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  DOL Ignored Rampant Worker Abuses in Post-Katrina New Orleans  
  Migrant workers who flocked to New Orleans to rebuild the city after Hurricane Katrina were routinely cheated out of wages and faced other abuses while the U.S. Department of Labor made little effort to police the contractors employing them, a Southern Poverty Law Center attorney told a House subcommittee today.

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Cold Case Conviction

Charles Eddie Moore and Henry Hezekiah Dee disappeared from Franklin County, Miss., in 1964. Forty-three years later, an ex-Klansman from Mississippi was convicted of kidnapping and conspiracy in the deaths of the two 19-year-olds.

SPLC president Richard Cohen recently testified in Washington D.C. in support of the Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act to bring attention to the unsolved murders of the civil rights era.

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Stop Guestworker Abuse

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Thousands of foreign guestworkers are lured to the United States each year with false promises only to be systematically exploited in a program that many describe as modern-day slavery. Join us in speaking out against this moral outrage.

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Beyond the Golden Rule

Beyond the Golden RuleTeaching Tolerance presents Beyond the Golden Rule, a new handbook to help parents address the difficult issues of bias, stereotypes and racism their children face in an increasingly diverse culture.

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Intelligence Report

Intelligence ReportThe number of hate groups grows, capping a 40% increase since 2000. Much of this growth has been driven by the immigration issue.

Also in this issue: A growing number of powerful African-American pastors are speaking out in often vicious terms against homosexuals; a university professor pumps out anti-Semitic 'scholarship'; and Arizona rancher and anti-immigrant icon Roger Barnett goes to court for terrorizing U.S. citizens.

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  O'Reilly 'Expert' Claims Pink Pistol-Packing Lesbian Gangs are Terrorizing the Nation

DOL Ignored Rampant Worker Abuses in Post-Katrina New Orleans

SPLC Expert Testifies on Abuse of Guestworkers

Teaching Tolerance Wins Prestigious Education Awards

Shackling of Teenage Girls Prompts SPLC Action

SPLC Complaint Alleges Abuse of Special Education Students

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