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What information does the online edition of the Daily News gather/track about you?
The Daily News does not automatically collect any personally identifiable information, such as name, address, email address or telephone number, from visitors to our website. Occasionally, as a visitor to our website, you may be asked to voluntarily supply the Daily News with certain personally identifying information when, for instance, you order goods, enter contests or request information.
What does the online edition of the Daily News do with the information it gathers/tracks?
In addition to being used for the purpose for which it was submitted, the personally identifying information that you provide voluntarily may be used in several other ways:
Statistical Analysis: The Daily News may use the information to create aggregate statistics about activity on and visitors to our website. Such analysis may be used to measure the interest in various areas of our site and to inform advertisers as to how many consumers have seen or "clicked" their advertising banners. We may also use such information to allow editorial content and/or advertising on our Website to be targeted to groups of users for whom it is most pertinent. This means that users see editorial content and/or advertising that is most likely to interest them. In this statistical analysis and advertisement targeting, we will disclose information to third parties only in aggregate form. Personal information about you as an individual will not be provided to any third party without your consent, except under the circumstances described in Compliance with the Legal Process below.
Emails and Other Communications: From time to time our advertising and promotional partners may use the gathered information to call to your attention products and offers they believe might interest you. If you prefer not to receive direct communications sent by our advertisers or promotional partners, you will be given an opportunity to decline at the time you provide any information. If you decline at the time you provide us with information or chose to opt out later, you will not receive email or other communications sent directly by our advertisers utilizing information collected from our site.
Compliance with the Legal Process: We may disclose personal information if we in good faith believe that such action is necessary to (1) comply with the law or with legal process; (2) protect and defend our rights and property; (3) protect against misuse or unauthorized use of the Daily News website; or (4) protect the personal safety, property or rights of our users or the public.
Other: Personal information collected by the Daily News website may also be used for internal administrative purposes, including but not limited to site administration, troubleshooting, processing of e-commerce transactions, administration of sweepstakes, contests, and other communications with you. Certain third parties that provide technical support for the operation of the website may also have access to such information. In all cases, however, we will use your information only as permitted by law.
To what extent does the online edition of the Daily News use "cookies"?
Our website sometimes includes surveys, contests, sweepstakes and promotions that each visitor can participate in only once. In order to ensure that no visitor participates more than once, the Daily News may use a "cookie" to track user activity. This cookie does not contain any personally identifiable information about the visitor, but only a unique number with no meaning outside of the Daily News website.
Third Party Advertising And Content:
Our website contains links to websites that are not operated by the Daily News, and also receives content from third parties such as The Associated Press, Nando Media, UClick, The Sports Network, and CBSMarketwatch, among others. The Daily News makes no representations about the privacy practices of these third party sites. Be aware that during your visit to our site you may link to, or view as part of a frame that includes Daily News content, certain content that is actually created or hosted by a third party. Through our website, you may also be introduced to, or able to access, information, other websites, features, contests or sweepstakes offered by other parties.
Users should check the applicable privacy policies of those third parties when providing personally identifiable information.
In addition, the advertisements appearing on our website are delivered to you by various third parties, including MaxOnline and RealMedia. These third parties may or may not use cookies, which may be used to gather information about you, or simply to track user activity. The Daily News does not have access to or control these cookies. Users should check the applicable privacy policies of these third parties when providing personally identifiable information.

The Daily News website does not knowingly collect or solicit personally identifiable information from or about children under 13. If we discover that we have received any information from a child under 13 in violation of this policy, we will delete that information immediately. If you believe the Daily News website has any information about anyone under 13, please contact us at the address listed below.

The Daily News uses administrative, technical, personnel and physical measures to safeguard personal identifying information against loss, theft and unauthorized use, disclosure or modification. However, as effective as these measures are, no security system is impenetrable. We cannot guarantee that the information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet.

Opting Out, Corrections, Cancellations & Questions:
Upon request, the Daily News will a) remove your personal information from our database; b) correct personal information that you state is erroneous; c) permit you to opt out of further email contact while still allowing you access to site. To request a correction or cancellation, or to ask a question regarding this policy, contact: webmaster@web.nydailynews.com or write to:

New York Daily News Online
New York Daily News
450 W. 33rd St.
New York, NY 10001