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Monday, May 26, 2008

Aviation Mecca

This holiday weekend has been filled with flying. Friday's trip to Ocean City Maryland, Saturday's return flight home, Sunday's three hour instrument lesson and the icing on the cake, today's trip to the aviation mecca, First Flight in Kill Devil Hills North Carolina with Jeff Frey.

The plan was kicked around by myself and Jeff from 33N. We swapped emails and phone calls trying to get our plans squared away. The original version was for Jeff and his family to fly down in their aircraft once Mary and I meet them at Delaware Airpark, 33N in the Archer. OK, sounded good, we will meet at 8am. After a telephone conversation we moved to plan B.
Jeff was going to join Mary and I in 679er since his children and bride were feeling under the wx. Ok, plan B it is, we will meet you around 8am at 33N and yes, I will finally get to land at this airport ( another story for another time). I tried to get some sleep but I had thoughts of this cross country on my mind. I finally passed out and Mary reminded me this morning that SHE turned off the tv. As I was getting ready Mary said she had a wicked sinus headache and didn't feel up to going but I should go have fun and make the pilgrimage to First Flight. I was still excited about going but with Mary not coming it took something out of it. We really have fun traveling by air and getting to meet people and see new things. I'm in a fix about taking the plane all day so I decide to send Jeff an email, to explain the new plan C.

Mary is out. She woke up with a sinus headache and said 4 hours of flying will not be good. However, she said go play boys day out. So, if you don't mind flying I was going to drive to 33N, only if you let me split the costs today. I'm up, give me a call on my cell, 302-xxx-xxxx. I'll be heading down around 6:30 to meet you at 8am.

I'm on the road heading south around 6:40 and have yet to get a call. About 7:30 my phone rings and Jeff said he will meet up at 8am. I asked if he wanted breakfast but he said he wanted to keep it light and that he would see me there. I made a stop at wawa for an orange juice then made the short run to 33N. I looked over Sunday's newspaper sitting on the counter at the terminal building when Jeff called and said he was at the plane. I headed out so that I could get in the way, I mean assist in the pre-flight. We saddled up and Jeff went through the pre-start checks and 26Juliet came to life. Jeff asked if I wanted to handle the comm and nav radios and I agreed. Our flight plan was pretty basic, 6500' 33N-SWL-NTU-KFFA. Jeff contacted Dover approach and picked up flight advisories for the trip. We were handed off to patuxent, norfolk and washington center with good ATC work along the way. I made a call to flight watch on 122.0 to get an update on the wx at our destination since we had to climb to maintain VFR over the Chesapeake Bay. we provided a PIREP noting the top of the haze layer with the clouds tagging along.

METAR KFFA 261400Z AUTO 22005KT 10SM CLR 23/12 A3018

With FFA in sight Jeff canceled flight following and got us set up to enter the right downwind for runway two zero. I was taking pictures and keeping a watch for traffic since we were alerted to multiple target by center prior to canceling advisories. The winds had picked up and it was a bit gusty as we dipped below the tree line and continued in on short final. Jeff did a real nice job setting 26J down and we taxied out to the parking area at the 020 approach end. The video I shot was taken with a Kodak Easyshare Z730 which does NOT have the stabilizer feature.


We have arrived! Jeff found a spot between the ramp and runway alongside several other aircraft, the place was filling up fast. We both grabbed a cold bottle of water and started the journey to where it all began. Well, we were on our way but we saw the building that was donated by the members of the AOPA. This building, adjacent to the ramp but tucked behind the trees had bathrooms and a pilot briefing room complete with computers and telephones. There was some artwork on the wall, one in particular caught my attention. Can you see what is the focal point of the picture? I had to look twice since i was so caught up snapping pictures at every new discovery.

Jeff headed back out to the plane to get his cell and asked if I wanted mine. I was so excited about getting out and taking pictures I forgot to call Mary and let her know we arrived. You know the drill, boys and their toys and everything else comes second. Thank God my Bride is so understanding about the kid in me. Jeff and I made our way to the walking path around the monument. We decided to check out a sculpture on the south side and the make the attack on the "hill". While going back and forth to the aircraft for our phones Jeff (pictured left) helped some lady out who was having a hard time with the gate. She was taking photos and shared a small piece of why she was there. Her father used to work at one of the local bases and would fly into FFA when it was a dirt strip. In order to get a ride to the house he would buzz the house and the family would know it was time to go pick him up at the airstrip. This very kind lady offered us a ride around to the east side of the monument but we declined and instead continued our walk.

