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These are mailing lists provided by the W3C for discussion and development on the World Wide Web.

Note: Before you start using the W3C Mailing lists, please make sure you have read our policy for public mailing lists and Guidelines for Email Attachments.

Discussion and WG Mailing Lists

Below are mailing lists to which you can subscribe.

ietf-tls (Archive)
Transport Layer Security discussion list (focused effort on providing security features at the transport layer)
pics-info (Archive)
Information about the PICS (Platform for Internet Content Selection) project
spec-prod (Archive)
Forum for discussion of W3C Specifications production issues
w3c-announce (Archive)
This list is for weekly announcements of the news to "cross" the W3C home page. In addition to archives of this list, W3C also maintains an archive of W3C news and announcements
w3c-dist-auth (Archive)
This list is for discussion about the Distributed Authoring and Versioning area. It is maintained by Jim Whitehead at the University of California at Irvine.
w3c-ietf-xmldsig (Archive)
Public mailing list of the W3C/IETF XML Signature WG.
w3c-translators (Archive)
Public mailing list for discussing translations of W3C specifications, and official place to notify W3C about translations as required in the Copyright FAQ.
w3c-translators-fr (Archive)
Liste des traducteurs français des spécifications du W3C. Si vous désirez traduire une spécification du W3C c'est votre lieu de référence. Bien lire les principes de fonctionnement avant.
w3c-xml-sig-ws (Archive)
(Inactive) Public mailing list of the W3C XML Signature Workshop.
w3c-wai-au (Archive)
The Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines group, part of the WAI technical activity. Concerned with producing the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines, Techniques for Authoring Tool Accessibility, and related documents.
w3c-wai-ig (Archive)
WAI Web Accessiblity Initiative Interest Group. Activity in terms of meeting agenda, presentations being made, results, but also exchange ideas, and give input to the working group
w3c-wai-gl (Archive)
This is the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (WCAG WG) mailing list used to discuss action items and open issues in relation to developing WCAG 2.0 and answering questions about WCAG 1.0. The WCAG WG is in the WAI Domain.
wai-wcag-editor (Archive)
This is the mailing list for comments on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) documents.
w3c-wai-ua (Archive)
This is the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (UAWG) mailing list used to discuss action items and open issues related to the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (UAAG 1.0). The UAWG is in the WAI Domain.
www-amaya (Archive)
This mailing list is for discussion about general issues of Amaya, the W3C testbed client. This is the official forum where we announce new Amaya releases. It's also a place for submitting bug reports, for proposing enhancements to Amaya, and for discussing installation and configuration problems.
www-amaya-dev (Archive)
This mailing list is for technical discussion about the Amaya source code, and building problems. It's also the proper forum for proposing public contributions to this code.
www-annotation (Archive)
A public mailing list for technical discussion on annotation, to continue the work originally begun on the W3C Annotation Working Group mailing list. (Please see the Collaboration Overview for further information.)
www-announce (Archive)
This list is no longer active. It was used for announcements on the World Wide Web, its progress, new data sources, and new software releases. Also previously called www-interest
www-collaboration (Archive)
A public mailing list for technical discussion on the use and further development of web technology for collaboration, particularly wide-area and asynchronous collaboration. (Please see the Collaboration Overview for further information.)
www-component-extension (Archive)
Component Extensions (also well-known as plug-ins in Web browsers) refer to any software in charge of providing the client-side part of the Component Extension API. It is a program that runs as part of the Host implementation and that is not part of content.
www-demographics (Archive)
Demographics focuses on ethical user profiling and self-reporting
www-disw (Archive)
Distributed Indexing and Searching information
www-dom (Archive)
DOM Document Object Model, a platform- and language-neutral interface that will allow programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and style of documents
www-dom-ts (Archive)
DOM Test Suites Document Object Model Test Suites, a mailing list for discussions and active participations on the DOM Test Suites.
www-dom-ts-submission (Archive)
DOM Test Suites Submission Document Object Model Test Suites Submission, a mailing list for submissions to the DOM Test Suites. Any submission to this list implies the Grant of License for Contributions under the W3C Software License
www-drm (Archive)
WWW-DRM is the list accompaigning the W3C Workshop in Digital Rights Management. The list also contains ongoing general discussions about Rights Mangement.
www-font (Archive)
This mailing list discusses Fonts and the Web.
www-forms (Archive)
Public mailing list for discussions of XForms.
www-history (Archive)
site for contributions to history, posting current manuscript, timeline, and project status open to comments, and requesting contributions on specific topics
www-html (Archive)
This is the public mailing list for technical discussion among those interested in enhancing the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), in particular Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML), or building systems that support HTML/XHTML. It is explicitly intended for the collaborative design of new systems, software, protocols, and documentation which may be useful to the HTML/XHTML developer community. It is not a list for questions about HTML or for help with HTML authoring issues.
www-html-testsuite (Archive)
HTML and XHTML test suite list, the list is intented to help and coordinate the building of HTML and XHTML test suites in cooperation with the QA Activity
www-international (Archive)
This is the public mailing list for work on internationalization, localization, and multilingualism for the World Wide Web.
www-jigsaw (Archive)
This is the public mailing list for open discussions on Jigsaw. Please read the archive before posting. Bug reports, questions on the current design, etc. should be directed to jigsaw@w3.org
www-lib-bugs (Archive)
This list is no longer active. See also: libwww - the W3C Sample Code Library
www-lib (Archive)
This is the public mailing list for discussion about libwww - the W3C Sample Code Library. This is the proper location for discussing bug reports, patches, enhancements, and public contributions to libwww.
www-math (Archive)
comments and discussion on MathML, HTML and Math on the Web.
www-multicast (Archive)
Multicast WWW BOF (Memphis IETF)
www-multimedia (Archive)
This list is no longer active. See also: W3C's work on Synchronized Multimedia
www-next (Archive)
This list is no longer active. It was for general discussion among those using (or thinking of using) the World Wide Web with NeXT machines or with the NeXTstep environment.
www-p3p-dev (Archive)
www-p3p-dev is a mailing-list for people implementing P3P user-agents and Authoring Tools. It is mostly addressed to developpers.
www-p3p-interop (Archive)
This list was used during the two P3P interoperability sessions. It will be re-used eventually for a future P3P interoperability event. There are nearly no discussions happening here.
www-p3p-policy (Archive)
www-p3p-policy is a mailing-list for those wanting to make their Web-site P3P-compliant. Questions about Privacy Policies and their transformation into P3P-Policies are discussed here.
www-printing (Archive)
discussion of printing related issues
www-push (Archive)
This list is no longer active. It was used for discussions of push technology.
www-ql (Archive)
The public list for discussion on Query Languages, including (but not limited to) discussion on the XML-Query project. This list is spam-protected, which means that before posting to it, you must subscribe to it. Everybody can subscribe.
www-rdb (Archive)
Discussion of gatewaying relational databases into the World Wide Web.
www-servers (Archive)
www-smil (Archive)
The public SMIL mailing list. Mailing list for contacting editor of the SMIL Recommendations, mostly for errata.
www-style (archive, old archive)
This mailing list is for technical discussion on Web Style Sheets. This is a focused discussion area: all posts to this list must be about style sheets.
www-svg (Archive)
This mailing list is for technical discussion about the SVG specification.
www-tag (Archive)
This is the archive of the public discussion list of the W3C Technical Architecture Group. The use of this list is limited to discussions issues of Web architecture.
www-talk (Archive)
This is the primary public mailing list for technical discussion among those developing World Wide Web software. It is explicitly intended for the collaborative design of new systems, software, protocols, and documentation which may be useful to the WWW developer community. General questions from non-developers should go to the newsgroup, and topics relating to HTML should go to www-html.
www-tv (Archive)
Mailing list of "TV and the Web" Interest Group
www-validator (Archive)
Discussion of The W3C Validation Service.
www-vlib-announce (Archive)
Virtual library announcements
www-vlib (Archive)
Virtual library information
www-voice (Archive)
Public mailing list for discussion of the Voice Web.
www-winie (Archive)
Public Discussion about Winie, W3C's network utility to download and upload files on the web using HTTP/1.1
www-ws (Archive)
Public discussion about Web services. See welcome message.
www-ws-arch (Archive)
This public forum is used by the Web Services Architecture Working Group to conduct technical discussions about the Web services architecture.
www-xpath-comments (Archive)
This mailing-list is for public feedback on the XML Path Language specification.
www-xsl-fo (Archive)
Discussion on XSL formatting objects and properties.
xml-dist-app (Archive)

