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 meta Object
META Element | meta Object

Conveys hidden information about the document to the server and the client.

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the meta object.

charset Sets or retrieves the character set used to encode the object.
clientHeight Retrieves the height of the object including padding, but not including margin, border, or scroll bar.
clientLeft Retrieves the distance between the offsetLeft property and the true left side of the client area.
clientTop Retrieves the distance between the offsetTop property and the true top of the client area.
clientWidth Retrieves the width of the object including padding, but not including margin, border, or scroll bar.
CONTENTcontent Sets or retrieves meta-information to associate with httpEquiv or name.
HTTP-EQUIVhttpEquiv Sets or retrieves information used to bind the META tag's content to an HTTP response header.
isTextEdit Retrieves whether a TextRange object can be created using the object.
NAMEname Sets or retrieves the value specified in the CONTENT attribute of the meta object.
parentTextEdit Retrieves the container object in the document hierarchy that can be used to create a TextRange containing the original object.
SCHEMEscheme Sets or retrieves a scheme to be used in interpreting the value of a property specified for the object.
scrollHeight Retrieves the scrolling height of the object.
scrollLeft Sets or retrieves the distance between the left edge of the object and the leftmost portion of the content currently visible in the window.
scrollTop Sets or retrieves the distance between the top of the object and the topmost portion of the content currently visible in the window.
scrollWidth Retrieves the scrolling width of the object.
sourceIndex Retrieves the ordinal position of the object, in source order, as the object appears in the document's all collection.
tagName Retrieves the tag name of the object.
onlayoutcomplete Fires when the print or print preview layout process finishes filling the current LayoutRect object with content from the source document.
contains Checks whether the given element is contained within the object.
dragDrop Initiates a drag event.
getAttribute Retrieves the value of the specified attribute.
removeAttribute Removes the given attribute from the object.
setAttribute Sets the value of the specified attribute.
Style attributeStyle propertyDescription
background-position-xbackgroundPositionX Sets or retrieves the x-coordinate of the backgroundPosition property.
background-position-ybackgroundPositionY Sets or retrieves the y-coordinate of the backgroundPosition property.
layout-gridlayoutGrid Sets or retrieves the composite document grid properties that specify the layout of text characters.
layout-grid-modelayoutGridMode Sets or retrieves whether the text layout grid uses two dimensions.
pixelBottom Sets or retrieves the bottom position of the object.
pixelHeight Sets or retrieves the height of the object.
pixelLeft Sets or retrieves the left position of the object.
pixelRight Sets or retrieves the right position of the object.
pixelTop Sets or retrieves the top position of the object.
pixelWidth Sets or retrieves the width of the object.
posBottom Sets or retrieves the bottom position of the object in the units specified by the bottom attribute.
posHeight Sets or retrieves the height of the object in the units specified by the height attribute.
posLeft Sets or retrieves the left position of the object in the units specified by the left attribute.
posRight Sets or retrieves the right position of the object in the units specified by the right attribute.
posTop Sets or retrieves the top position of the object in the units specified by the top attribute.
posWidth Sets or retrieves the width of the object in the units specified by the width attribute.


The META element also embeds document information that some search engines use to index and categorize documents on the World Wide Web.

This element can be used only within the HEAD element.

This element is not rendered.

This element does not require a closing tag.


This example disables theming support for the document.


Standards Information

This object is defined in HTML 3.2 World Wide Web link.

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