It was a gorgeous day out, breezy with plenty of sunshine and the park was busy. We made our way to the sculpture and we each took a few shots. I took my shot from over the shoulder of the bronzed cameraman behind the action. I thought it would be a neat shot. Our next stop was the monument, atop the "hill". Jeff asked if i was ok, and I told him I would stop and take a breather and give the metal parts a chance to rest. Of course I forgot to take any advil before leaving the house. Not to worry, I just took two when I started the write up and Mary and I will hit the hot tub before retiring for the night.

Back to the park. I could continue typing away but I decided to just post some shots to let everyone soak it all in. Enjoy!

The return trip and more pictures to follow......

Sunday, May 25, 2008

IR Lesson 18 Hood Time

Wooo Hooo.......today was my first fly time under the hood. I previously spent 20+ hours on the Elite RC-1 sim learning procedures and today I got the chance to try them out. I arrived at ILG around 5:45 to pre-flight and after climbing in and reviewing the GPS workings I called Wilmington Ground. It was 6:40 and I was taxing out to runway two seven at Mike. Peter was in the tower today so we chit chatted a bit and he commented on all the flying 679er was doing this weekend. The plane has been busy since Friday morning.

I was cleared to take off on two seven with right turn on course approved. I climbed out quickly to 2500' and tracked the Modena MXE VOR. I set up nav 2 for the 56* radial that would put me on the left down wind for two seven at Brandywine, KOQN. It was very quiet this morning, it seemed I had the sky to myself. I had gulped down a tall glass of ice tea before I left the house and skipped breakfast. I did have two bottles of water in the fridge but forgot them both, I knew something was missing when I reached for a cold drink of water.

I announced a 5 mile 45* for 27 and chugged along. As I entered the downwind I had to add a bit of throttle to maintain pattern altitude. The landmarks from all my PPL training were coming back to me, like an old path to home. I announced base and final then set up for the narrow runway (50' compared to 150 at ILG). I crossed the fence at 65 knots and I let 679er roll out saving brakes and letting her have her head. I turned off and taxied back to the terminal where Brian walked out to meet me. I shut down so we could chat about today's lesson and dig out the plates I would need.

The plan today was some ILS work at Chester County (MQS)and then to Wilmington (ILG). I climbed out of Brandywine then put the foggles on. I was vectored all over the place or so it seemed then a final vector to intercept the ILS, maintain 2500' until established. I had the localizer dialed in on nav 2 since the glide slope nav 1 is inop. Localizer alive, I turn on final course 293* and hold altitude until crossing the final approach fix MOSES. Crossing MOSES I start the timer looking for 3:20 until missed. I am now good to descend to 910'. At 1000' I am told to lift the foggles and there she is right where it's supposed to be, runway in sight! I go missed and make an early left turn out for traffic on the crosswind.

Direct to MXE is the command and hold. I track out at 160* climbing back to 2500'. I enter the hold in a tear drop crossing MXE and turning to 120* for 1 minute. Times up, I turn inbound to 329* and have a hard time with correcting for wind. I get on course as the timer clicks through 1:10 at station passage. Mental note I'll cut the outbound a bit shorter. As I turn back to the 149* outbound I correct on the wrong side and really struggle to get my bearings (head outta my butt). I'm back on course but run just 1 minute and turn for the inbound knowing I'll run over on the time as i pass the station. Here we go again another loop around the track. This time I am on course with the proper corrections and hitting the time. I'm vectored to the ILS once again. Much better intercepting and holding on the numbers.

