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2005 General Election Results
Click here for general election results. (November 8, 2005 beginning at 9:00pm)

Transcript of the Final Mayoral Debate
Read a complete transcript of the debate between Michael Bloomberg and Fernando Ferrer held on November 1, 2005. Click here

Transcript of the Bloomberg and Ferrer Mayoral Debate
Read a complete transcript of the debate between Michael Bloomberg and Fernando Ferrer held on October 30, 2005. Click here

Guide for the Last Minute Voter
A step-by-step guide to New York City's General Election. More...

The Fine Print on the Ballot
Everything you need to know - and more - about the four ballot questions. More...

Four City Council Races to Watch
In New York, the election for most City Council seats takes place on Primary Day, but this year four districts feature tough, tight general election contests. More ...

Upper East Side City Council Candidate Debates
Two debates with candidates for New York City Council running on the Upper East Side.
- Transcript of the District 4 Debate
- Transcript of the District 5 Debate

Mayoral Issue Grid

An issue-by-issue breakdown of what Fernando Ferrer and Michael Bloomberg - and other mayoral candidates - say about civil rights, crime, education, housing, and transportation. More ...

2005 Primary Election Results
Click here for the primary election results.

Know of any news, links, or other information that should be covered here? Please let us know at campaign05@gothamgazette.com

Latest News from the Campaign Trail

Mayor Thanks Churchgoers

November 14, 2005
Mayor Michael Bloomberg did a victory lap of sorts Sunday, traveling to houses of worship around the city to thank congregants for their support and lay out his agenda for the months ahead. (Newsday)

Bonuses for Bloomberg Staff

November 14, 2005
Mayor Michael Bloomberg's top campaign staffers could be treated to six-figure bonuses as a thank-you for the Republican incumbent's record-breaking 20-point re-election victory. After his win in 2001, billionaire Bloomberg gave out $850,000 in bonuses — including $300,000 to senior campaign strategist Bill Cunningham, $100,000 to four other staffers and $25,000 to six advisers. Campaign co-chairman Herman Badillo said he expected the mayor would be just as generous this time around. (New York Post)

A Republican Lock on City Hall

November 13, 2005
Michael Bloomberg's re-election last week achieved a largely overlooked political milestone in this lopsidedly Democratic city: After his second term, more mayors will have been elected as Republicans or third-party candidates than as Democrats since 1933. (" target="new">New York Times)

In Politics, Money Isn’t Everything

November 13, 2005
Michael Bloomberg, who is worth an estimated $6 billion and spent about $70 million for his re-election campaign, has become the new gold standard for the growing number of megamillionaire candidates nationwide But wealthy candidates, who bankroll their own campaigns to scare off rivals and avoid fund-raising, lose more often than they win.
(New York Times)

Ferrer’s Loss is Carrion’s Gain

November 13, 2005
With Fernando Ferrer having lost the mayoral election. the mantle of lead Latino power player falls to the man who replaced him as Bronx borough president — Adolfo Carrion. Some insiders predict that the Bronx borough president — intelligent, youthful and popular among Latinos, the city's fastest-growing ethnic group — could succeed where his predecessor failed and become New York's first Latino mayor.
(New York Post)

Bloomberg’s Courting of Latino Voters

November 13, 2005
According to experts, exit polls and Board of Elections estimates, Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s strategy that targeted Latinos in general, along with individual Hispanic nationalities, had some limited success. While he failed to draw a majority of votes in most of the city's heavily Latino districts, he did skim enough of those votes to keep Fernando Ferrer from getting the support he needed to become the city’s first Latino mayor.
(" target="new">Newsday)

White Democrats Voted Republican

November 13, 2005
It has been 20 years since a majority of white city voters pulled the lever for a Democratic mayoral candidate -- even as most remain registered Democrats. According to a Pace University exit poll, Mayor Michael Bloomberg won last Tuesday among whites with 67 percent to 30 percent for Fernando Ferrer. This was the fifth straight mayoral election where the majority of white voters voted Republican.

Mayor Crossed Ethnic Barriers for Big Victory

November 10, 2005
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg forged his historic re-election victory on Tuesday by drawing roughly half of New York's black voters and about 3 in 10 Latinos to the Republican line, even though he faced a Hispanic challenger who sought to capitalize on ethnic pride, an analysis of voting returns shows. (New York Times)

After Ferrer, Beaten Party Looks to 2009

November 10, 2005
For New York Democrats, the 2009 race for mayor was all but under way yesterday, as they reckoned with the errors and shortcomings that helped fuel the historic Republican victory of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg on Tuesday. Three prominent Democrats who may run in 2009 - Adolfo Carrión Jr., William C. Thompson Jr. and Anthony D. Weiner - said their party needed to recalibrate its message to rely less on hopes-and-dreams liberalism and champion pragmatic ideas about security, public schools and the high cost of living in the city. (New York Times)

Ferrer Vote Floors Pollsters

November 10, 2005
New York's top pollsters were scrambling yesterday to explain why they were way off base on the mayor's race — drastically underestimating Fernando Ferrer's support. (New York Post)

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