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Cartoon lovin’


Posted under Everyday Good Stuff

My Favorite Cartoon CharacterCARTOONS are signs that one shouldn’t take life too seriously. Animated characters keep one childlike, peppy and injected with good humor.

Upon waking up, my husband and I like to immediately tune in to either Cartoon Network, the Disney Channel or Nickelodeon while we prepare for work. We start our day off with a little silliness and lots of good smiles. We like the humor of “The Fairly OddParents,” about a boy who has two fairy godparents. Sometimes we catch “Justice League,” “Little Einsteins” and “Ben 10.” Mornings are much lighter to manage when you’ve got company like that!

I suppose cartoons bring such joy to me because I still feel like a kid when I watch them. They remind me to look at life with a happier disposition, that it’s okay to be silly, and that hey, anything is possible — like having fairies for godparents.

Yoshi is one my favorite characters. He’s the dinosaur from the Mario Bros. game. I’m not too fond of reptiles, but his big nose, playful stance and big smile make me smile myself. My fondness for Yoshi has triggered me to collect Yoshi stuff! Donald Duck also makes me giggle, especially when he throws one of those tantrums. Akazukin Chacha is also a favorite because of her curious eyes and friendly demeanor. Yep, cartoons really make me smile.

Who’s your favorite cartoon character? Do you still watch cartoons! I hope you do! :)

A smiley greeting


Posted under Everyday Good Stuff

Say hello with a smile!WHEN answering a phone call, say “Hello!” with a smile.

Whether you also say “Ignacio residence,” “Good morning!” or “Thanks for calling XX company. How may I help you?” upon answering the phone, don’t forget to put on that smile. It immediately puts you in a better disposition and the tone of your voice becomes friendlier. If you’re in a bad mood before picking up that phone call, that smile of yours will make you feel calmer.

Now if it still doesn’t give you a little dose of cheer, well, just remember not to take out that bad mood of yours on that random caller. So, smile! And who knows? Perhaps the person on the other end of the line will feel a little more cheery too.

Can you see it?


Posted under Everyday Good Stuff

Eye see you.“I SPY with my little eye, something red and shiny.”

Yes, you! I’m playing a game with you! Is there anything near you that’s colored red and that shines? C’mon, look. I’m waiting. *taps foot* So you’ve seen it? Great! I knew there was such a thing near you. No, this isn’t about E.S.P. It’s about looking at things around you with fresh eyes, your fresh eyes.

Everyday routine has trained us to see and watch out for the expected. When I look out my window, for example, I know I’ll see jeepneys lined up one after the other, waiting for passengers to transport to the next town. I know I’ll also see the same old rust-stained roofs of neighbors, the same city skyline, the same tricycles racing one after the other. Think about what you’ll see outside your window when you get up from your computer. What do you expect to see?

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Munching on sunshine


Posted under Everyday Good Stuff

What WHAT’s your happy food? You know, the food that brings so much sunshine into your day with just a few bites, the food that you get excited about as it’s being set down in front of you, the food that you’d do cartwheels with. Let’s call happy food as the food that makes you want to jump around when you know you’re having it.

And more than what these happy foods are, I wonder why and how they make us happy. Imagine a bowl of piping hot champorado with tuyo flakes, while the rain rages outside. Seems like a good setting doesn’t it? The warm, sticky texture of the rice and sweetness of the chocolate envelop me in a cocoon of comfort, but it’s not necessarily my happy food. But that doesn’t mean comfort food can’t be happy food!

What makes happy food happy? Could it be the playful form it can take, like popsicles and licorice strings? Could it be that the food has inherent properties that are stimulating, like coffee and chocolate? Could it be that certain foods are associated with happy times in one’s life? For example, one of my happy food choices would be avocado ice candy because it reminds me of these same treats my Mom made when I was a kid. I feel like a jolly little kid again.

Happy food for me would also be: monggo ice candy, orange-flavored popsicles, pizza with lots of pepperoni, green M&Ms, hot pan de sal with Milo powder, nachos with salsa. Yeah! I’m smiling just thinking about them. Having a serving of any of these delicious goodies will definitely make my day much brighter.