Enough of Chester County, time to head to ILG. We break out the ILS RWY 1 plate and brief. I'm watching my distance and contact Wilmington to advise position and intentions, practice ILS 1 approach. I'm instructed to report HAYDIN inbound. I acknowledge. HADIN is the outter marker and it is an ADF. I dial it in and follow the pretty yellow needle to HADIN. Once across the station I make a right turn on a course of 195* out bound for 1 minute to make the procedure turn. As my timer clicks off I turn to a new heading of 050* so I can intercept the localizer heading of 015*. Localizer comes alive and I turn left to 015* and track my way in. I report inbound HADIN and am cleared for the option. The ADF needle flips and I am good to descend to 275' and timing for missed at 3:32. I wiggle back and forth a bit as I slow my scan to brief the missed one more time, I need to work on this multi tasking thing.

I make another round including holds and then head back to Brandywne. I set up for the VOR-A approach from MXE. Runway in use is niner so I stay with the flow. Cutting short my circle to land I enter on a right base. I am looking for helicopter traffic as soon as I remove the foggles but it takes a few for my eyes to adjust to the sun. I call your plane and hand it over to Brian as I put my shades on. Whew much better, my plane. I land ok and taxi out to shut down in front of the terminal. 3.3 hours flying time with 2.6 under the hood. My eyes are beat and my metal hip is talking to me. It's a short hop back to ILG where I tie 679er down and call for fuel. Dave is taking her out tonight so I didn't bother to cover. I did add a quart of oil and top the tanks of (20.3 gallons). That's it for now, I'm up again next Sunday at 8:30 for another 3 hour block.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

OCMD Beach Wedding

Friday was absolutely gorgeous! Mary and I bagged work and decided to get to Ocean City Maryland with enough time to get some sun on the beach. We caught up with a fellow flying club member and departed Wilmington (ILG) at 1315 Zulu or 9:15 for the non-flying readers.

Winds were a bit gusty when we left ILG but we climbed out and turned on course to Cape May, NJ. Cape May, you wonder? Well we wanted to make a breakfast stop and give business to the new restaurant (Flight Deck) in the terminal. Not a bad landing on two eight with a long run out so I could taxi by the Sundowner for sale that has peaked my interest. Mary liked what she saw and of course that always helps the possible purchase go smoothly. Service was good at the Flight Deck even though they ran out of creamed chipped beef, my favorite.

We saddled up for the short hop to Ocean City, KOXB. I circled the Cape May Lewes Ferry to gain some altitude and take pictures of the ongoing work on one of my projects. Once at altitude we crossed the Delaware Bay and I went under the hood. Dave was my safety pilot and I wanted to fly the VOR-A approach into OXB since winds were favoring runway three two.

Across the Bay we went and I turned on a course o 191* for 29.4 miles to the IAF CODNI. Once across CODNI I made a right turn on a 260* heading out bound for 1 minute to make my procedure turn. At the 1 minute mark I turned to a heading of 080* to intercept the 108* radial from SBY, Salisbury. Once crossing CODNI again, now the final approach fix I descended through 1500' looking to level off at 860' and hold until reaching the missed approach point 3:12 from CODNI (at 90 knts). At 900' I removed the foggles and entered the left down wind for runway three two, FUN STUFF.

Mary and I rented a car from Express, a baby blue Toyota Camry, it's better then walking. I loaded up our bags and my flight gear since Dave was heading north for the VFR corridor through New York class bravo airspace. I would have loved that flight but.....we were off to our hotel. We checked in at the Best Western on 56th street. Great place and really good service. The room was large, clean and had a sitting room, fridge, sink and two tv's. There would be no sports today, we were headed to the beach. The beach was a short walk, just one bloc. Mary and I found a nice spot and tossed out or towels. The sun goddess, My Bride, was soaking up the rays while I tossed about trying to get comfortable. I plugged the iPod in and listened to the multiple episodes of my favorite aviation podcasts.

I returned to the room first, enough sun for me. Mary followed along an hour later. We got ready for the wedding and headed back to the beach around 5:30. My first wedding not requiring shoes, neat concept. The ceremony went off like clockwork with a background you could not have painted any prettier. Nichole looked great, and was all smiles, as a bride should look with the most thought about day of her life unfolding before her. Memories rushed through me from the day of her baptism standing there in church. I can remember the minister, the suit I wore and the folks in attendance. I can remember changing this child's diaper on more then one occasion. I am indeed getting old (sigh...)

