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Human Resource Services

Serving the You in BYU

Employment Procedures

Employee Dress and Grooming Standards

All employees are expected to observe high standards in modesty, taste, judgment, and appropriateness of dress and grooming. Observance of such is a specific condition of employment. The following provides a guide for office employees:

Male employees

Appropriate office attire includes suits, shirts and ties, dress slacks, sports coats, sweaters and stockings. Hairstyles are to be neat, clean, and trimmed, and men are expected to be clean shaven. Beards are not acceptable, except for documented reasons, and mustaches are not encouraged. If mustaches are worn, however, they are to be neat and trim. Earrings and all body piercing are not acceptable. Where appropriate, some offices may require a University uniform.

Female employees

Appropriate office attire includes dresses, skirts and blouses, suits, stockings, and dress slacks in good taste. Hemlines are to be below the knee. Where appropriate, some offices may require a University uniform. Hairstyles are to be clean and neat, avoiding extreme styles and colors. Excessive ear piercing (more than one per ear) and all body piercing are not acceptable.

Apparel for non-office personnel should be neat, clean, modest, and appropriate for the type of work being performed.

Supervisors are assigned the responsibility by the University to see that these minimum standards are maintained and for interpreting the general intent of these guidelines. Departments may require a higher dress standard if desired.


Employment Services coordinates the advertising and posting of vacant positions. Contact Employment Services, ext. 2-3563, for instruction or questions on how to post positions.

The University encourages promotion and recruitment from within the campus community. The recruitment process may be open to:

  • All qualified applicants inside and outside the university
  • Qualified, full-time University employees only
  • Qualified, full-time college/division employees only

Category I, category II, temporary, on-call, or student employees are eligible to apply for positions opened to all qualified applicants.

Open positions are generally advertised on the university job website (www.yjobs.byu.edu), posted at designated locations on campus, and faxed to several off-campus organizations. Vacant positions can be advertised in local, state and national media; however, costs for these services will be the responsibility of the department making the request. Employment Services will assist in designing and coordinating the ads in selected local and state newspapers.

Administrative positions are usually open for recruitment for a minimum of 14 consecutive days. Staff positions are usually open for recruitment for a minimum of seven consecutive days.

Individuals who contact the hiring department directly should be referred to Employment Services to apply formally for the position. Departments should not accept nor consider resumes from individuals who have not officially applied.

Employment Services personnel will recruit and screen candidates for open positions according to the qualifications listed by the department. Human Resource Services personnel will review applications with the hiring managers and assist them in selecting qualified candidates for further consideration and/or interviews. Employment Services is available to provide training in hiring, such as selection techniques, panel interviews, interview questions, and legal issues related to the hiring process.

Office Skills Test

Departments may require applicants to take selected office skills tests that are relevant to the position. Requiring office skills tests is appropriate for office support staff positions; however, it is not appropriate for administrative positions.

All applicants must complete the selected tests before the job closes to be considered for the position. Office skills tests are valid for one year. Applicants who reside outside of Utah County may take equivalent tests at state workforce offices, temporary employment agencies, or on the Internet and forward the results to Employment Services. All other applicants are required to complete the tests in the Student Employment office, 2024 WSC.

The Office Skills Test is available from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday, except on Tuesdays when the office is closed for university devotionals from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon.

Reference Checks

Two employment references should be obtained by the hiring department before an employment commitment is made to hire an individual for full-time or approved part-time (category I and category II) employment. The hiring department is responsible for procuring these references and sending them to Employment Services before a salary/wage can be set. Employment references can be submitted on-line through the HRS Employment Reference system.

BYU prefers professional references from past employers, but personal references may be submitted when work-related references are unobtainable. The hiring department is responsible for procuring these references and sending them as soon as possible to Employment Services before the wage is set.

