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Video Webcast: Jon M. Huntsman on Ethical Leadership

Published: May 02, 2007 in Knowledge@Wharton

Ethics and moral codes of conduct differ in various parts of the world. Does that imply that executives who seek to do business globally should also have flexible ethical norms and traits that change from country to country? Absolutely not, if you ask Jon M. Huntsman, founder and chairman of Huntsman Corporation, a $13 billion maker of chemicals and plastics. "Of course, situations will be different in Asia, Eastern Europe or Latin America, but individuals who are responsible for business must maintain the same standards of ethics and the same criteria of honesty and integrity," he says. "That is very difficult because sometimes you are forced to choose whether you will invest in a country or not." Huntsman discussed these issues and more with Knowledge@Wharton during the 2007 Wharton Economic Summit in Philadelphia last month.

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Here's what you think... Total Comments: 7

#1    Ethics in Business

Just a brief comment: it has been my experience that a company or organization that has to make a commotion about it's own "ethics commitment" usually doesn't have any.
By: Charles Roger Fulton, School Teacher
Sent: 03:04 AM Thu May.03.2007 - US

#2    Ethics in Business

I have worked many years in corporate management positions, consulting, and more recently teaching at the MBA and undergraduate level. In my experience, at companies and organizations whose senior management does not clearly and vocally position ethical behavior as mandatory, and treats codes of conduct like wall decoration that can be compromised for short-term bottom line considerations, are the least successful in sustaining these standards.
By: Loren Smith, Loren G. Smith & Associates, President
Sent: 08:29 AM Fri May.04.2007 - US

#3    Ethics in Business

I agree with Mr Huntsman that leaders of corporations should maintain the same standards of ethics and the same crireria for honesty and integrity wherever they find themselves. We have been preaching this to our students at MBA and other levels but they always complain that it can't be practiced in some parts of the world.
By: Dr Sulaiman A. Karwai, Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria
Sent: 08:49 AM Tue Jun.19.2007 - US

#4    Ethics in Business

I think businessmen should have flexible ethical norms and traits, because the environments have changed. We should adapt to the new style; this will help us to grow freely.
By: anderson hilerss, ?
Sent: 09:03 AM Sat May.05.2007 - CN

#5    Ethics in Business

As the global business community continues to cleanse itself of scandals, I commend Jon Huntsman and other CEOs who lead by example and take the time to inspire others. In this day and age, it is crucial to provide positive role models, especially for the sake of our young entrepreneurs and students. Mr. Huntsman doesn't have to prove anything to anyone, but does so out of the goodness of his heart -he is the real deal.
By: John Resnick, Legends of Success, LLC
Sent: 03:42 PM Sat Jul.07.2007 - US

#6    Ethics in Business

This Video Webcast presents us with a great lesson of management and of life. Persistent principle examples from higher management - ethics included - enter the heart and soul of the corporation, and define the character and culture of such enterprise. Congratulations.
By: Marcelo Correa,
Sent: 04:52 PM Fri May.11.2007 - BR

#7    ethics and business

The purpose of the existence of business is to generate wealth for all stakeholders, so it is in the larger interest of the stakeholders that business must be done ethically.
By: ashok malhotra, Managing Director
Sent: 01:33 AM Thu Aug.09.2007 - IN

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