The ceremony was followed by a reception dinner at the lighthouse restaurant located at some country club. The appetizers were very good, I allowed myself one celebratory captain and coke to commemorate the event. Dinner soon followed with Mary and I each having a tasty salad, Prime Rib cooked to perfection and vanilla cake with butter cream icing. Lip smackin' good stuff! The old farts passed on a after reception meet at Secreats (local club), I don't think I could handle all that and get up on time to fly let alone with all my wits about me.

Dave was on time as he taxied in around 10am and we loaded up our bags. I wanted to get some GPS time in so I sat right seat and played as Dave took us home. It was a treat to ride along and actually see the sights. Once home we picked up our Maggie girl at the kennel and a pizza to go from across the street. I inhaled 3 slices and headed out to our baseball game. We lost 11-6 giving up a big time dinger with the sacks loaded, yep a grand slam. Oh well another day another game. Finally on my home for the rest of the day, I couldn't wait. Mary and I spent some time in the hot tub then turned in early. It's good to be home.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

IR Lesson 17 Localizer Tune Up

I was up and out of bed early in anticipation of my lesson. I'm not sure why other then I haven't had one since the 10th, eleven days ago. It's been four weeks since I have put in left seat time. Can you say rusty? Brian and I talked about flying and this past weekends Fly-B-Q at KLOM-Wings. I had to spread the word! Since Mary and I will be attending my Goddaughters wedding on Friday in Ocean City Maryland he decided on polishing up the localizer skills with approach work at OCMD, KOXB. Hey, this works for me, or so I thought. On to the lesson, or should I say rust removal.

I know it's only been eleven days since my last IR lesson but I was rusty. My first approach was GPS RWY 2 into Ocean City, Maryland. I was placed north east of the Salisbury VOR and had to track inbound then cross the station and track on a heading of 144* for 17.9 miles at 2000' to the Initial Approach Fix, CIRAN. About 4 miles out from CIRAN I slowed to 90 knots and added 10* flaps, I also performed my landing checklist. Upon reaching the station I turned to a new heading of 224* and performed a parallel entry for my procedure turn. I tracked 4 miles outbound then turned to a new heading of 090* until intercepting the 044* heading. I started my descent to 1600' holding that altitude until BECAP the Final Approach Fix. This all sounds really peachy but trust me, I was struggling with my heading the entire time and the altitude was maybe within 200 feet. I must have hit the CDI button on the Garmin 530 so it was not coupled to the No. 1 Nav. I was literally flying by my GPS. I tried to trouble shoot but every time I did I was having control problems. Think of it as trying to set stations on your car radio, while riding a bucking horse. Ok, now your there with me, are you feeling my pain yet?

I managed to cross BECAP at 1600' and get things stabilized enough to hold above the minimum descent altitude of 420'. At or around 480' I broke out and had a visual on the runway but not much more. At just about a mile and a half I had the runway environment. I cut the power added another notch of flaps and wiggled my way in, it was not pretty but I got it on the ground.

After a quick review of my sub par performance and a peek at the computer screen, my tracking confirmed this was not the fun day I had imagined. I may need to change the title from Localizer Tune Up to Restoration body/fender shop time. I was really sloppy and way behind the plane this first go round. Brian reset me out over the Delaware Bay and I vowed to get it together, at least in my mind. I've learned you don't verbalize these things to someone who controls the computer/wx and or turbulence. Repositioned out over the bay at 2000' looking to now track direct to the Waterloo (ATR) VOR for my next approach. I made sure the cdi button on the Garmin 530 was set correctly this time and off I went. Mind you I reviewed the approach plate for the GPS RWY 14 approach and had everything dialed in.

