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Re: Faied to import the ActiveX control. (Load Macromedia Flash)?

Thread Starter: cROCKed   Started: 09 Mar 2007 11:29 PM UTC   Replies: 10
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Most Recent Reply: 27 Aug 2007, 2:01 PM UTC
Total Views: 9933
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Status: Answered
  09 Mar 2007, 11:29 PM UTC
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Faied to import the ActiveX control. (Load Macromedia Flash)?
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i have some problems about to import Shockwave Flash Object. I can adding to shockwave flash object to toolbox. But When i try to Drag and drop flash object to my winapp project, i get this error msg " Faied to import the ActiveX control. "

i search abouth some things about this error. i find some answers samples Start>Run> Regsrvr dll registering and AxShockwaveFlashObjects but i can't load it to my project.

 i have using Visual Studio 2005 pro edition 8.0.50727.42 version. How to i can load an use Shockwave Flash Object in my Project?

Please Help me

Sorry about my poor English...

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  16 Mar 2007, 6:21 AM UTC
Bruno Yu - MSFT
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The Regsvr32.exe can help you to register the ActiveX control in your system registry. After you registered the component, you can add the reference for the component in your VB.NET application. This technology refers to the Interop, you can search the information on COM Interop that help you to understand this technology.

According to your problem, there is a Visual Studio 2005 Technical Article titled User Interface Controls in Visual Basic 6 and Visual Basic 2005, please open the following link and have a try to finish your work:



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  16 Mar 2007, 7:23 AM UTC
Harshal Bhau11
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Re: Faied to import the ActiveX control. (Load Macromedia Flash)?
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 Bruno Yu - MSFT wrote:


The Regsvr32.exe can help you to register the ActiveX control in your system registry. After you registered the component, you can add the reference for the component in your VB.NET application. This technology refers to the Interop, you can search the information on COM Interop that help you to understand this technology.

According to your problem, there is a Visual Studio 2005 Technical Article titled User Interface Controls in Visual Basic 6 and Visual Basic 2005, please open the following link and have a try to finish your work:





Hi ,

Is there anything such in C# in dot NET



i basically need to know about User Controls



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  16 Mar 2007, 7:30 AM UTC
Bruno Yu - MSFT
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Re: Faied to import the ActiveX control. (Load Macromedia Flash)?
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Please post your question in C# forum in order to get the satisfied answer. This forum focus on VB.NET. Thank you for your question.

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  24 Jun 2007, 7:25 AM UTC
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Re: Faied to import the ActiveX control. (Load Macromedia Flash)?
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Question :How to install flash object in vb.net that is save in my.resources ?


how to run  *.swf file in vb.net that is save in my.resources?

 please send Quickly Answer.



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  26 Jun 2007, 5:15 AM UTC
Bruno Yu - MSFT
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Re: Faied to import the ActiveX control. (Load Macromedia Flash)?
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Thanks for your question. Could you please create a new thread, then post the question there? This method can help you to get more satisfying answers in this forum because the new created threads can appeal more people to take part in helping to solve your problems.


Thanks again for your question.

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  27 Jun 2007, 6:57 AM UTC
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Re: Faied to import the ActiveX control. (Load Macromedia Flash)?
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actually i want to add shockwave flash player into winform.when i drag that control it shows "failed to import the activex control.please ensure it is properly registered."



                                so will u please tell me how to import and register shockwave control into my form.actually i'm a fresher to .net.if u'll send the answer to my mail i'll be thankful.




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  06 Jul 2007, 5:12 PM UTC
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Re: Faied to import the ActiveX control. (Load Macromedia Flash)?
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How the Active X control is build, Do you have any idea,While importing the OCX  into .NET, It require Interop component, Try to build the interop component and try to import, It should import.ThanksPeter.
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  24 Jul 2007, 1:58 PM UTC
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Answer Re: Faied to import the ActiveX control. (Load Macromedia Flash)?
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I came across this issue in VS2005 but while trying to put another ActiveX control on a form.

The reason that my ActiveX contol (and possibly other ActiveX controls from other parties, excluding some 'very simple' controls) was not insertable on a Visual Studio 2005 .Net Windows Form directly was because of 2005, and unlike its predecessor VS2003, does not automatically add the necessary and needed COM reference to the OLE Automation type library - stdole.tlb or stdole2.tlb.
To remedy this situation, before inserting your ActiveX control, add the OLE Automation COM reference to the project. To do this, from the Solution Explorer find the project in question and expand its tree item to reach the sub-item labeled 'References'. Right click that item and choose 'Add...' from the popup menu. A dialog box will show up. Go to the page on that dialog that is labeled 'COM' and from the list of COM type libraries on that page check the 'OLE Automation' library and hit Ok.
This worked for my ActiveX control and it is now insertable on the form.


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  24 Aug 2007, 11:45 AM UTC
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Re: Faied to import the ActiveX control. (Load Macromedia Flash)?
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Try given OCX Control



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  27 Aug 2007, 2:01 PM UTC
Yan M Aung
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Re: Faied to import the ActiveX control. (Load Macromedia Flash)?
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Go to "Tools", select "Choose Box Items"

Click on "COM Component"

select One of Microsoft Components such as

"Microsoft Common Dialog Control" OR

"Microsoft  Spreadsheet"

The select item will be in your tool box.

Drag this item to you form

And then drag your Flash tool.

May be you can delete previous one.

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