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This is a standard keyword-based search engine. Here are some quick tips to get you started.

Case Sensitivity:
There is no need to worry about the case of the term you are looking for. The search engine will find both upper and lower case instances of your search term. Example: Typing empire state building will get you the same results as typing Empire State Building.

Finding Specific Terms, Phrases or Names:
In cases where you are looking for a specific term, phrase or name, simply type the phrase out. The search engine will look for this phrase. For phrases that include common search terms-like AND-put quotations around those terms. Example: Typing Empire State Building will bring up all documents containing the phrase Empire State Building or empire state building. Typing recycle "and" reuse will bring up all documents with the exact phrase recycle and reuse.

Narrowing the Scope of Your Search
Reduce the scope of your search by linking your search terms with AND. The search engine will only produce those pages that have all of the required terms. Example: Typing empire and state and building will produce a list of all pages that include the term empire, the term state and the term building-or any combination of these three words-within the document.

Broadening the Scope of Your Search:
Expand your searches by linking your search terms with OR. The search engine will find all pages that contain at least one of your search terms. Example: Typing empire or state or building will produce a list of all pages that include the term empire, the term state or the term building.

Excluding Terms from Your Search:
Exclude pages that are not relevant to your search by preceding the search term with NOT. The search engine will ignore all pages with that word in them. Example: Typing empire and building not state will ensure that you do not get any documents that include the empire state building or, for that matter, anything with the word state in it.

Fudging the Terms of Your Search:
You can use wildcard characters if you are not sure of the spelling or quantity of your search term. Question marks (?) substitute for a particular character. Asterisks (*) substitute for a string of characters of any length. Example: Typing ?mpire will, for example, yield all documents with either empire or umpire. Typing Empir* will yield Empire, empire, empires, empirical, empire-o-ramas and all kinds of other fun, emp-ish words.
Got comments, tips, questions or corrections for City Limits editors? Contact editor@citylimits.org.
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