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Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America
Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America (Hardcover)
by Brigitte Gabriel (Author)
Key Phrases: Middle East, United States, Saudi Arabia (more...)
(166 customer reviews)    
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Editorial Reviews
From Publishers Weekly
With strident confidence, American Congress for Truth founder Gabriel rebukes the American public for being "weak, asleep or careless" in the face of Muslim terrorism. A Christian survivor of the vicious civil war between Lebanese Christians and Muslims in the 1970s, Gabriel leans on her own terrifying experiences to condemn Muslims, without apparent regard for their ethnicity, ideology or historical role. Consistently using the words "Muslim" and "Arab" as if they were interchangeable, she concludes that the U.S. is "facing total destruction" at the hands of people who are uncultured and cruel, and prescribes such solutions as "profile, profile and profile," and banning "hate education" in Islamic institutions. Though her writing is eloquent and her passion tremendous, Gabriel's strict dichotomy between "evil versus goodness" is too extreme to be informative. Readers will be forced to decide whether or not to accept her heart-felt bias. (Oct.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

“Brigitte Gabriel eloquently reminds America what is truly at stake in this struggle against terrorism: our families, our way of life, and our hopes. Ms. Gabriel's personal account of her own experience is riveting, compelling and spellbinding. This is a must read for the entire American public . . . This book contains monumental revelations that will shock and disturb you. But it is also a story of an indomitable spirit--Brigitte's-- that will move you.”
--Steve Emerson, author of American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Amongst Us, Executive Director, the Investigative Project on Terrorism
"A compelling and captivating personal story with a powerful lesson about threats to freedom in our time."--R. James Woolsey, Director of Central Intelligence, 1993-95

“Brigitte Gabriel's story is at once intensely personal and possessing global significance . . . the story of her family and her childhood encapsulates the threat that faces the entire free world today. Brigitte Gabriel's words should be read, and studied carefully, by all the law enforcement and government officials of the West -- as well as by everyone who values freedom.” -- Robert Spencer, author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)
Because They Hate should be read by all to understand radical Islam. Brigitte . . . . This book gives dire warning of what is to come if the democratic and Western world does not take responsible action to protect its people and societies.  The United States is the primary target as Islamic Radicalism attempts to spread its worldwide dominance.”-- Paul E. Vallely, Maj. General US Army (Ret.), FOX News Channel Military Analyst, and coauthor of Endgame: The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror

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Key Phrases - Capitalized Phrases (CAPs): (learn more)
Middle East, United States, Saudi Arabia, New York, West Bank, World Trade Center, Saddam Hussein, United Nations, Yasser Arafat, American Muslim, Palestinian Authority, Lebanese Christians, Allahu Akbar, Arab Muslim, General Shlomo, Muslim Americans, Muslim Brotherhood, Uncle Tony, World War, Arab Americans, Mahdi Bray, National Front, President Bush, Duke University, Global Relief Foundation
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2 of 3 people found the following review helpful:

An interesting though biased reflection on religion and history, February 24, 2007
Reviewer:Greg (Australia) - See all my reviews
Brigitte Gabriel is a successful Lebanese-American Journalist well established in the US. Growing up as a Christian during the Lebanese Civil War, she paints a dark and disturbing indictment of the ethnic and religious hatreds which tore her home country apart, her own dark experiences at the hands of various fundamentalist Islamic militas, and warns the same will soon occur in the West unless very harsh measures are used to combat Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism.

The logic of this argument is interesting and at first, has a strange force to it. After 9/11 and events like the Mardid and London bombings, Islamist inspired terrorism is agreed to be a very real and dangerous threat to our community and way of life.

But, at points it is hard not to get the sense with Gabriel, as with some other intellectuals who are mapping the Islamic 'threat', is letting a certain personal hatred and bitterness towards Muslims interfere with her objectivity. In many parts of the book she seems to view the majority of Muslims both as potential terrorists or supporters of terrorism, and those who claim to not support it to be lying; the common logical fallacy of guilt by association. While her antipathy towards Muslims is understandable based on her background, not all countries with Muslim populations have repeated the disaster of Lebanon, and if anything is becoming clear in the past several years in the War on Terror, it is that vigorous and violent attacks on Muslims and Muslim countries is only fuelling the desire of many otherwise moderate Muslims to defend themselves through any means, including violence if necessary, and giving Al-Qeda and like minded fanatics all the propoganda they need in order to recruit impressionable young men. Hatred will only fuel more hatred and if things keep going this way, we may well end up with a situation like that of Israel, where the Muslim population is segregated off from the rest of the community by a range of heavy security measures and they in the end resort to violence, feeling there is no other means to achieve recognition and justice.

While I certainly agree no tolerance should be shown to terrorists in Western countries, or their social and religious backers or supporters, I also strongly believe accusations of terrorism and supporting terrorism should be confined only to where the facts clearly say it exists, and not extended to the Muslim population as a whole, who are then unfairly demonised as being innately evil and fundamentalist.

1 of 10 people found the following review helpful:

Horrible, February 23, 2007
Reviewer:Selvin Cray Jr. "Scray" (Lake City, FL USA) - See all my reviews
Talk about propaganda, this book is full of it. As Americans we have a tendency to forget the fact that we have a whole set of homegrown terrorist that we ignore. For ex. The Oklahoma City Bombing, The Atlanta Olympic Bomber, as best I can tell; neighter was done by Islamic extremist, but we seem to forget that. So far as waking up, our actions overseas are breading terrorist faster than rabbits. This book does a great job of spreading paranoia.

3 of 15 people found the following review helpful:

Fictional at Best, February 23, 2007
Reviewer:H. Farra (Paris, France) - See all my reviews
The so called journalist depicts fictional events and claims they happened to her. If you are into Fictional: Buy the book. If you are trying to understand the Lebanese people and the roots of the conflict in Lebanon, suggest you look elsewhere.

9 of 14 people found the following review helpful:

Must read, February 19, 2007
Reviewer:Teddy "fisher man" (Phoenix, AZ, USA) - See all my reviews
Amazing story of persecution and survival. A must read for every American and every western country. Our freedom depends on people like this that are not afraid to stand up and speak out for the truth. Brigitte is a truly remarkable person.

8 of 12 people found the following review helpful:

Better wise up America, February 19, 2007
Reviewer:Edgar B. Wooley (New Jersey USA) - See all my reviews
Brigitte Gabrfiel's book should be required reading for all Americans. The coming unnoticed radical Muslim storm will overwelm us if we don't take the proper steps to stop them now. More (not less) soldiers to do the fighting that needs to be done to protect us and our way of life. Brigitte Gabriel's book makes this very very clear. I would like to thank her for what she has been through at the hands of the radical Muslims. For her wonderful book that we all should read. Thank you


10 of 15 people found the following review helpful:

Education/Islam, February 18, 2007
Reviewer:Steve Dypvik - See all my reviews
This book clears up a lot of misconceptions about Islam. It is unbeliveable how ignorant the American media is concerning the ongoing war we are in the middle of. I feel sorry for the hard working Americans who believe what they see in the mainstream press and vote accordingly. I hope when we get the BIG wake up call, it will not be too late for our country.

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