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Report Recommends Rejecting Plan on City Traffic

A key legislative report due out today sharply criticizes Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s congestion pricing plan, suggesting among other things that it would impose an unfair tax on lower- and middle-income drivers. The report, its author said, finds that the plan cannot be passed in its current form. (NY Times)

A Bloomberg Bullpen for Oval Office?

The Oval Office is among the most recognizable symbols of the American presidency, but if Mayor Bloomberg ends up in the White House, the real business of the country could get done down the hall. (NY Sun)

Council Clash Could Aid Quinn's Mayoral Odds

A barrage of attacks and a civil rights lawsuit against the City Council speaker could actually bolster Christine Quinn's anticipated mayoral aspirations and help her emerge as a strong leader known for standing up for her conviction. (NY Sun)

New York’s Antiterror Funds Disappoint, Officials Say

After the city’s share of antiterrorism money for high-risk communities was cut last year by 40 percent, New York officials said they were assured by the Department of Homeland Security that this year would be better. (NY Times)

Mayor Rallies for Congestion Pricing

Mayor Bloomberg yesterday told state legislators to quit saying they'll "study it some more" as he urged them to pass his congestion-pricing plan. (NY Post)

Bloomberg Pulls Giuliani Voters

If Mayor Bloomberg jumps into the presidential race as an independent, it might be bad news for his predecessor, Rudy Giuliani, according to a new poll. (NY Post)

OEM Building To Be Mayor's Home Away From City Hall

Mayor Bloomberg is boxing up his picture frames and files and moving out of City Hall for two weeks. Bloomberg and his staff are leaving the bullpen Monday and moving into the city's emergency operations facility while their municipal home gets an electrical upgrade and facelift. (NY Sun)

Bloomberg Says He Will Support State G.O.P.

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has become an independent, but he is also telling New York’s Republican Party that he will support his former team. (NY Times)

Deadline To Sign Behavior Agreement Looming for Plummer

A City Council aide who is suing Speaker Christine Quinn for $1 million has until 5 p.m. today to sign a revised behavior agreement with the city or lose her job. Ms. Quinn suspended the aide, Viola Plummer, for six weeks without pay last week, saying she could only return to work if she behaved better in the future (NY Sun)

Extension Given to City Hall Staffer

A federal judge brokered a three-day extension Tuesday of the firing deadline for suspended City Council aide Viola Plummer. (Daily News)

Aides Tout Mayor’s Independence

Aides to Mayor Bloomberg gathered the press spokesmen for all of the city's agencies together earlier this year and told them to emphasize the mayor's independence, accountability, and other qualities that at least one source in attendance characterized as "presidential." (NY Sun)

Mayor to Work in Brooklyn During City Hall Renovation

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and about 85 members of his staff will take operations across the river to Brooklyn next week, setting up temporary shop in the headquarters of the city’s Office of Emergency Management while his City Hall space gets a minor makeover. (NY Times)

Bloomberg: Fear Holiday Swim, Not Terror

After acknowledging the NYPD is on heightened alert, Bloomberg said New Yorkers have more to fear from unguarded beaches and pools than from terrorists. (Daily News)

Council Aide Sues Speaker

A suspended aide to Councilman Charles Barron has filed a $1million lawsuit against Council Speaker Christine Quinn, charging racial discrimination, defamation, harassment and retaliation. (NY Post)

As Noise Rules Take Effect, the City’s Beat Mostly Goes On

The 1 a.m. din was as loud as ever outside several Lower East Side nightclubs. At a busy East Harlem intersection, salsa music almost drowned out the traffic in the early afternoon. Next to Claremont Park in the Bronx, a Mister Softee truck was stopped at the curb, beckoning customers with its snappy jingle. (NY Times)

Lawmakers Urge Repeal of Water Tax

Two City Council members are urging the city to eliminate a ‘rental payment' tax on water, a move they say would spare New Yorkers of future water rate hikes. (NY Sun)

NYPD Names Giannelli Chief of Patrol

New York City Police Chief Robert Giannelli, a Bronx native who most recently served as an executive officer with the detectives bureau, will be the NYPD's next chief of patrol, Commissioner Raymond Kelly announced Saturday. (AM New York)

One-Man Bandwagon Beats Drum for Bloomberg ’08

Behind the hoopla about Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s possible bid for president in 2008, there is only one man right now: a 41-year-old political consultant who wears his shirt collar open, speaks without periods, and revels in his Irish heritage — which, in his words, extends to worry about making a buck and his belief that Caroline Kennedy and Maria Shriver are the end-all. (NY Times)

Bloomberg Says He Suffers Through A Crowded Subway Ride

Ridiculed by subway riders for suggesting the trains aren't crowded, Mayor Bloomberg admitted yesterday he had recently suffered through a crowded subway ride. (Daily News)

Mayor Defends Con Ed

Mayor Bloomberg continued to defend Con Ed yesterday as the utility confirmed that a "strong lightning strike" caused Wednesday's 48-minute blackout. (Daily News)

Bloomberg Shrugs Off His 2000 Heart Surgery

Mayor Bloomberg declared himself in "great health" yesterday and said his 2000 heart surgery, disclosed only this week, was so minor that he was out on the golf course right away. (NY Post)

City’s Plans for Housing Flop in Albany

After nearly a year of painstaking analysis and tough negotiations, the Bloomberg administration, the City Council, housing advocates, lenders and real estate developers had hashed out a measure intended to revamp a popular tax-break program so it would generate more relatively affordable housing while restricting subsidies to luxury high-rises like Trump World Tower. It was all done with a minimum of grousing. Now the city is asking Gov. Eliot Spitzer to veto the bill if the Bloomberg administration cannot persuade legislators to make substantive changes. What went wrong? (NY Times)

Mayor's Office Cool on Keycard Bill

Team Bloomberg was cool yesterday to a City Council proposal that would regulate what landlords do with tenant data collected by electronic keycards. (NY Post)

Council Aid Suspended

A City Council aide who raised the specter of "assassination" of a lawmaker was suspended without pay yesterday for six weeks, Speaker Christine Quinn said. (NY Post)

Higher Profile for Bloomberg Heralds Loss of Privacy

In pursuing and occupying public office over the past seven years, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has intensely guarded his privacy, bristling at questions he considers prying. (NY Times)

Quinn: Time Needed To Act on Aide Threat

City Council Speaker Christine Quinn said a decision to discipline a council staff member, Viola Plummer, who last month threatened to end the political career of a council member, Leroy Comrie, even if it took "an assassination," requires time and careful deliberation. (NY Sun)

New Campaign Finance Reform Skip Unions

The new law would crack down on donations from lobbyists, strictly limit contributions from contractors who do business with the city, and allow developers to give only a fraction of what they once could. (NY Times)

Bloomberg Had Surgery in 2000

Before he was elected mayor in 2001, Michael R. Bloomberg had surgery to have two stents implanted in a coronary artery because of blockage in his heart, a person with knowledge of Mr. Bloomberg’s health said last night. (NY Times)

Bloomberg’s Ride Isn’t That Crowded

Two days after transit officials announced that some subway lines are operating beyond 100 percent of capacity at peak hours, Mayor Bloomberg questioned the figures and said his own commute isn't "that crowded." (NY Post)

A Proposal Emerges to Keep Cold Remedies Behind the Counter

A month after Suffolk County lawmakers approved a landmark ban on selling many non-prescription cough and cold medicines to minors, the City Council today will consider an even tougher law that would require stores to keep the remedies behind the counter. (Newsday)

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