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Monday, October 8, 2007, 9:34 am

Online Privacy Statement

The policy set forth below is applicable to this site and to all of the station web sites operated by Internet Broadcasting Systems, Inc. on behalf of NBC Universal, Inc., including KNSD-TV (San Diego, CA), nbcsandiego.com; WMAQ-TV (Chicago, IL) nbc5.com; WRC-TV (Washington, D.C.) nbc4.com; KNBC-TV (Los Angeles, CA) nbc4.tv; WNBC-TV (New York, NY) wnbc.com; WCAU-TV (Philadelphia, PA) nbc10.com; WTVJ-TV (Miami, FL) nbc6.net; KXAS-TV (Dallas/Fort Worth, TX) nbc5i.com; WVIT (Hartford, CT) nbc30.com; KNTV (San Jose, CA) nbc11.com.

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, about information gathered by this site, or about the operation of this site, please contact us at security@ibsys.com.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy on the Internet is important to us. As part of the operation of our site, we gather certain types of information about our users, and we would like to explain the types of information we gather, what we do with it and how to correct or change the information.

Information Collected by This Site

We collect two types of personally identifying information from users: personal data (such as names and e-mail addresses); and aggregated data (such as information about traffic patterns on the site, for example how many users log into the site on a daily basis).

Personal Data

Personal data is collected when users provide personal data to the site, for example in registering for electronic newsletters or other membership services, answering surveys, purchasing items from the site, sending email to the site, and registering for contests and other promotional opportunities. Also, we collect the e-mail addresses of users who post messages to the message boards and chat areas.

Aggregated Information

Aggregated information, such as which pages users access or visit and information volunteered by users, such as survey information and/or site registrations, is collected through various methods. For example, we collect IP addresses. An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you’re surfing the Web. Web servers, the computers that "serve up" Web pages, automatically identify your computer by its IP address, and when you request a page from a website, its servers log your IP address. We do not link IP addresses to anything personally identifiable, so although your session will be logged, you will remain anonymous to the site. We collect IP addresses for the purposes of system administration and to provide aggregate data to advertisers about the volume of use on the site.

Use of Cookies

Our site also uses "cookies" to collect information. A cookie is a small data file that most major websites write into your hard drive for record keeping purposes when you visit them. Cookies allow a website to measure activity on their site and to improve your user experience, for example by remembering your passwords and viewing preferences, thus allowing you to visit various member-only parts of the site without re-registering. We do not use cookies to retrieve information from your computer that was not originally sent in a cookie. Except for personal information voluntarily provided by you (i.e. during membership registration or a contest), we do not use information transferred through cookies for any promotional or marketing purposes, and that information is not shared with third parties.

You may occasionally get cookies from advertisers on the site, which is standard on the Internet. These cookies are outside the control of our site, and are not subject to our privacy policy. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. If you’d prefer, you can set yours to refuse cookies or to alert you when cookies are being sent. However, it is possible that some parts of the site, such as the member-only areas and shopping, contest and game areas, will not function properly if you do so. We also may use cookies to allow third parties to better serve advertisements to you outside of this website on websites operated by Internet Broadcasting Systems, Inc. and other websites.

Third Party Advertising

The ads appearing on this Web site are delivered to you by DoubleClick, our Web advertising partner. Information about your visits to this site, such as number of times you have viewed an ad (but not your name, address, or other personal in-formation), is used to serve ads to you. For more information about DoubleClick, cookies, and how to "opt-out", please click here.

Third Party Cookies

In the course of serving advertisements to this site, our third-party advertiser may place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser.

Use of Information Collected by Our Site

Our site uses both the personal and aggregated information collected for multiple purposes. The information is used to improve the content of the site, to customize the content and/or layout of the site for each individual user and to notify users about updates to the site or promotional offers or opportunities that we believe will be of interest to you.

We share aggregated information collected from the site with third parties for both advertising and promotional purposes.

Personal information collected by this site may be shared with other NBC-owned or controlled entities. With your permission, we may also share personal information collected on the site with prescreened third parties for marketing or promotional purposes. We will provide users with an opportunity to decline this service when such information is requested from you online. In addition, in the event we plan to post any such information on the site (for example, if you are the winner of a contest) we will either notify you of this possibility when you provide the information and/or, if possible, when the information is posted. Personal information may also be shared only as necessary with third parties who provide technical services to the Site, or host portions of the site, who will not share or otherwise disseminate this information other than as necessary to perform these services. In addition, FCC regulations require that certain emails and correspondence sent to the television station via the site (which may include personally identifiable information, such as name and address) on matters including television signal reception, community matters, programming and suggestions for investigative reports and other similar issues, be kept in a file that is available to the public for a period of three years.

Also, if you have subscribed to one or more e-mail newsletters and do not want to receive such e-mail in the future, please discontinue your subscriptions by selecting the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of any message.

Children and Privacy

We encourage parents and guardians to spend time with their children online, and to be fully familiar with the sites visited by their children. At various places on the sites, we ask whether users are under the age of 18, or 13, for example when requesting personal information from a user, we may ask for parental consent. We rely on users to be truthful in responding to these questions.

Individuals Under 13

No information should be submitted to or posted on the site by users under the age of 13 years without consent of their parent or guardian. The site does not provide any personally identifying information, regardless of its source collected from users under the age of 13 to any third party for any purpose whatsoever unless disclosed during collection. Users under the age of 13 are asked not to participate in contests or other promotional opportunities, and the site does not knowingly collect information from users under the age of 13.

Individuals 13 Through 17

We request that children under the age of 18 do not submit or post information to the site without a parent or guardian’s consent. The site may collect information, including personally identifying information, from users between the ages of 13 and 17, and this information may be used for marketing and promotional purposes by the site and which may be shared with prescreened third parties, with the permission of the user. A user or their parent or guardian may stop the use - either by e-mail request or by modifying his/her registration information online as described above in "Use of Information Collected by The Site."

Message Board and Chat

Please remember that information posted to message boards and chat areas becomes public information. Use caution when posting. Users under the age of 18 should be especially careful not to provide any personally identifying information while using chat rooms or message boards. As set forth in our Terms and Conditions of use, users of chat rooms and message boards must follow acceptable standards of behavior when posting messages online.

Links to Other Sites

It is important to note that this site contains links to other sites, and that those sites may not follow the same privacy policies as our site. For instance, if you click on an advertisement on the site, this will take you away from the site and to an entirely different site. This can include links from advertisers, content providers and partners who may use the sites’ logo and or style as a result of a co-branding agreement. These sites may send their own cookies to you, and may collect data and make uses of it that the sites would not.


We reserve the right to change this policy at any time by posting a revised privacy policy.

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