Winds were from the north west and I was heading to ATR on a 240* course. I made sure my wind correction was dialed in and I was much steadier this time. Altitude was spot on at 2000' it almost seemed to perfect to think about, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop. As much as I was waiting things flowed along smoothly. About 4 miles out from ATR I slowed to 90 knts and added a notch of flaps. Slow and steady, on course and at altitude, I was feeling like the PIC (Pilot In Command) for the first time today. I started my turn to 200* about a half mile from the station and rolled out just about right on my new heading. Turn, Time, Twist, Throttle and Talk. No time on the GPS approach and I'm not really talking during the sim work. 23.1 miles to the IAF, PFAIR. At PFAIR I entered the procedure turn direct and tracked outbound for four miles. Very smoothly I turned inbound on the 145* heading and descended to 1500' holding that until the FAF, LANDY. Once crossing LANDY I descended to and held 700'. I broke out about a half mile from my missed approach point and picked up the runway environment. It looked good as I pulled the power and added a second notch of flaps. Much more stable on this approach and now over the fence I added the last notch of flaps. I rounded out nicely and if I must say so myself, greased the landing. Man, that felt good even if it is on the sim!

I am up Sunday for my first real flight time, a three hour block. I finished up the sim on a positive note and that was good for the mind. I'll work on my GPS in 679er this weekend and figure a place to put my new timer. I'll be ready for Sunday!

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Saturday May 17, 2008 was the 4th annual KLOM Wings Fly-B-Q. This is an event put on by members of the Pilots Of America Forum. Adam Z is the master of ceremony's and is joined by a host of usual suspects....er um....volunteers, that manage to pull off this great event every year. Thanks for all the pictures, our camera was dead battery status.

One of the benefits of the "Fly-B-Q" is the fantastic food. Smithfield foods provided the pork (Thanks Ed-pictured below) and it was perfectly prepared by Andrew Stanley. As you can see in the photo this is pre-pulled stage still in the smoker. There were plenty of the old reliables, hot dogs and hamburgers, which went pretty quickly too. There was potato salad and chips along with every fixin' that was required.

Mary and I spent the day catching up with friends from previous fly-in's and North East Flyer events. We also were fortunate to spend time with some of the new folks. The Pilots Of America (POA) forum really promotes the camaraderie between pilots with no limits by boundaries or flying status. I had a good time talking Instrument lessons and the "process" along with meeting forum and flying newbies.

Bob Ciotti's wife Dru and daughter Mackenzie did not attend but they had good reason with Dru's mom in town. It is noted that Mary harassed Bob to have his bride Dru set a date for our Maine trip. We shall see how that goes. It was nice to put a face with "Aunt Peggy" and her husband Don, who won the taxi contest, again! Mary and (JuggyJet) Ted's wife Susan hit it off and we hope to schedule some fly time with them real soon. Rob (Rob's Flying Adventure) brought his twin daughters in the morning and they were just to cute, Mary made sure they got the smiley face wristbands. Both girls were fascinated with the cricket that flew in, it was their size and looked like a toy.

After lunch some folks started to head out. We had a room reserved at the Holiday Inn and since I drove we didn't worry about an aircraft tie down or transportation to/from the sleep zone. After everything was cleaned up it was agreed that dinner would be around 8pm. That will work out well since we would have time to nap, shower and hit the Holiday Inn Lounge. Mary woke up around 5:30 and slowly got ready. I went in and of course got in her way trying to get myself ready.

Timing wasn't to bad since I had the chance to watch the Preakness horse race run. That Big Brown seems unbeatable, he just answers his jockey's call with a simple push of the hands on his neck and bursts a 3-5 length lead. I think he won by at least 8 lengths this day.

We caught up with Adam and Marisol for a drink and some munchies. As we made our way through the lobby Kent and Kate were just getting in from Wings. We gave them a heads up where we would be and for them to join us before Adam Z comes back to help shuttle us back for dinner at the Philadelphia Aviation Country Club (PACC).

We met out front at 7:30, Kent & Kate rode with Adam Z and Adam B and Marisol rode with us. Once again we are taking a different route to/from the airport. There was a very nice turn out and the PACC staff was really good. After drinks in the bar we got seated and decided on dinner. I'm guessing at the head count for dinner; seven at our table, Rob and Becky, Bob, Adam and Marisol, Mary and yours truly. I count four at the Stanley/Morrison table, and six at the Zucker, Shook and Anthony and bride round table. Choices for the evening were filet, chicken Marsala's and crab cakes. Mary ordered the crab cakes and I had the chicken Marsala, both were very good. The food, drink and conversation flowed on until ten or so.

