in a section labeled "Retired" or something similar, or just plain leaving it on your record.

Of course you will not be able to earn the certification anymore and the exams will be pulled.  Hopefully that answers your questions around the retirement story.

Comments welcome as always.



SQL Server Certification Live Meeting Recording
12 February 08 10:35 AM | Gerry O'Brien | 1 Comments   

It has been posted here; https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/lmevents/view?id=msft020608pmlm&pw=ATT10273347

Many thanks to those of you who could attend in person and thank you for your questions and ideas.

For those who are will be reviewing the recorded version, please note the contact information presented there if you have questions that were not answered by the Live Meeting.  I am more than happy to take your feedback and answer questions where I can.



SQL Server® 2005 to SQL 2008® Questions
08 February 08 09:45 AM | Gerry O'Brien | 5 Comments   

I had this question asked to me from the contact form on my blog but I though it was important enough to post publicly as I am sure others are thinking along similar lines.

" Hi

Can the BI MCTS 2005 be used as a prerequisite for the 2008 MCITP?

I would like to do the 2005 MCTS while I wait for the new qualifications to come out, but if I am going to need to do the 2008 MCTS to do the 2008 MCITP, then I'd rather wait"

This is a very good question and one thing that we didn't really discuss on the Live Meeting, so I do apologize for that oversight.

The answer:

Because of the way we have created the new generations of certifications, they are very technology specific.  This serves many purposes such as allowing you to focus on specific areas that you want to, differentiating your certifications based on product versions, allowing hiring managers to better understand your qualifications...... The list goes on.

As a result of this, you will find that there are no more electives for exam tracks and the prerequisites become version specific.  That means you must  certify on the MCTS exam for the version of MCITP you want to achieve.

I never like to tell anyone to NOT take an exam because let's face it, that helps pay my salary right?  But, those who know me, will tell you that I am honest and up front.  So, what would I do?  If I wanted to be certified on 2008 and would NOT be using 2005 or don't see a need for 2005, then I would wait for the certs on 2008. 

If I am using SQL 2005 right now, then I would absolutely complete my MCTS in SQL 2005 at a minimum to prove my skills with that product.  Keep in mind that if you are an MCITP on SQL 2005 already, there will be a one exam upgrade in place to from MCITP SQL Server® 2005 to MCITP SQL Server® 2008.

Would I wait to start preparing?  No.  2008 is not a significant upgrade in SQL Serve®r 2005, well at this time anyway because I am still waiting for CTP 6 to see what is added/removed for features, so that means you can start learning SQL 2005 now if you aren't familiar with it already.

If you are on SQL Server® 2000 now, then do one of two things;

1) Grab the SQL Server® 2008 November CTP and start playing with it now.  I recommend the VHD and running it on Virtual Server or Virtual PC if you have Visual Studio 2005/2008 installed, or any .NET Framework 3.5 or earlier.

2) Grab a trial of SQL Server® 2005 and start kicking the tires on that so you can see the new technologies.



No More C++ on .NET Exams
06 February 08 01:51 PM | Gerry O'Brien | 3 Comments   

This is likely not the best way to communicate this but.....

We have gone back and taken a look at the exam deliveries based on programming language choice and discovered, maybe not too surprisingly, that there is an exceptionally small number of .NET exams that are taken in C++.  For one of the exams, the number slips my mind at this time, we had a grand total of 3 deliveries compared to thousands in VB and C#.

This is showing a trend as well that C++ development is still focusing mainly on native development.  Microsoft is not supporting WPF and WF fully with C++ either.

As a result, moving forward, we will not include C++ as a langage choice on .NET managed code exams.  C++ will be available as an option on 70-503 and 70-504, but the rest of the .NET exams will not be converted to C++.

Now, for those C++ developers out there who want a Microsoft certification, wait, did I hear one? :-)  I have been thinking about a certification for C++ devs but we need to research the market further, see what it should look like, who it targets, is it Microsoft specific or is it ANSI, that latter I assume.  But if it is ANSI, are we the right people to create that certification?

As you can see, lots of initial questions from my fuzzy brain, with no answers yet.

It's fuzzy due to lack of sleep and too much work.  All self inflicted.  I just completed a research paper for my University course that was Security in Modern Operating Systems: A Comparison, where I compared, at a somewhat low level, the authentication and authorization mechanisms in Windows and Linux.  Was only supposed to be 15 pages but I got carried away and had 20 pages.  Oops.  At least I got a 90% on it.  Yay!!

Then, at the same time, I am refreshing our eClinics on WPF, WCF and WF.  Yes thats right, you can see my mugshot in these when they release and watch me blunder my way through demos in them.  They are due before end of Feb BTW.  :-)

Oh, and studying for my course final, due on two weeks. 

Learning some Alternative Rock music on guitar so I can accompany my son who is learning to play bass. (I use to play rythm guitar and sing in a country band so you can see how much time I have to devote to this).

But enough of my fuzzy brain and all that is in it.

You comments and suggestions around C++ are most welcome as always.



Do You Want to Help With Exam Item Selection?
06 February 08 01:16 PM | Gerry O'Brien | 6 Comments   

Have you taken 70-502, 70-503 or 70-504?  Or, are you an "expert" on WPF, WCF or WF?

If so, do I have an opportunity for you.

On Feb. 25, 26, and 27, we will be holding the item selection and standard setting sessions for these exams.  This is assuming we get enough participants to be present.

So, we need your help to make sure the questions on these exams are relevant, correct and ready to go live.

Oh did I mention we reimburse travel costs, within reason, pay you for this and even give you free breakfast and lunch?

If you are interested, there is a contact me option for this blog, please us this to contact me directly.  I won't post my email on the public portion for good reason.  :-)



Blog Title Change
30 January 08 09:22 PM | Gerry O'Brien | 6 Comments   

It's time to put my petty complaints, personal thoughts and ideas on another blog and make this an official Microsoft Certification blog.

As a result, I have changed the title of the blog to better reflect the content that will reside here moving forward.  I also pledge to update and post in a more frequent manner than I have been, although I'm a firm believer that if you have nothing to say, it is better not to say anything.  Anyone who works with me will tell you that I am often quiet in meetings and don't speak up until asked to do so, or towards the end of the meeting.

I am a person who prefers to have all the information at hand, take time to review it, and then formulate my thoughts and responses before speaking up.  That transfers over into my blog as well.  Unless I have something to report, or am thinking out loud and seeking your opinions, I don't typically post.  I will however, seek to find more topics to discuss and post about so you can use this as a resource for what is taking place with Microsoft developer and SQL Server certifications.

Very shortly we will be announcing our decisions around the Visual Studio and SQL Server professional certifications.  I know that a lot of you are waiting for this announcement to see where you should concentrate on and we do apologize for the delay.  We want to ensure that our decisions are the right decisions for you and that they make the most sense in the long run for the program and for your needs.  It has been an incredible battle internally with this decision but I am confident that we have made the correct choice for all of our certified, and soon to be certified professionals around the world.

I am hoping that you will be happy with the decisions and support it, but as always, your opinions count and they do matter to us.  If you disagree, please provide those comments as well.  I greatly appreciate your feedback when the decision is announced.  The decision will be made public in a general announcement to the MCP community and I will post that same communication here as well.



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