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Monday, November 20, 2006


Cross Your Fingers on the Senate Bill!

(Note to my Delaware Darlings: please refresh this page each time you visit so you can get the new blogs. I noticed that one article kept coming up every time I checked on my blog. I reported this to one of our computer geeks and he recommended that I simply refresh the page--I tried it and it worked beautifully!)
This article in Salon.com's "War Room" by Tim Grieve and Michael Scherer is a must-read, so I am printing it below (It is very short, so don't despair).
I love Harry Reid's initiative to make lying on political literature and lying in robo-calls criminal offenses. This will certainly apply in Delaware, and Greg Chambers (among others) better look out. He lied repeatedly about Harris McDowell starting with where he lived and where he worked.
Message to Chambers: you may be facing criminal charges real soon baby! Hey, now that I think about it, the jerks on WDEL may also be affected by this law. Wouldn't that be a hoot?! Killing two birds (i.e., chicken hawks) with one stone. The article:

Reid Vows Legislation on Robo-Calls, Phony Sample Ballot
by Tim Grieve and Michael Scherer

Remember those abusive Republican robo-calls and the sample ballots that suggested -- falsely -- that Michael Steele is a Democrat? The soon-to-be Senate majority leader does, and he's prepared to do something about them.
In a breakfast meeting sponsored by the American Prospect, Harry Reid told reporters today that the calls and the phony campaign literature were "absolutely wrong," and that one of the first 10 bills he introduces in the next Senate will deal with such abuses. "We need to make these criminal penalties," Reid said, saying that civil liability was apparently not enough to deter what happened in the run-up to last week's election.
Sen. Chuck Schumer, meanwhile, is pushing the Justice Department to explain what, exactly, it's going to do about last week's reports of voter intimidation and trickery. Schumer raised the issue today with Civil Rights Division chief Wan Kim, who was appearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, and he has followed up with a letter to Alberto Gonzales and other department officials in which he describes some of the "egregious attempts to block access to the ballot during this year’s campaign season." Among them: "In Maryland, groups of people were brought in buses from out of state and paid to distribute sample ballots that misleadingly suggested that Republican gubernatorial and Senate candidates were Democratic candidates. In Arizona, three men were observed intimidating Hispanic voters by stopping and questioning them outside a Tucson polling place. Virginia voters suffered through a campaign of phone calls, currently being investigated by the FBI, that wrongly informed voters that they were not registered and would face criminal charges if they appeared at their polling places."
Schumer says that he's unhappy with the "lack of precision" in the answers Kim was able to provide today, and he wants to hear more from the department. For starters, he wants to know how many attorneys the department has assigned to "to address acts of voter intimidation and voter deception related to last week's mid-term election."
Call it a reminder of what oversight looks like -- and the sort of thing that Gonzales and other Bush administration officials probably ought to expect a little more frequently when Schumer & Co. start controlling the Senate's agenda in January.

Friday, November 10, 2006


Republicans: No Humility

Delaware Darlings! How I've missed you...
Check this out, I have been listening to all of the right-wing talk show hosts since the election waiting for them to eat crow. It's our right. You know, like in sports after a team loses you walk the line and give high fives to the other players while reciting "good game, good game."
I have been waiting for them to admit they were wrong, wrong, wrong. I now realize it ain't gonna happen. I am hearing bitterness, excuses, and locally (WDEL) with Dick and Germ, pathetic statistics. We all know that if the Dems lost like this, they would acknowlege defeat, wish their opponents the best, and talk about setting a new agenda--which is what they did two years ago.
What do I hear from Hannity, Limbaugh (who cost the R's Missouri) and Dick and Germ: new attacks on Democrats and excuses. They honestly don't have a clue as to what the American people want. They don't have their daily Republican talking points and they are lost! Absolutely clueless! I must say, DDs, I am lovin' it :)
Please remember, it is going to take some time to clean up the mess this Bush admistration has created. The environment is in deep peril, the government is bankrupt, and the rich are getting richer. I hope the American people give us a chance and give us the time we need to make things right. Fair and right.
Love you DDs,'