We all finally made our way out to the patio wre it had started raining. We planned for the morning departures and breakfast of course followed with our goodbyes. I scooted over to the parking lot so I could bring the truck up to the patio and keep the ladies somewhat dry. Adam Z showed us the way back to the Holiday Inn (of course he took a different route), ok I think he did, it was dark and rainy so who knows.

With out a doubt once at the Inn we stood out front and did what all good pilots do, hangar fly. I finally headed up to bed, full tummy, somewhat tired and just wanting to catch some Zz's. Adam B and I agreed that whatever time they wanted to head to the airport Mary and I would take them. Adam called at 7am and said they would be ready by 7:30. I carried our bags to the SUV and re-positioned closer to the door so we could load quickly. I settled up the final bill with the desk then parked it out front on the bench to soak up some morning sun.

Once loaded up we headed to Wings making a stop at Dunkin' Donuts. Adam and Marisol treated for bagels and coffee and once again we saddled up for the airport. I have to tell this funny, as we sat to eat our bagels and drink coffee I had an orange juice. I reached for the juice, forgot that I already had taken the top off and began to give it a shake. yep, you guessed it, OJ all over me, my shirt and the table. I was told the look on my face was priceless, I'm thinking it was red covered in orange.

Adam finished his pre-flight and was ready to make his phone call to clearance delivery when we headed out. Adam Z came over to say goodbye, being the class act that he is. What a gracious host he and his wife are, so accommodating to everyone and just plain funny.

Some of the numbers on the day...between 45 and 50 aircraft with maybe 75 people attending, The FBO sold over 950 gallons of fuel and had to refill the fuel truck. As a result of the great turn out the Fly-B-Q was able to give donations to both Angel Flight East and Andrew Stanleys Pan Mass Challenge to support the Dana Farber Cancer Center.

Third weekend in May 2009........Count us in for 2!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Wilkes-Barre Quick Ground Trip

Mary and I went out to Angel's for breakfast after my flying debacle, er....um lesson. It was not fun today, I really was behind the sim plane struggling. Anywho, after morning eats we packed up the Maggie girl for a quick road trip. I ran with traffic for the most part around 70-75 and exited the turnpike in less then two hours.

We made a stop at our favorite flower place and picked up 5 geraniums and a really nice centerpiece for the dinner table tomorrow. Off to the cemetery to clean up the site and get the flowers planted. Mary walked the Maggie mutt around while I finished up grooming the mulch. We set sail for home and were back in 1 hour 45 minutes, it would have been sooner but local traffic was heavy from the turnpike to the house.

I really miss my folks, it's been 10 years that Dad passed the end of April and Mom will be gone 5 years this October. It seems like only a few months, I can't believe how time passed by so quickly. Normally we would fly into KWBW and rent a car but the wx didn't look good and honestly after my stinky lesson combined with the thought of my folks I just didn't think I should be in the cockpit today. Mary and i did have fun pointing out aircraft headed into KLOM and further up the PA turnpike the bigger boys and girls heading into Allentown KABE.

As we passed KOQN, Brandywine Airport on the way north, my old favorite C-172 N2746C came in low and slow on very short final, it did the heart good. 46 Charlie crossed almost over top of us as it aligned for the landing. Mary commented that it was pretty neat to see it from this view since she is so used to being the one looking down at the traffic. I'm to busy looking down the runway.......I miss all the good stuff.

Until next time Blue Skies!

P.S. Make sure you tell your Mom how important she is and how much you care!! It is Mothers day tomorrow!

IR Lesson 16 VOR Approaches

I was up early and excited about today's lesson. It was a nice leisurely drive to the flight school minding the 45 mph speed limit and taking in the cool crisp air. There was only a few of us on the road at 6:15 am, I was in no rush.

I had a chance to page through my Airport Facility Directory (AFD) so I re-acquainted myself with KOQN formerly N99, Brandywine Airport. Brian arrived on time and we both headed inside to get the paper trail started. This is where the "good morning" ended. Today Brian wanted to review VOR approaches and he decided on VOR RWY 9 at Wilmington, KILG. Hey, this should be no big deal right? It's the home airport and I should be pretty comfortable, yeah ok.