What would your happy food be?

Your life is your masterpiece


Posted under Everyday Good Stuff

Create your own masterpiece. IF your life were a painting, what would it look like?

Sit back, close your eyes and imagine your life on a canvas. What colors are most dominant? Tell me about the figures you see, the shapes and lines that are forming. Is it abstract? Is it defined by still life? Is it set in a meadow with red poppies? Tell me what you see.

“LIFE is a great big canvas and you should throw all the paint on it you can.”
– Danny Kaye

We may not all be great painters like Van Gogh, but each one of us does hold a paintbrush and a palette. Inspired and moved by everyday experiences, we create a beautiful work of art with our own strokes and colors. Each day we live has elements that we add to the ultimate masterpiece – our own lives.

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Two words to positivity


Posted under Everyday Good Stuff

thank youWHY does it seem hard to accept compliments? We’re told “Hey, nice hair!,” “I love your shirt!” or “You’re blooming today!” And what do we usually say (or hear others say)?

“Oh I just did something different with my hair today.”
“What do you need from me?”
“Who paid you to say that?”
“Awww… this old thing?”
“Me? Losing weight? Nah, I’m gaining weight you know.”

Perhaps we feel we don’t deserve such praise? Well, we do. You do!
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Cloud games


Posted under Everyday Good Stuff

What do you see? CLOUD games are fun to play not only because it’s free, not only because it’s childlike, but because there are no winners or losers! Come on, try it for yourself. Look up! What do you see?

Step outside first of course. There’s nothing up there but a fluorescent light in that room you’re in. Let’s exercise our creativity a bit more and get some sun while we’re at it. Come on, let’s step outside.

Ideally, we lie on our backs on the grass. If you can’t get out of work though, you can stare out your window or walk onto your balcony. Now look up!
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Happy Post: Have you built your ARK yet?


Posted under Sharing Links

Happy Post for Happy NestTHANK you to the yuppie who held the elevator open for me as I rushed into the hallway screaming “Up! Up!”. You saved me from being late for a meeting. Thank you to the security guard who greeted me with a cheery “Good morning, Ma’am!” You reminded me to start my morning with a smile. Thank you to the taho vendor who carefully placed my plastic cup of taho in a little bag. You helped keep the liquid from spilling all over my hand. Thank you to the guy at the ATM for helping pick up the coins that fell from my purse. Thank you to these and more random saints that I’ve encountered. Those little acts of yours had a great impact on me and my day.

Amazing how little things can lead to something big. The “Pay It Forward” concept is quite familiar to a lot of us now; it’s like chain mail without the irritation. Beverly Keaton Smith over at Embrace Your Gifts and Soar! writes about ARK: Acts of Random Kindness, the term inspired by the movie Evan Almighty. Ms. Smith shares tips on how to bring ARK into your life.

And remember, when an ARK does come docking into your life, don’t forget to say thank you. Now, go and build yours.

Happiest place on earth


Posted under Everyday Good Stuff

Where to?A CHILD comes up to you and exclaims, “Take me to the happiest place on earth!”

Where would you take him?

There are several places that make me grin from ear to ear and fill me with joy. I’ll take him to those places too, and save the happiest one for last. Would you like to come along?

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Plants: The office cheerleaders


Posted under Everyday Good Stuff

For a verdant corner.I’VE read a lot of tips sharing how placing a plant on your office desk can make you more productive. I haven’t put this to the test yet, but I am curious as to how it can help one work better. I have some theories.

Is it the color green perhaps that makes you productive? Nature’s greens are very relaxing yet energizing. Perhaps your stress levels will go down by having a vibrant companion by your side. And no, I don’t mean your talkative colleague.

Is it the oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange that makes one more productive? Breathe in, breathe out. Relaaax. The air would be much clearer and you’d get to save on those sick leaves.

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Welcome to
Happy Nest, Toni Platon-Tiu's blog about positivity and the good things that can make your every day better. Toni, who works in the advertising industry as a strategic planner, is a writer at heart and has been blogging since 2001. Find out more about Toni.

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