This forum is for discussion of XML in distributed applications, network protocols, and messaging systems. See welcome message of Dec 20 1999 for details. Earlier discussions led to a comparison of several current protocols.

This forum is now used by the XML Protocol Working Group for their technical discussions.

xmlschema-dev (Archive)
Public list for observations and questions about authoring schemas and implementing processors per the XML Schema drafts
xsl-editors (Archive)
This list is for sending comments or reporting errors in the XSL, XSLT and XPath specifications.

Mailing lists for comments and error reports on specifications

You cannot subscribe to these mailing lists.

smil-editors (Archive)
Mailing list for contacting editor of the SMIL 1.0 specification, mostly for SMIL 1.0 errata
svg-testsuite-comments (Archive)
This list is for feedback and bug reports on the W3C SVG Test suite
www-dom (Archive)
DOM Document Object Model, a platform- and language-neutral interface that will allow programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and style of documents
www-html-editor (Archive)
This is the publicly-archived mailing list for sending comments and reporting errors of the HTML/XHTML specifications. This is NOT a discussion forum, and while you may look at the archive of this mailing list, you may not subscribe to this mailing list.
www-i18n-comments (Archive)
This is the public mailing for formal comments to specifications developed by the W3C Internationalization Working Group. For discussion, please use www-international.
www-micropay-comments (Archive)
Public Mailing list for comments on "Common Markup for micropayment per-fee-links" last call review
www-p3p-public-comments (Archive)
This list serves as a channel for feedback from the public to the P3P Working Groups. This list is not meant for discussions, but only for feedback and for archiving this feedback
www-xml-canonicalization-comments (Archive)
This list was once used for the comments on http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-xml-c14n-20000119.html
www-xml-fragment-comments (Archive)
This mailing-list is for public feedback on the XML Fragment specification
www-xml-linking-comments (Archive)
Official public comments list for XLink and XPointer drafts.
www-xml-packaging (Archive)
This public list was set up to discuss and provide feedback on the topic of XML Packaging. This is related to the XML activity general framework.
www-xml-query-comments (Archive )
This is the publicly-archived mailing list for reporting comments and errors about the XML-Query specifications. It is NOT a discussion forum (use www-ql instead), and so while you can look at archives of this mailing list, you can not subscribe to this mailing list.
www-xml-stylesheet-comments (Archive)
This list is for comments on "Associating Style Sheets with XML documents Version 1.0"
www-xml-xinclude-comments (Archive)
This list is for comments on XML Inclusions (XInclude)
xml-editor (Archive)
This mailing list is for public feedback on XML specification
xml-names-issues (Archive)
This mailing list was for public feedback on Namespaces in XML.
public-qt-comments (Archive)
public-qt-comments (qt stands for Query and Transform) is for public feedback on the following W3C specifications published by the XML Query and XSL Working Groups: XQuery 1.0, XSLT 2.0, XPath 2.0, XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model,XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators Version 1.0.


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