Wednesday, November 08, 2006



Dick and Germ, the two idiots that fancy themselves political operatives on WDEL have finally gone down. Every candidate they campaigned hard for, (and believe me they campaigned hard) lost and lost big. As for Fulcher, he is NOT a Democrat as they claim. He is not a registered voter. He admitted to not voting since the 1970's. He is also a convicted felon. He claims his felony was a bad check. If that is true, then he is eligible to vote according to Delaware law, but he still isn't registered...so, what is the felony?
Don't believe that Gerry Fulcher represents Democracts. He is not an insider, no one in the party worth their salt shares any information with him. He is completely illinformed and ignorant.
Today he is a bitter, nasty, ignorant man (true colors) who won't admit that he has no power and no effect on the good folks in Delaware. I guess Cathy Cloutier shot him down last night too.
Let's boycott WDEL and get these idiots off the radio. Rick Jenson is the program manager, Gerry Fulcher is rumored to be a dirty New York cop who, God knows why, managed to get a spot on the show.
They are so ill informed and basically parrot Republican talking points every day. There is no balance, no fairness. They are most likely violating FCC law regulating electioneering because they obviously campaign for their chosen candidates, yet don't give equal time to the opponents.
But now that I think about it... almost everyone they champion and almost everyone who has appeared on their show lost yesterday! Maybe we do want to keep them around just for that reason :) Go on their show and you are guaranteed to lose!
It is a great day for Democrats!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


WDEL Fascist Propaganda Machine Pimps for Republicans and Dirty Democrats

WDEL: Conflict of Interest? There is something that has been baffling me for a long time: How does radio talk show host (aka convicted felon, unregistered to vote, rumored to be a dirty New York cop and a proven liar), Gerry Fulcher, live rent free at a property owned by Jim Paoli, the Chairman of the New Castle County Democratic Party, yet actively campaign for Republican candidates? If he isn't campaigning for candidates, along with station manager Rick Jensen, he is campaigning against incumbent Democrats--except for a very few chosen friends like Loretta Walsh and Karen Peterson. Walsh and Paoli are friends; perhaps that explains the free meal ticket from Paoli.
Bottom line: What happened to fairness? If there ever was a reason to bring back the Fairness Doctrine, it would be to force these idiots (Dick and Germ) to behave with some semblance of integrity and to apply some sort of ethical boundaries to their blather. It is obvious to anyone who listens to the show that the agenda of WDEL is to get Republicans elected to office. If you are a Republican, that might be good news. But is it?Do you want to win because the people who control one branch of the local media, namely WDEL (one of Wilmington's two news radio stations), have a personal agenda and give you hours of free campaign advertising every day? Isn't that like Gary Bonds breaking Aaron's record because he had the help of the juice? Yes, he will go down in history; he might even make the Hall of Fame. But did he really do it on his own? Will he ever know for sure? Finally, his record will remain suspect in our minds forever.
We were taught as children to play fair. We were taught to play to win. We were taught to obey the rules of the game and "may the best man win." Yet is it a fair fight/campaign if your opponent gets endorsed each and every day by the local radio station? Is it fair when people call in to support your opponent they are bullied, cut off and ridiculed? Is that a fair fight? Will you always be confident that you won "fair and square?" If you don't care, then this conversation is over. But what does that say about you, a person who is expected to protect and preserve the public trust? Isn't fairness what makes our great country superior? Fairness is what separates us from the fascist propaganda-riddled elections of non-democratic nations?
I am not naive. Yes, we were also taught that life isn't always fair. But as adults, we know the rules. If we choose to break them, we must live with the moral consequences. Unfortunately, because it is public office, the rest of us have to live with them too.
P.S. At the moment, WDEL's Dick and Germ are crying foul because Sokola went after his opponent's record--his business record. The man is claiming in his campaign literature that he is a successful businessman, so all is fair. Typical Republican response--project your own divisiveness and mean spiritedness onto the other guy when the chips are down. Dick and Germ cry foul, yet they continually denigrate, lie about, and ravage their opponents on the air every day--in fact, they recently tag-teamed Sokola when he went on their show--so much so that it sounded rehearsed--which I suspect it was. Today they gave Sokola's opponent another free 30 minutes of air time to campaign.
P.P.S. Urgent note to Cathy C : Gerry F (which stands for... no, that is too easy) is bragging all over town about his recent conquest, and you are named as his prey. Eww.

