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Saturday, September 06, 2008

McCain Team Tries to Shutdown Troopergate

If the Lady was properly vetted, the McCain team would have shut this down before or simply took a pass.

Following his gut, McCain just had to have her........

Lewinsky was an intern in charge of ordering Pizza. Our nation security was not in jeopardy. 

Gloria Steinam: Palin, wrong, wrong, wrong

I've never been a single issue voter, unless the issue is HUGE. McCain & Palin are wrong on everything.

Its great to see Steinam supporting Obama.

Palin to appear voluntarily: Yeah, Right

The Alaskan legislature will be issuing subpoenas. Palin is not on the list. Why? There is the expectation she will keep her word and voluntarily cooperate.

What's that sound? Not the sound of melting glaciers, but hell freezing over.

Stormy Weather

The plan for today was for me and my daughter to register voters. Due to the horrendous weather, performing our civic duty will happen on another day.

With Sports Radio in the background, it is a welcome present to find a couple of open hours in my schedule.

Who are you Sarah Palin?

Too funny not to share....

Sarah Palin & Rick Warren Read the Constitution

"Say nothing of my religion. It is known to God and myself alone. Its evidence before the world is to be sought in my life; if it has been honest and dutiful to society the religion which has been regulated it cannot be a bad one."

-Thomas Jefferson

Right Wing Christian Zealots

"The only time anyone's admitted they were a Christian before was when they were busy telling me why they're better than me."

                 -Randy K. Milholland

Too often, we forget why people fled England. Religious freedom was there priority. All long as you don't mess with kids and leave me be, I will defend you right to celebrate how you choose.

All I want is to be afforded the same courtesy. Palin even being near the White House makes me nervous.

Rescue Me: Paulson to bail out Fannie, Freddie

Homeowners who make uninformed decisions are told "oh well". Once again corporate entities who engage in uninformed decisions are bailed out by us the taxpayers.

It sort of takes you back to the Savings & Loan debacle.

Whom was involved in that mess?

Walter Reed Hospital, Walter Reed Middle School

Just like the economy, McCain has admitted to not knowing much about the Internet. However,
one would think somebody on the McCain staff would know how to use Google Maps.

On the other hand, this is a guy who doesn't know the Pakistani borders. Yeah, I want him running my country. 

How can you support the troops if you have clue where they are?

The McCain camp, the gift that keeps giving.

Letter from Alaskan Resident

Read the whole letter

A resident of Wasilla

McCain should hire a food tester.....

Ray Didinger: Da Best Sportswriter on the Planet

A friend of mine knows that I am a huge sports fan. The sports and entertainment practice of her law firm sponsored a NFL kick-off event at her firm Thursday. The featured speakers were Glen Macnow and Ray Didinger.  She had no earthly idea who they were but knew I would love it.

Not surprising, the event was packed with testosterone. Out of about 200 attendees, I could count the ladies on one hand.  Pat Cirroccihi, a local newscaster, my friend, the rest, associates who had to be there.

There was a buffet of local football fare: hoagies, cheesesteaks, soft pretzels, hot dogs, and beer. 

I have been a huge fan of Didinger forever. He is by far the best sportswriter on the planet. When he appears on the local radio and TV shows he serves as insightful sane one with a wicked sense of humor.

My mission was to show my appreciation for his work without having him call security. One of the attendees that I was chatting with introduced me to Glen MacNow.  How he is on the radio is how he is in person. Funny, warm and engaging.  Being a radio personality, I had no clue what to expect looks wise. Attractive, average height, balding, with deep dimples.

I told him I was a fan of his but a bigger fan of Didinger. He roared with laughter. He thought it was cool, that I was a fan of sports writers.  "How would you like to meet 'the man'?" he offered. Like a dork, I just flashed a big old smile. Again, he laughed and said "I'll take that as a yes."

Didinger was surrounded by attorneys holding court. Macnow interrupted the gathering. "Excuse gentlemen, but lady is a fan of Ray's and wants to meet him." 

As Didinger emerged, with a cross expression of surprise and amusement, Didinger extended his hand and said "Really?"

Trying to maintain some level of cool, I told him my mission tonight was to fawn over him shamelessly. With a hearty laugh, he said," by all means fawn away. It's rare for a lady to enjoy my work." The three us of talked Philly sports until they " did their thing." The two of them have a show on Saturdays where they shoot the shit about sports, which was how they conducted their talk.

It was awesome. My friend was thrilled I was thrilled. "It's funny, I just assumed they were football players", she said. I sighed and shook by head. We both laughed. "

My kid brother is fan of Macnow and Didinger. Because I couldn't help myself, I had to tell him of my encounter. He was appropriately happy for me and jealous.

Friday, September 05, 2008

The Wilson Sisters: Cease and Desist

I guess asking permission from the artists BEFORE using a song is simply too much trouble...

I'm glad the Wilson sisters spoke out.

More details on the investigation

The aid involved in this mess, has been suspended with pay. How convenient?

Thursday, September 04, 2008

I got your Community Organizers Right Here

h/t Brendan calling

Tom Raum: AP Writer

Mr. Raum has stars or something in his eyes or he was not one of the millions who ACTUALLY watched the Obama speech.

His audition to work for the McCain White House is painfully obvious.

If he was employed by Fox news, I would give him a free pass. But he is getting a check from the Associated Press which is supposed to be objective.


Community Organizer Job Description

Obama like most community organizers seized actual responsibilities that were ignored by business and government. I wonder if the people he helped thought that he didn't have any responsibility.

Newsflash: The Republicans still hate people who do not look like them. How freakin' patriotic.

Fired Trooper speaks out

Why do I think there will be a quiet wrongful termination payout?

"Political Bullshit about Narratives"; Peggy Noonan

Memo to Peggy Noonan and Mike Murphy

You just never know when a mic is on

Love and Kisses Rev. Jesse Jackson

Troopergate continues

h/t tpmuchraker

The trooper union has sued!

More to come...

RIP Russ challenges the MSM to do their jobs

h/t Rip Russ

The MSM carried water for the Bush administration during the lead up to this fiasco in Iraq. If they had did their jobs maybe my grandbaby and his children would not be stuck paying the bills for this mess.

The McCain team is coming out of the shoots pushing back the media. A strategy clearly taken from the Rove playbook.

My only hope is there are enough citizens who will not buy this nonsense again and vote with their pocketbooks.

I have and will continue to register new voters in SE Pennsylvania. More often than not, I am registering Democrats. There is a need to open a Democratic office in the Oxford, West Grove area. I grew up in that area and you had to register Republican but quietly vote Democrat.

The change is here and maybe the MSM will catch up to it.

Lady Palin, Self-Made Woman, please

Sunday, August 31, 2008

McCain offends Angry Mouse

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Biden Sighting

My guess is the Beauty Queen won't be caught dead on a commercial flight..........

h/t mithras

Palin proclaims "Take your husband to work day"

Ok, I just made up the proclamation. The more I read about McCain's pick the more alarmed I am becoming.

First of all, what executive of any sex has their spouse sitting in on work-related meetings? 
Is that really appropriate? Worse, I would think, it would undermine the executive's credibility, particularly a woman.

So what on earth was Governor Palin thinking? What expertise does he bring to the table?

When the citizens of Alaska wanted to see e-mails surrounding Troopergate, