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MAP Element | map Object

Contains coordinate data for client-side image maps.

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the map object.

canHaveChildren Gets a value indicating whether the object can contain child objects.
canHaveHTML Sets or retrieves the value indicating whether the object can contain rich HTML markup.
CLASSclassName Sets or retrieves the class of the object.
DIRdir Sets or retrieves the reading order of the object.
firstChild Retrieves a reference to the first child in the childNodes collection of the object.
IDid Retrieves the string identifying the object.
innerHTML Sets or retrieves the HTML between the start and end tags of the object.
innerText Sets or retrieves the text between the start and end tags of the object.
isContentEditable Gets the value that indicates whether the user can edit the contents of the object.
isDisabled Gets the value that indicates whether the user can interact with the object.
isMultiLine Retrieves the value indicating whether the content of the object contains one or more lines.
isTextEdit Retrieves whether a TextRange object can be created using the object.
LANGlang Sets or retrieves the language to use.
LANGUAGElanguage Sets or retrieves the language in which the current script is written.
lastChild Retrieves a reference to the last child in the childNodes collection of an object.
NAMEname Sets or retrieves the name of the object.
nextSibling Retrieves a reference to the next child of the parent for the object.
nodeName Retrieves the name of a particular type of node.
nodeType Retrieves the type of the requested node.
nodeValue Sets or retrieves the value of a node.
offsetHeight Retrieves the height of the object relative to the layout or coordinate parent, as specified by the offsetParent property.
offsetLeft Retrieves the calculated left position of the object relative to the layout or coordinate parent, as specified by the offsetParent property.
offsetParent Retrieves a reference to the container object that defines the offsetTop and offsetLeft properties of the object.
offsetTop Retrieves the calculated top position of the object relative to the layout or coordinate parent, as specified by the offsetParent property.
offsetWidth Retrieves the width of the object relative to the layout or coordinate parent, as specified by the offsetParent property.
outerHTML Sets or retrieves the object and its content in HTML.
outerText Sets or retrieves the text of the object.
ownerDocument Retrieves the document object associated with the node.
parentElement Retrieves the parent object in the object hierarchy.
parentNode Retrieves the parent object in the document hierarchy.
parentTextEdit Retrieves the container object in the document hierarchy that can be used to create a TextRange containing the original object.
previousSibling Retrieves a reference to the previous child of the parent for the object.
readyState Retrieves the current state of the object.
scopeName Gets the namespace defined for the element.
sourceIndex Retrieves the ordinal position of the object, in source order, as the object appears in the document's all collection.
STYLE Sets an inline style for the element.
tagName Retrieves the tag name of the object.
tagUrn Sets or gets the Uniform Resource Name (URN) specified in the namespace declaration.
TITLEtitle Sets or retrieves advisory information (a ToolTip) for the object.
uniqueID Retrieves an autogenerated, unique identifier for the object.
clientCaps Provides information about features supported by Microsoft Internet Explorer, as well as a way for installing browser components on demand.
download Downloads a file and notifies a specified callback function when the download is complete.
homePage Contains information about a user's homepage.
httpFolder Contains scripting features that enable browser navigation to a folder view.
saveFavorite Enables the object to persist data in a favorite Web site.
saveHistory Enables the object to persist data in the browser history.
saveSnapshot Enables the object to persist data when a Web page is saved.
userData Enables the object to persist data in user data.
all Returns a reference to the collection of elements contained by the object.
areas Retrieves a collection of the area objects defined for the given map object.
attributes Retrieves a collection of attributes of the object.
behaviorUrns Returns a collection of Uniform Resource Name (URN) strings identifying the behaviors attached to the element.
childNodes Retrieves a collection of HTML Elements and TextNode objects that are direct descendants of the specified object.
children Retrieves a collection of DHTML Objects that are direct descendants of the object.
onbeforeactivate Fires immediately before the object is set as the active element.
onbeforecut Fires on the source object before the selection is deleted from the document.
onbeforepaste Fires on the target object before the selection is pasted from the system clipboard to the document.
onclick Fires when the user clicks the left mouse button on the object.
oncut Fires on the source element when the object or selection is removed from the document and added to the system clipboard.
ondblclick Fires when the user double-clicks the object.
ondrag Fires on the source object continuously during a drag operation.
ondragend Fires on the source object when the user releases the mouse at the close of a drag operation.
ondragenter Fires on the target element when the user drags the object to a valid drop target.
ondragleave Fires on the target object when the user moves the mouse out of a valid drop target during a drag operation.
ondragover Fires on the target element continuously while the user drags the object over a valid drop target.
ondragstart Fires on the source object when the user starts to drag a text selection or selected object.
ondrop Fires on the target object when the mouse button is released during a drag-and-drop operation.
onfocusin Fires for an element just prior to setting focus on that element.
onfocusout Fires for the current element with focus immediately after moving focus to another element.
onhelp Fires when the user presses the F1 key while the browser is the active window.
onkeydown Fires when the user presses a key.
onkeypress Fires when the user presses an alphanumeric key.
onkeyup Fires when the user releases a key.
onlosecapture Fires when the object loses the mouse capture.
onmousedown Fires when the user clicks the object with either mouse button.
onmouseenter Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer into the object.
onmouseleave Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer outside the boundaries of the object.
onmousemove Fires when the user moves the mouse over the object.
onmouseout Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer outside the boundaries of the object.
onmouseover Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer into the object.
onmouseup Fires when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse is over the object.
onmousewheel Fires when the wheel button is rotated.
onpaste Fires on the target object when the user pastes data, transferring the data from the system clipboard to the document.
onpropertychange Fires when a property changes on the object.
onreadystatechange Fires when the state of the object has changed.
onscroll Fires when the user repositions the scroll box in the scroll bar on the object.
onselectstart Fires when the object is being selected.
addBehavior Attaches a behavior to the element.
appendChild Appends an element as a child to the object.
applyElement Makes the element either a child or parent of another element.
attachEvent Binds the specified function to an event, so that the function gets called whenever the event fires on the object.
clearAttributes Removes all attributes and values from the object.
click Simulates a click by causing the onclick event to fire.
cloneNode Copies a reference to the object from the document hierarchy.
componentFromPoint Returns the component located at the specified coordinates via certain events.
contains Checks whether the given element is contained within the object.
detachEvent Unbinds the specified function from the event, so that the function stops receiving notifications when the event fires.
dragDrop Initiates a drag event.
fireEvent Fires a specified event on the object.
getAdjacentText Returns the adjacent text string.
getAttribute Retrieves the value of the specified attribute.
getAttributeNode Gets an attribute object referenced by the attribute.name property.
getBoundingClientRect Retrieves an object that specifies the bounds of a collection of TextRectangle objects.
getClientRects Retrieves a collection of rectangles that describes the layout of the contents of an object or range within the client. Each rectangle describes a single line.
getElementsByTagName Retrieves a collection of objects based on the specified element name.
hasChildNodes Returns a value that indicates whether the object has children.
insertAdjacentElement Inserts an element at the specified location.
insertAdjacentHTML Inserts the given HTML text into the element at the location.
insertAdjacentText Inserts the given text into the element at the specified location.
insertBefore Inserts an element into the document hierarchy as a child node of a parent object.
mergeAttributes Copies all read/write attributes to the specified element.
normalize Merges adjacent TextNode objects to produce a normalized document object model.
releaseCapture Removes mouse capture from the object in the current document.
removeAttribute Removes the given attribute from the object.
removeAttributeNode Removes an attribute object from the object.
removeBehavior Detaches a behavior from the element.
removeChild Removes a child node from the object.
removeNode Removes the object from the document hierarchy.
replaceAdjacentText Replaces the text adjacent to the element.
replaceChild Replaces an existing child element with a new child element.
replaceNode Replaces the object with another element.
scrollIntoView Causes the object to scroll into view, aligning it either at the top or bottom of the window.
setAttribute Sets the value of the specified attribute.
setAttributeNode Sets an attribute object node as part of the object.
setCapture Sets the mouse capture to the object that belongs to the current document.
swapNode Exchanges the location of two objects in the document hierarchy.
Style attributeStyle propertyDescription
behaviorbehavior Sets or retrieves the location of the Dynamic HTML (DHTML) behavior.


