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Friday August 20, 2004
Technique - The South's Liveliest College NewspaperFreshman survival guide

You certainly won’t find these in Webster’s...



A Stinger, not to be confused with a Stingerette. Freshmen will quickly find that walking is usually faster than waiting for an overcrowded Stinger to come by


The first letter of the alphabet. It also allegedly appears on grade reports. We’ll believe it when we see it.


Used for anything and everything on campus. Examples include buildings (MRDC), majors (ME) and colleges (CoC).

Brittain Beach

The patch of grass in the East Campus quad where freshmen traditionally throw frisbees and sunbathe in summer and spring.

Bursar’s Office

The place where you take your money, or your parents’ money, or the government’s money...


Student ID and campus debit card. Don’t leave home without it.


A portal for Georgia Tech web resources. Mention BuzzPort to an upperclassman and you’ll probably get a puzzled look.


Sleep in a bottle, cup or other non-bed form. See Sleep.

Capital Campaign

President Clough’s fundraising drive that concluded in spring 2001. It raised $712 million for the Institute, including the funding for many of the recently-completed construction projects around campus.

Chem Annex

One-fourth of the College of Computing’s building.

Clyde Bumps

Giant speed bumps (near the CoC and CRC, for example) that are only crossable at speeds under five miles per hour (any faster, and you’ll make the guys over at Midas very happy and very rich). Named for Clyde Robbins, who at one time was responsible for campus planning. See also Clyde Walks.

Clyde Walks

Term for the sidewalks that have bricks in them. Another useful innovation of Clyde Robbins. See also Clyde Bumps.


Obey the word of the man. This is Atlanta, after all. Use this building to locate the Student Center, which houses the only Pizza Hut in the country that serves Coca-Cola.


A female college student was first admitted to Tech 52 years ago. Although more sightings are reported each year, females only account for around 30 percent of the student body.

College of Computing Building

The Tool Shed. Think really hard about your favorite CS major and you’ll understand. Alternative definitions: EE Annex, Chem Annex.


Something all Tech students are expected to do often and well. Good examples can be found on newsgroups and in Technique letters to the editor.


Campus Recreation Center. A place to exercise and forget about differential equations for a while. Enjoy the fact that you will be the first freshmen to enjoy the completed facility, waterslide and all. See also SAC.

Cumberland College

The school that the Tech football team defeated 222-0 in 1916.

Dead Week

The week before finals during which you are not supposed to have any tests. Be forewarned: some profs don’t understand this concept.

Dean’s List

Only takes a 3.0...sounds easy, doesn’t it? Just wait.

D.M. Smith

History and Social Sciences building across from the library.

Drop Day

The Friday that marks the last day to drop a class. It’s recently been moved to a point later in the semester, taking some of the guessing out of the decision to drop a class. You freshmen have it so easy...


A P.E. class that was required of all Tech students up until 1988. The class involved being tied up with rope and thrown into a pool. The goal was to allow you to survive indefinitely in the water through a variety of techniques.


PHYS 2212, considered one of the most difficult and/or confusing classes at Tech. Back under the quarter system, the saying used to go, ‘E-Mag, Re-Mag, Three-Mag, Management.'

Faculty Honors

A 4.0? Keep dreaming...

Flag Building

a.k.a. Student Services Building. Houses the Dean of Students office and the Technique.

Flush Letters

Letters of rejection from prospective employers. Three or four will sometimes get you a free meal.

Final Four 2004

The event which generated more excitement at Tech than anything else in recent memory. Hopefully, it will become an annual event.


Frosted Orange. See The ‘V.'


The best development in parking, ever. Please do not break them.

Good Word, The

‘To hell with Georgia!'

Hill, The

The area filled with old, historic buildings between the Administration Building and the Library. See Tech Tower.

Honor Code

Supposedly sexy. Says you’re supposed to squeal on cheaters. And profs are supposed to provide word. Yep, that’s what it says.


The Physics Building on the corner of Ferst and Atlantic where many freshman classes are held.

IC Auditorium

a.k.a. Tennenbaum Auditorium, located in the Instructional Center, which is across from the CRC.


Campus diner where Tommy serves up some of the world’s greatest chicken fingers.

Late Fees

Fees that apply in addition to regular semester fees if your payment is late. Better take out another loan to pay these off.

Library West Commons

Computer lab on the first floor of the library, and perhaps the nicest on campus. At one time in the not-too-distant past, this was one of the least-used parts of campus, but now you can almost always expect a wait before a computer opens up.


Georgia Tech, North Campus

Ma Tech

The cherished name used by students and alumni as the personification of Georgia Tech.


Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority’since freshmen don’t have cars, this is your way around Atlanta, unless you can sucker an upperclassman into driving.

Midnight Madness

Starting the Sunday before finals and continuing every night during finals, students gather at midnight in public areas around dorms or lean out their windows for the age-old tradition. Promptly at midnight, students scream and yell to relieve the stress of their finals preparation.

North Avenue Trade School

Nickname for Tech.

Office of Information Technology (OIT)

The campus computer office. At one time, they had the nicest computer labs on campus. See Library West Commons.


This is where the volleyball team plays. It is next to the Coliseum. See athletic Coeds.


Hosted by Atlanta during the summer of 1996. Tech served as the Olympic Village. Most on-campus apartments were built around this time.


Not a green muppet. Online Student Computer Assisted Registration; it’s how you get classes, view your grades, pay your bills and, eventually, check you graduation status.


Thanks to construction, it has become an unofficial Tech color.

Parking Permit

Once just a hunting license before former Parking Director Rod Weis stepped in and restored some order; most freshmen can still leave this one out of their vocabulary.


A relic of the past. Alumni, faculty, staff and really old students will probably remember. Tech switched from the quarter system to semesters in 1999, causing all kinds of problems. See Semester Conversion.


Any freshman. Recruit At Tech, or Recently Acquired Tech Students. Originates in Tech’s strong military roots.

Road Trip

Something every college student should and must do in order to truly experience college. All you need is some clean underwear, a toothbrush, and...oh yeah...a car with gas.


Student Athletic Center, now renamed the Campus Recreation Center. See CRC.

Semester Conversion

A big hassle that occurred before the 1999 school year. Resulted in lots of graduation appeals. See Quarter.


Oh, wait...

Shaft (1)

Any examination or class (not necessarily longer than it is wide) which inflicts mental anguish due to being unnecessarily difficult and/or impossible to pass.

Shaft (2)

The large metal campanile fountain outside the Student Center.


A phrase, used often in journalism, meaning ‘intentionally so written.’ According to Webster’s Dictionary, it is used after a word or passage to indicate that it is intended exactly as printed or to indicate that it exactly reproduces the original’especially when the passage appears to contain a mistake. Example: University [sic] of Georgia.


A stray dog who’s head was cocked toward her tail. She captured the hearts of Tech students in 1945.

Sixth-Year Senior

Every fraternity has one; Someone who has already been here longer than the recommended schedule, but is still striving to get out. This person has funny stories.


We at the Technique are glad to be able to define this for you. Although we haven’t experienced it first-hand (and neither will you), we hear it has something to do with shutting the eyes and entering into a catatonic state for several hours on a nightly basis. See Caffeine.


A comment, quip, inside joke or one-liner that runs in the Technique Sliver Box. Contribute one at www.nique.net.

Square Root Club

The elite club that only admits members who meet this stringent criteria: The square root of your GPA is greater than your GPA. Get it? Don’t strain your brain too hard...


The hardest-working professor at Tech. He teaches most of the lower-level classes, but never receives any credit. Why isn’t he in the course evaluation?

Stinger, Stingerette

Campus vans and buses. They aren’t on a strict schedule so budget extra time if you want to make it to class. An hour should be enough. See also Tech Trolley.

Stop Signs

Disregarded by most drivers. If you see someone using a crosswalk, you’re supposed to speed up...right?

Student Center Commons

The Houston Building. Used to be the Tech bookstore. Now houses student orgs, WREK Radio, and several stores and restaurants.

Tech Tower

The Administration Building. The Ts atop the tower are probably more heavily guarded than anything else on campus.

Tech Trolleys

Not really trolleys. They’re actually Stingers disguised as trolleys, with much more uncomfortable seats. They run from the IC to Technology Square. We’re still waiting for the moving sidewalk, though.


‘The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper.’ An excellent distraction during Friday afternoon lectures.

Technology Square

Tech’s giant leap across the Downtown Connector. Home of Barnes and Noble @ Georgia Tech, a hotel, the College of Management, and numerous stores and restaurants. Our fledgling attempt at a college town.


The basketball arena.

‘V,’ The

Varsity drive-in located on North Avenue. At least get a fried pie and an F.O. Also known as ‘The Greasy V.’ Claims to be the world’s largest drive-in.

Whistle, The

The steam whistle that blows to signal class changes at five minutes before the hour. It also blows whenever Tech wins a home football game, and each spring during the ‘When the Whistle Blows’ remembrance ceremony.

Whistle, The

The Georgia Tech faculty and staff newspaper published by Institute Communications and Public Affairs.


Old tests and notes to help you study for tests.