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Gotham Gazette
Gotham Gazette Web
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  • Index To Stories
    Alphabetical list of Gotham Gazette stories and writers. Includes articles written for monthly topic pages, as well as weekly issues, feature stories, and commentaries. Some articles from Searchlight, our city government subsite, are listed as well.

  • Issue of the Week Archive
    Issue of the Week puts a story making headlines into context, providing the kind of background and explanations that are too often missing from daily newspaper and television coverage, with links for more in-depth study.

  • Features & Commentaries Archive
    Original analysis and commentary by some of the city's leading urban academics, advocates, policy makers, journalists, public officials, labor leaders, ministers and even a movie star (Bette Midler).

  • Topic Page Archives
    Original articles about what is happening in the city arranged by topic, including the arts, education, the environment, immigrants, technology. Articles are published monthly for most of the topics.

  • Searchlight
    Searchlight began as comprehensive coverage of the 2001 campaign, and is now a guide to government and politics.

  • Rebuilding NYC Features Archive
    Stories about the efforts to recover from the events of 9/11/2001.

  • Blogs Archive

  • NYC Books Archives:
    Recently Released - Articles that cover recently released books about New York City.
    Library Picks - Books we consider classics, favorites, and old stand-bys.
    Book Shelf - Collections of books that share a genre.

  • Map Archives

  • Civic Lessons Archives
    Interactive games and quizzes.