I started out north east of the Modena MXE VOR. I tracked direct to and once crossing the station I dialed in a 197* FROM heading. This had me on course to the IAF GLEEM, which is the FAF once you complete the procedure turn and headed inbound. I flow through a final checks and all my nav and comm settings are correct. I even made sure I had flipped the Woodstown OOD VOR with a 266* heading in place for my missed. I cross GLEEM and totally screw up my procedure turn. I start to think (mistake no. 1) that I am direct entry, I'm not. I correct my self and perform a parallel entry, ok recovery. Looking good as I reach the 1 minute mark outbound so I turn to a heading of 060* so I can intercept the 094* course. Remember what I said about finally being more aware of the wind? Well, I did think about it but didn't correct fast enough for it. I passed the FAF GLEEM but managed to get on course for final approach. My altitude was here and there, nothing to write home about but I didn't burn myself a hole in the ground either. I'm looking for a 3:24 mark on the timer but since I started it late I'll be happy with 3:10 or so. I was holding altitude at 620-680 holding course when reaching the Missed Approach Point, I went full throttle.

The missed called for a right turn out climbing to 2000'. I climbed out but didn't execute the turn until double checking the approach plate for my outbound heading from the DuPont DQO VOR. Duh.....what a tool, totally behind the plane today and actually feeling like it was my first time in the sim. I finally got on the 184* radial and by the skin of my teeth crossed the WACON intersection at 6 miles from DQO. A bit of a relief but not for long as I set up for a teardrop entry to the hold. Brian says your back under control good entry. DOH! that didn't last long I turned out right the caught it and turned left on course without enough wind correction and blew towards NJ. I asked for a search team to come find me in the New Jersey Pine Barrens.

Brian reset me just a few miles from the GLEEM IAF and I made a decent procedure turn and chugged along on final going missed again, this time getting it right. I didn't feel much consolation knowing how bad I was the first go round. We sat and reviewed the lesson, all the "what went wrongs" and what I did different to fly the approach correct the "second time". This lesson really knocked me in the dirt but it also taught me that the briefings are so important. Looking at a plate then immediately flying it is pretty tough, at least for me.

We are off to Wilkes-Barre, PA, driving not flying (crappy wx) to take care of my parents grave. I want to make sure Mom has her favorite pink geraniums for Mother's Day and that everything is done right for Memorial day. I'm up again flying on the 21st.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

IR Lesson 15 DME Arc's, Checklists

I got a late start today as I ran out the door 15 minutes behind the normal schedule. I placed a call to the flight school to let Brian know I was running late. My cell phone rang about ten minutes out from the school and it was Brian checking on my ETA.

Today I started somewhere over Lake Erie and worked on my DME Arc procedures. It's kind of scary but I was dealing with winds from the south at 10-18 knots if I remember correctly and doing a pretty darn good job. Since I started the IR I have noticed my overall awareness has increased, my headings are much more consistent and although I struggle from time to time with sim altitude it's getting better. Today I was holding with in two hundred feet maybe twice usually holding to within 100 feet or less and heading was on the money. I worked with setting up the no. 2 vor to track my progress on the DME Arc and turn to station at ten degree increments (keep the arc consistent).

As I turned to a 242* heading to intercept the ILS I was feeling pretty confident, never a real good thing when still a student. I was centered with the localizer and waiting to intercept the glide slope when I decided now was the best time to complete my landing checks. Mixture was full rich when I descended from 3200 to 2800 once established. Fuel pump was switched on at that time too. I added my landing lights and switched tanks to the left side since it had a bit more fuel then the right side. All this while 'trying' to maintain my scan, keyword trying. I drifted slightly off center and lost my 500 feet per minute descent rate and was now above the glide slope. Normally when getting a full scale deflection I would have to go missed but since this is sim time I made my correction and continued on. I broke out around 1100* almost forty seconds prior to the Missed Approach Point and 120 ft above my decision height.

We reviewed checklists and I was instructed that once in the aircraft we will "polish the skills" of flying and procedures. I think of it more as juggling all the balls at one time (cue up the circus music). I am up again this Saturday and then it will be a dash to my baseball game. I have almost completed the King knowledge test DVD's for a second time and will take some Sporty's practice tests this weekend. I want to get the written knocked out ASAP.