In cases where the applicant is currently working for the hiring department, the following exceptions may apply:

Type of Non-Student Employee Number of References
FULL-TIME to part-time or full-time, same department 0
PART-TIME moving up in status, same department 1 – present supervisor

Ecclesiastical Clearances

All new LDS employees, being hired for administrative, staff, category I, category II, on-call and temporary positions, require an ecclesiastical clearance, as well as those who meet the following conditions:

  • A former employee if he/she has been terminated for more than a month
  • A student employee who is moving to a non-student job
  • An employee who is moving from on-call/temporary to category I or category II; or from category I/II to full-time status

Departments may request an ecclesiastical clearance for the desired applicant through the Employment Services on-line application system. If the position was not posted on the on-line application system, a request may be made by sending an email to ecclesiastical@byu.edu with the following information:

  • Person’s name and BYU ID number
  • Ward and stake
  • Bishop’s name and home and work phone numbers
  • Hiring department, supervisor’s name and extension
  • Employee classification of person (full-time, approved part-time, on-call or temporary)

In specified, pre-approved departments, non-student, part-time employees who are being hired to work less than 100 hours in a calendar year will not need an ecclesiastical endorsement. Employees being hired for these brief assignments will sign a Standard of Conduct Commitment accepting as a condition of employment the observance of:

  • Church Educational System Honor Code on and off campus
  • Dress and Grooming Standards on and off campus
  • Doing one's duty in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  • Attending church meetings
  • Abiding by the rules and standards of the Church

All Non-LDS candidates will meet with an administrator from Employment Services to review university standards. The candidate will sign a Standard of Conduct Commitment, accepting as a condition of employment the observance of the Church Educational System Honor Code and Dress and Grooming Standards at all times, on and off campus.

Employment Services will obtain an initial ecclesiastical clearance for all administrative, staff and non-student part-time employees (category I, category II, temporary, and on-call). Thereafter, annual ecclesiastical clearances will be obtained through the Temple Eligibility office.

Completion of Hiring Paperwork

All new employees (administrative, staff, category I, category II, on-call, and temporary) must report to Employment Services on or before the first day of work to complete required employment forms.

New employees will need to bring the following to Employment Services to complete the hiring paperwork:

  • Appropriate documents establishing employment eligibility and identity to satisfy the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Form I-9. For acceptable documents, please see the Employment Services website (http://www.byu.edu/hr/employ/afterJob.htm) or contact Employment Services, ext. 2-3563.
  • Social security card to satisfy Internal Revenue Services regulations.
  • A voided check to set up direct deposit (Direct deposit is required of all employees). Please see Payroll Policy.

If required, the new employee should complete a post-offer physical examination before work begins and bring the completed packet to Employment Services at the time of hire (please see Physical Examination Policy).

When new full-time and approved part-time employees come to Employment Services to be hired, they will receive a brief explanation of selected university policies and a New Employee Confirmation of Hire form. This form should be taken to the Benefits Office where full-time employees will be scheduled to attend a New University Personnel Orientation.

Concurrent Jobs

On-call and temporary employees may hold concurrent jobs. All departments must agree to share the 910 hours limit. Category I and II employees may not hold concurrent jobs.

Hiring Temporary and On-Call Employees

The University gives priority to BYU students in filling needs for part-time employees; however, departments may find it necessary to hire non-students to meet their part-time, on-call and temporary needs (see Classification of Employees Policy). In order to hire an individual as on-call or temporary, departments must do one of the following:

  • Post the position on Employment Services’ website
  • Obtain prior approval from Employment Services. A memo or email should be sent to the Assistant Director of Employment Services containing the following information:
    • Name of individual and his/her BYU ID number (preferred) or social security number
    • Explanation of the nature of work and why a student could not be hired
    • The length of time the department wishes to employ the individual and the number of hours per week the employee would work

The Assistant Director will take the memo or email to the Appeals Committee. The committee will determine if the department will be provided authorization to hire the individual as on-call or temporary, and the Assistant Director will notify the department of the committee’s decision.

Updated by the HRS Web Team, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 - Copyright 2007. All Rights Reserved.