Monday, October 23, 2006


All Politics is Local

Good Morning my DDs (Delaware Darlings),
Reflecting on the Tip O'Neill adage that "all politics is local," I can't help but wonder if the results of the Delaware state-wide and local races are going to be reflected nationally. If so, then the Democrats have a lock. So far, my sources tell me that polling data has local Democrats Dave Sokola, Jim Vaughn, Harris McDowell and all Democratic incumbent House races significantly ahead. Another sign is all of the negative Republican advertising that is currently raining down on our collective heads. Desperate times seem to call for desperate measures.
Goodness, you really can see someone's true colors when they are in a tight spot; it either brings out the best or worst in a person. After viewing the latest deluge of campaign literature from opponents in the above mentioned races, we are clearly seeing the worst in some of these Republican candidates and in the Republican State Committee. Beware of backlash!
Speaking of backlash, I predict Beau Biden will win (comfortably) and part of those winning numbers will be the direct result of a backlash against Wharton's (and the Republican Committee's) negative ads. We just don't respond well to that kind of stuff in Delaware. It simply isn't done that way. We have our own brand of politicking and it initiates from presenting your positives, exposing your opponent's record, and letting the voters decide. It is a simple recipe, but so many losers want to mold us into New Jersey or Pennsylvania, and guess what-- it never works. Delawareans are better than that, and election results bear out that fact each and every time someone goes overtly negative in a campaign.
Enough for now... until tomorrow DD's. And hey, learn something new today. It is good for you.
P.S. I had a great idea of what to call Beau Biden's volunteers: "Beau's Peeps!" Cool? No? Awww.

Monday, October 16, 2006


Fruit of Islam Not Needed in Delaware Voting Booth

Delaware Darlings,
I am bristling with anger today after reading an email forwarded to me about Charles Potter, his support of a Republican candidate, and his Fruit of Islam bodyguards.
Rumor has it that Potter is so bitter about losing to Harris McDowell in the 1st Senate primary race that he meets with Chambers, the Republican candidate in the 1st Senate race, and his team every Sunday night at his home--Potter's home that is! For that alone, Potter should be drummed out of the party.
Second, it turns out that on Primary Day, Potter and a number of Muslim fundamentalist extremists who call themselves the Fruit of Islam (strange name for a bunch of thugs in suits) went from polling place to polling place in an attempt to threaten or intimidate voters.
Silly, silly man. First of all, Potter claimed he needed the Fruits for security reasons. Huh? Security for a Wilmington City Councilman on Election Day? Security from what? He needed security from his own idiocy. Wilmington voters are not only going to resent such a presence, but are going to vote against Potter for even trying such stupid and hate motivated tactics.

Also, Potter should be ashamed for crossing over to support Chambers. Shame on you Potter. Shame. I hope the voters remember this and the Fruits when his council seat is up in two years. Take note Potter: Lose the Fruits in suits--they are harming your rep.

In other news, the Brady camp had a huge lit drop on Saturday, spreading their blue and gold shirted volunteers throughout the 4th District. Thus far, the race still lean and clean.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Sokola Keeps the Lead in a Tough Battle

Good morning my news hungry darlings,
Yesterday was quite the day for Delaware Dems. The good news: Gerald Brady had a grand night indeed, with a large turn-out for his $100 bucks a pop fundraiser, which will further help him win that 4th District House seat.

In other news, a little roughed up, but ultimately emerging as the victor, Dave Solkola bravely faced the idiotic, bumbling fools at WDEL for what they like to call a "debate," but in reality was yet another hour-long commercial in support of their chosen Republican candidate. Sokola, Senator from the 8th District, faces a tough but winnable challenge from wealthy swimming pool shill, and two time loser Michael Ramone. I hear that at one point, Dave got raked over the coals in a mean spirited, far from subtle pile-on by those Republican hacks, Ric and Ger, who clearly back the wealthy Ramone, but Dave held his own. Thank goodness only 6 people listen to the show each day (one of whom regularly fills me in on their desperate shenanigans)--so their clumsy efforts to smear and harass a good government guy like Dave fell on deaf ears.

Sokola, running on his exemplary record, lacks his opponents unending supply of personal funds, but has the considerable advantage of having sponsored and passed numerous education bills aimed at improving Delaware schools along with many other good government legislative initiatives.

Also folks, let's face it, the bottom line is that the Democrats are in the majority in the Senate, which leaves the Republicans without power. The Republican Senate has been an impotent body for some time now, so if a district wants change, money, services, etc. it is best to put your money on the majority party. The odds of the Senate going Republican this time around are a big fat zero, so your best bet, at least in the in the Delawar Senate, is to back the Democrat.

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