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Makati blast video clips from citizen journalists


Posted under Videos, Citizen Journalism, News

APART from blog entries and photos of the Glorietta 2 blast, citizen journalists have also uploaded video clips to sites such as YouTube.

Here are two such clips from a concerned citizen that Tonyo Cruz uploaded to YouTube — thanks to Tonyo for the heads up.

Here’s the first clip.

And here’s the second clip.

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RP bloggers cover Makati mall blast


Posted under Citizen Journalism

THE “LIKELY bomb” blast that has rocked the Glorietta 2 Mall is now reverberating in the Philippine blogosphere, with bloggers even posting photos from the blast site.

One such site is the Disney Cute Land blog on Multiply, which has several photos already uploaded.

User disneycute wrote:

Very tragic day….I was 40m away when it happened….Thank God for Ice Cream for it wasn’t for it…..You know what I mean….I decided to buy one when I was coming back to Park Square 2 walkway….P***shet nanginginig pa din ako hanggang ngyon kasi i saw debris falling down when it exploded and people were screaming and running coming out of the smoke……I dunno how many were killed….

Here’s the link to one of the photos he posted.

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More than 20,000 blogs for the environment


Posted under Causes

BANGALORE, India–The mass blogging project, dubbed Blog Action Day, has attracted more than 20,000 blogs and close to 15 million readers, organizers reported.

Held on October 15, Blog Action Day was the first time bloggers worldwide united to blog about a single topic: the environment.

“Measuring an initiative like Blog Action Day is difficult. In 2007 we asked bloggers to register their blogs and a rough count of RSS (really simple syndication) subscribers. It is worth remembering that RSS subscriber numbers are only one half of the readership of a blog. Many and in some cases all of a blog’s readership will simply be visitors to the site. The real reach of Blog Action Day is far greater than the number below,” the organizers said on their website.

The organizers said 20, 603 blogs participated, and 23, 327 blog posts were found on a Google Blog search. Meanwhile, RSS readers that supported the global blogging initiative reached 14,631,038.

Blog Action Day also generated media buzz and support from the United Nations Environmental Programme and European Union Commissioner for the Environment Stavros Dimas who held a special live Internet chat to coincide with Blog Action Day.

In the Philippines, a Google Blog search search of the term “‘Blog Action Day AND Philippines” showed more than 50 blogs joining the global action.

Blog initiative for environment gathers millions of readers


Posted under Causes

BLOG Action Day, a global mass action among online diary sites or weblogs, has gathered more than 15,000 blogs and millions of readers, organizers said Monday.

Established to encourage people to blog about a chosen topic for a day, Blog Action Day is a form of “people power” in action that was conceptualized for the Internet, they said.

Choosing the environment as this year’s topic, Blog Action day organizers say they hope they can make a difference by steering the “global conversation” towards important issues.

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Filipino teacher blogs to ‘connect’ to students


Posted under Education

A PHILIPPINE Science High School social studies teacher, known to his students as “Sir Martin,” believes teachers can use blogs or other web-based tools to connect to students.

“Blogging has allowed me to connect with my students this deeply,” Martin Perez said in a speech he made during a blogging forum organized to gather teachers who blog.

A blogger before he became a high school teacher, Perez admitted that blogging is not easy. In fact, it meant extra teaching load.

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Blogs as alternative tools for education


Posted under Events, Education

A GROUP of teachers will be talking about blogs as alternative tools for education.

The Bloggers Kapihan has invited two well-known teachers who use “old” and new tools of web publishing to extend learning beyond the classroom. Sharing their experiences are Martin Perez of the Philippine Science High School and Danny Arao of the Department of Journalism of the UP College of Mass Communications.

More details:

The BK Crew presents Bloggers’ Kapihan 2.0: Blog Ed 101. This time around, let us tackle the importance of blogging in learning, learning in blogging and blogging as a tool for alternative education. The event will be held on October 13, 2007, 1:30 p.m. at the Ramon Magsaysay High School in Quezon City.

Blog Ed 101 is in cooperation with the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT), a nationwide network of educators from different schools, colleges and universities.

Tonchi Tinio, chairperson of the Alliance of Concerned Teachers, will also dive into the controversial CyberEducation Project of the Department of Education during the event.

Video of Blog Action Day


Posted under Videos, Causes

REMEMBER, Oct. 15 is Blog Action Day. Join thousands of bloggers around the world in uniting for the environment.

Here’s a video clip courtesy of ReVampTV.com.

And read Erwin Oliva’s previous blog post.

MSNBC snags citizen journalism site Newsvine


Posted under Citizen Journalism, News

MSNBC.COM has made its first acquisition in its 11 years of existence, shelling out an undisclosed amount to purchase citizen journalism/participatory news site Newsvine.

Here’s an excerpt from the Computerworld article:

Mike Davidson, CEO and co-founder of Newsvine, noted that the deal will allow more people to contribute to the site and helps “further the cause” of citizen journalism.

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Blogging and filmmaking


Posted under Movies

HERE’S an interesting Los Angeles Times article on documentary filmmaker AJ Schnack, whose blog has taken on a life of its own.

Shnack’s latest documentary is “Kurt Cobain: About A Son,” which we blogged about in Soundtrip. Here’s an excerpt from the LA Times story:

Though the blog began in the summer of 2005 as a direct outgrowth of working on “About a Son,” it has since taken on a life of its own. Schnack has become something of an authority figure for the world of documentaries, covering various issues faced by nonfiction filmmakers. In particular, he has written about the recent changes to the Oscar qualifying rules for documentary features, giving close attention to the newly mandated 14-city theatrical rollout for all potential nominees. Unlike many in the documentary community, Schnack has largely been in favor of the rollout, because it promotes theatrical exhibition of documentary films.

Bruce Davis, executive director of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, said that the rollout rules will likely be “streamlined” for next year, in no small part because of the response the academy has gotten from the documentary community, both online and in a series of meetings between AMPAS governors and filmmakers.

One sign of the growing influence of Schnack’s blog is that while “About a Son” has played at more than 50 film festivals, the filmmaker has begun to be accredited as a journalist at some festivals where his work has not been shown.

Filipino bloggers react to ‘Desperate Housewives’ remark


Posted under Videos, TV, Issues

FILIPINO bloggers are reacting to a remark made by one of the characters in a recent episode of television series “Desperate Housewives.”

While many condemned the remark as a racist slur and called for a boycott of the show, others suggested that people write to the producers of the show to complain.

The Filipino bloggers were reacting to a remark by the character Susan Mayer Delfino, played by Teri Hatcher, who was objecting to being checked by a doctor until she was sure of the doctor’s credentials.

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