An image map is a graphic image, with predefined regions, that contains links to other documents or anchors. For example, you could create an image of the solar system containing links that the user can click to navigate to pages for the individual planets.

The map object is referenced with the USEMAP attribute in an IMG element, as follows:

<img src="solarsys.gif" usemap="#SystemMap">

A MAP element contains a set of AREA elements defining the linking regions in the image.

This element is not rendered.

This element requires a closing tag.


This example provides the full code for an image map of the solar system. It creates links from the image map to individual images of the planets using the AREA element with the MAP element, COORDS value, and SHAPE attribute. The user clicks the sun or any planet to link to an individual image. To return to the solar system image map, the user clicks the Back button.

<img src="solarsys.gif" width="504" height="126" alt="Solar System" usemap="#SystemMap">
    <map name="SystemMap">
        <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,82,126" href="/workshop/graphics/sun.gif" alt="sun">
        <area shape="circle" coords="90,58,3" href="/workshop/graphics/merglobe.gif" alt="mercury">
        <area shape="circle" coords="124,58,8" href="/workshop/graphics/venglobe.gif" alt="venus">
        <area shape="circle" coords="162,58,10" href="/workshop/graphics/earglobe.gif" alt="earth">
        <area shape="circle" coords="203,58,8" href="/workshop/graphics/marglobe.gif" alt="mars">
        <area shape="poly" coords="221,34,238,37,257,32,278,44,284,60,281,75,288,91,267,87,253,89,237,81,229,64,228,54" href="/workshop/graphics/jupglobe.gif" alt="jupiter">
        <area shape="poly" coords="288,19,316,39,330,37,348,47,351,66,349,74,367,105,337,85,324,85,307,77,303,60,307,50" href="/workshop/graphics/satglobe.gif" alt="saturn">
        <area shape="poly" coords="405,39,408,50,411,57,410,71,404,78,393,80,383,86,381,75,376,69,376,56,380,48,393,44" href="/workshop/graphics/uraglobe.gif" alt="uranus">
        <area shape="poly" coords="445,38,434,49,431,53,427,62,430,72,435,77,445,92,456,77,463,72,463,62,462,53,455,47" href="/workshop/graphics/nepglobe.gif" alt="neptune">
        <area shape="circle" coords="479,66,3" href="/workshop/graphics/pluglobe.gif" alt="pluto">
This feature requires Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.0 or later. Click the following icon to install the latest version. Then reload this page to view the sample.

Standards Information

This object is defined in HTML 3.2 World Wide Web link and is defined in World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1 World Wide Web link.

MSDN Library
Web Development
HTML and DHTML Reference