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ABC Fundraising


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Since 1993 ABC Fundraising Has Provided America’s #1 Fundraising Ideas!
Remember To Request A FREE SAMPLE!
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“Your Fundraising ideas helped us raise $10,000 this year!” 


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Fundraising Companies

"The easiest fundraiser we've ever done!  With 40 kids fundraising we raised over $3,200 in under 2 weeks! I'll be ordering more Scratch & Help Fundraising cards next year. Thanks ABC Fundraising!
You guys have the best fundraisers!"

Tim Lenderman - Head Coach
Hollywood High School Football



Since 1993 ABC Fundraising has been providing Fundraising Ideas. Call 1-800-368-4543 to speak to a consultant about our Fundraising Ideas . We can answer your questions about our Fundraising Ideas from 9am-8pm est.
After hours we can take message for a fundraising representative to return your call the next business day. For the most profitable Fundraising Ideas remember ABC Fundraising!
(c) ABC Fundraising 2003 - America's #1 Fundraising Ideas!


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