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Human Resource Services

Serving the You in BYU

Salary System

The University's salary system is a method of salary administration modeled after professional compensation principles.

Guide to Administrative & Staff Salaries

Brigham Young University relies on each of its administrative and staff employees to play a vital and important role in serving the students and a ccomplishing the mission of the University. The purpose of this document is to provide information about the salary system for administrative and staff employees.

Salary System Objectives

The objectives of the salary system are to:

  1. Pay each position as fairly as possible in relation to comparable positions at other places of employment and within budgetary limitations,
  2. Pay each position fairly in relation to other positions at the University which require similar knowledge, skills, and responsibilities,
  3. Provide greater reward to employees whose performance truly excels.

Salary System Components

Job Descriptions

Supervisors are responsible to structure the organization of their departments and assign specific job duties to each position. It is basic to the functioning of the University and the salary system that there is a good understanding between the employee and supervisor of job duties and expectations.

Normally, an employee completes a job description questionnaire in consultation with the supervisor. The description furnishes information about job responsibilities, amount of time spent in various activities, challenges and problems encountered, decisions made, individuals supervised, and knowledge and skills required. After reaching mutual agreement on job duties, the employee and the supervisor sign the questionnaire and send it to the Compensation Department, D-240B ASB.

Supervisors may make reasonable and appropriate assignments which are not covered in the job description, and may make permanent or temporary changes in job duties. If significant permanent changes occur, a revised job description should be submitted to the Compensation Department. Assistance in writing job descriptions is available from the Compensation Department.

Job Evaluation

The purpose of job evaluation is to establish the value of each position. An Evaluation Committee, whose members have received special training in using a professional job evaluation system, evaluates each position. Input is received in the form of job descriptions and information from the supervisor. In some cases, members of the committee visit the work site to help understand the position.

The Evaluation Committee assigns each position a job level and salary range. Factors that are considered include know-how requirements, problem-solving challenges, decision-making requirements, level of accountability, and working conditions.

Supervisors are encouraged to review the evaluations of positions reporting to them and give input and suggestions to the Evaluation Committee so the evaluation work may be done as accurately and fairly as possible.

Salary Surveys

Salary surveys are conducted each year to determine salaries being paid by other employers to their employees for performing job duties similar to those at the University. Considerable time is spent and great care is taken to assure sufficient data is collected and proper comparisons are made.

For administrative positions, universities of similar size and complexity are used for comparison. For staff positions, comparative information is collected primarily from the Wasatch front (Utah Valley and Salt Lake areas).

Through the BYU and Church budget processes, funding is requested for salary increases based on the relationship of BYU pay compared to the results of the surveys and predictions for the coming year. Salary increase guidelines are then established based on survey information and availability of funds.

Job Performance

A basic factor for improvement in job performance is communication between the employee and supervisor. Both individuals should clearly understand the duties of the position, and the employee should know the expectations of the supervisor. Responsibilities and expectations should be discussed when employment commences, and should be the subject of ongoing discussions throughout the months and years that follow. Each year supervisors are asked to submit a performance report for each employee. The report should reflect how well the employee has fulfilled the job duties and responsibilities, with emphasis on future direction and activities.

Employees interested in job advancement should feel free to talk to supervisors and receive help or suggestions regarding personal and professional development activities.

Salary Increases

Each position is evaluated and assigned a job level and salary range. A range consists of a minimum and a maximum salary amount. Normally, new employees begin work at or near the minimum of the assigned range and progress upward in the range over time, as determined by the supervisor, within University guidelines. It generally takes a number of years for the employee to advance to the upper part of the range. Each year, based on the relationship to surveys and the funding received, the ranges may move up an approved amount. This is called a base increase. This increase means the minimum and maximum salary levels are increased by a specific percentage.

Besides covering the base increase, there is usually enough funding provided to advance employees upward within the salary range, based on job performance.


Information Available Through Supervisors

Supervisors will have, or may obtain from the Compensation Department, information regarding ranges for each of their employees. Supervisors may share salary range information with each employee as needed or felt desirable. The Compensation Department's personnel are available to explain the system to supervisors and welcome any constructive input.

The Compensation Departments Responsibilites:

  • Relate position values to others within a department, with input from the manager or supervisor.
  • Relate position values to others on a campus-wide basis.
  • Establish salary ranges for all positions and maintain the ranges in an appropriate relationship to salaries paid by other employers.
  • Give approval for beginning salaries and increases which accompany promotions or position up-grades.
  • Allocate funds and provide guidelines for annual increases.

Supervisor Responsibilities:

  • Determine organizational structure of department and design individual positions to accomplish departmental mission.
  • Furnish accurate job descriptions when requested, or when significant changes occur.
  • Provide input regarding job level relationships of positions supervised.
  • Communicate with employees on a continuous basis regarding job assignments and expectations.
  • Recognize good performance and assist all employees to become better performers.
  • Distribute salary increase money fairly within area supervised, recognizing performance, salary relationships, etc.
  • Provide salary information to each employee as needed or felt desirable.

Updated by the HRS Web Team, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 - Copyright 2007. All Rights Reserved.