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RSS web feeds for tags at Amazon.com

(What are tags?)

What are RSS web feeds?

Often described as "Really Simple Syndication," RSS web feeds are a way to surface content from Amazon.com on other sites. You can also aggregate Amazon.com web feeds directly in a news reader, letting you receive updates in your personal reader without having to visit the site. Subscribing to an RSS web feed is usually as simple as clicking on the link or dragging it to your feed reader of choice.

RSS feeds for tags

On most tag pages you will see an orange icon (RSS Feed) and the label "RSS feed". This web feed icon indicates that you can subscribe to and keep track of new products added to the tag or new discussions posted in the community. Ways you can make use of tag RSS feeds:

  1. Subscribe to feeds such as or , to learn of new products related to your interests, hobbies, or favorite authors as soon as other customers suggest them
  2. Embed a widget on your own website to automatically show the most popular products for a tag, such as , and earn referral credit through the Associates program
  3. Create a special tag for your book or movie club and provide a feed of recommendations to your members
  4. Export all your products and tags into another application or create your own web 2.0 mashup

Sample tag-based RSS web feeds

Note: You can get the 13-character customer ID for yourself or another customer by looking at the url of the customer profile page. The format is http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/<customer_id>/.

Advanced options for developers

If you'd like to use these feeds as data sources for other applications, it might be helpful to have some extra control over the content. These options can be appended to the query string of our RSS feed URLs, like .
length (All feeds) This parameter simply specifies how many items to get. The default for all feeds is 20 items.
tag (All feeds) This is your Amazon Associate ID, if you have one. As an Amazon.com Associate you will earn referral fees on all qualifying purchases made through the product links in the RSS feed. Please see the Associates program for more details.
threshold (Recently tagged) This parameter indicates a threshold for how many times an item must have been tagged in order to appear in the "recent" feed. If the threshold is set to 5, items will not appear in the recency feed until they've been tagged 5 times, and will be bumped up every time they're tagged after that. The default value is 2.
If you would like to discuss additional feeds, features, or parameters which would make it easier for you to use our RSS feeds, let us know! Questions and feedback about tags, RSS, and web services are welcome in the .

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