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W3C Translations

Introduction | How to Volunteer | Unofficial and Authorized Translations | What to translate | Discussion fora | Glossaries | Further Information About this Site

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The working language of the W3C is US English. The official version of a W3C document is the US English language version at the W3C site. The W3C tries to reach as many people and organizations around the world as possible. But translating specifications is a lot of work, and we need your help. We made it easy to help us with translations, and invite you to volunteer to translate some W3C specification and other documents, alone or together with somebody else.

How to Volunteer

Some documents have already been translated; existing translations can be found by using the search facilities on this page. Please, check whether the document you intend to translate has alreay been translated to avoid duplications. You should also check on the archives of the w3c-translators@w3.org mailing list whether somebody has already declared his or her intention to translate that document. If you know about a translation that is not listed here, please write to w3c-translators@w3.org.

Before you start a translation, please make sure you have read the information on translations in our Copyright FAQ and have done what it requires.

Related to translations is the Internationalization Activity. Its task is to make the content of the W3C specifications useful not only for English-speaking or Latin-writing part of the world, but truly worldwide. Please, consult the home page of that activity if you want to join.

Unofficial and Authorized Translations

Translations are usually prepared to help the communities around the World understanding the W3C technologies and, as such, most of them have an informative, unofficial character. However, in some cases, the translations are meant to be used for official purposes, too, such as referencing in local and regional standards, or as part of organizational policies or regulatory processes. To develop such translations, W3C has also defined a process for Authorized W3C Translations which ensures transparency and community accountability in the development of authorized translations under the oversight of W3C. Please, consult the the relevant document for the details of that process.

What to translate

W3C publishes various types of documents, including drafts in the Recommendation tracks (working drafts, candidate recommendations, etc.), W3C Notes, courses, activity home pages, presentations, etc. We strongly encourage translators to concentrate on specific documents only, namely:

Some W3C groups may suggest additional documents to translate (e.g., the WAI has published a prioritized list of accessibility documents to translate, the QA activity has labelled by "[translation welcomed]" these documents in their document library, and the Internationalization Activity welcomes translations of its articles and tutorials when sanctioned by the Activity Lead).

Working Drafts, Candidate Recommendations, Proposed Recommendations, and other W3C Web pages may change by the time the translation is published, thereby obsoleting the translation. This may also give wrong information to experts in a specific language community. They may not be aware of the details of the W3C Process and may be misled to believe that the translation referred to via these pages is the translation of a stable document. For these reasons, such translations are not added to the database that is referred to in these pages.

It is, however, recognized that in some cases translations of Recommendation Track drafts might be useful for the development process, for reviewing, etc. If you want to contribute to those, please contact the relevant working group; a reference to your translation may be added to the working group's document list.

Discussion fora

For notifying us about starting or completing a translation (required), to find other volunteers to help you translate large specifications, or to discuss questions you have when translating, we have created the w3c-translators@w3.org mailing list (publicly archived). To subscribe to this list, please send an email to w3c-translators-request@w3.org with the word "subscribe" in the subject line (include the word "unsubscribe" if you want to unsubscribe). You can also browse through the archives of that list, or search it using this form:


There are also some language specific mailing lists and discussion fora for translations in French, Hungarian (a wiki page for Hungarian translators is also available), and in Simplified Chinese.


General, W3C related glossaries are available in Arabic, Chinese (both Simplified and Traditional), German, and Korean. The Glossary of Terms for Device Independence has also been translated to French, Italian, Polish, and Spanish.

Further Information About this Site

Currently, this page refers to 1000 translations in 49 languages. This includes 402 translations of W3C Recommendations, and 598 translations of other documents, such as tutorials, notes, member or team submissions, guidelines, etc.

If you are curious about how translations are managed at W3C and how you can access this information, you can consult our separate page on translation management. This may be particulary interesting if you wish to maintain your own list of translation references either on a particular technology or language.

Announcements of new translations added to this site can also be syndicated using RSS 1.0 (an RDF vocabulary used for site summaries) and are also available in the archives.

Ivan Herman. Please send comments on this page to the W3C Communication team (w3t-comm@w3.org).
The queries rely on the following RDF files: tr.rdf, Trans2005.rdf, Trans2006.rdf, Trans2007.rdf, Trans2008.rdf, TransTo2004.rdf, extras.rdf, langInfo.rdf, translators.rdf, docGroups.rdf, recs.rdf, commented.rdf, deadDucks.rdf, and extraControls.rdf.
Last modified: $Date: 2008/03/11 10:05:42 $
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