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The immigrant communities of New York appear to be coming into their own. Many held protests against the incarceration of immigrants, as the aftermath of 911 continues to affect immigrants in special ways. A group called NICE is signing up a majority of members of the City Council to agree to listen to their immigrant constituents, even the ones who cannot vote. In his State of the City Address, Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced that the City Hall press office will meet monthly from now on "with representatives of the minority and ethnic media in the city." In the February edition of The Citizen, we offer our fourth selection of news and editorials from the immigrant press, translated this month from Arabic, Korean, Polish, Spanish and Urdu.

February 2002
Protesters Demand Fair Treatment Of Prisoners
From the Arab Voice

NY Protest Against Detention Of Immigrants
From News India Times

The New Secret War Against Immigrants
From Haiti Progres

Immigrants and human rights activists have been gathering at detention centers throughout the metropolitan area to protest the incarceration of hundreds of immigrants after September 11. Some hold up placards saying, "Tell us the charges," or "Who is being held?

Queens Mosque Raided
From Sada-e-Pakistan
After receiving an anonymous tip of a planned mass murder, the FBI raided a Pakistani mosque, but found nothing.

Bureaucracy Hampers Aid
From The Filipino Express

Many families of Filipino-American victims of WTC attack are disheartened by complications involved in securing assistance from government and private groups, who, they said, give more priority to the families of firefighters and police officers.

Korean Composer Inspired By 911
From Chosun Ilbo

Inspired by the tragedy of WTC attack, a Korean musician composed "Oh, New York 2001" and plan to perform the piece during 2002 World Cup in September.

New Airport Regulations Evoke Mixed Reaction
From Nowy Dziennik

While most Polish immigrants believe stricter airport regulations are necessary, some view part of the new safety measures, such as having to take one’s shoes off, as an overreaction.

Citizenship For Mexican Victims
From Hoy
The Mexican representative for immigrant issues met with a U.S. Representative in an on-going effort to persuade Congress to give citizenship to Mexican victims and their families.

Chinatown Tries To Recover
From Gotham Gazette
Outside of Ground Zero, no other neighborhood in New York City was as adversely affected by the events of 9/11 as Chinatown.

New Immigrant Empowerment
From Gotham Gazette
Bryan Pu-Folkes explains how, spurred by an anti-immigrant billboard, he founded New Immigrants Community Empowerment (NICE) to mobilize immigrant New Yorkers into an effective political block. Latest campaign - getting the members of the City Council to agree to listen to their constituents.

A Race Against Death
From Filipino Reporter

Four Filipino children with congenital heart defects tried to secure U.S. visas in order to receive life-saving surgeries.

Making The Street Holy
From Hoy

The Dominican community starts a campaign to rename 181st Street after their patron saint.

Why Did God Choose Me?
From New York Blade
A gay Egyptian seeks asylum.


World Economic Forum:
Why New York? Why Now?

From Rediff.com
The best reason to hold the WEF meeting here is the city's police. Already geared up against terrorism, NYPD is more than ready to handle the hundreds of protesters planning to attend.

May I Speak To Osama bin Laden?
From the Arab Voice

A journalist at The Arab Voice recounts his phone conversations with "ordinary idiots."

A Unified Arabic Voice
From the Arab Voice

A call for a replacement of regional and propaganda-filled Arabic press with a newspaper that can speak on behalf of Arab immigrants in a single voice.

Commissioner Has No Time For the Haitian Community
From Haitian Times
Newly appointed police Commissioner Raymond Kelly has rebuffed the Haitian community's overture to talk about the case of Georgy Louisgene, a 23-year-old Haitian who was shot dead by police on January 16th.

The Citizen #1: August 2001
The Citizen #2: December 2001
The Citizen #3: January 2002

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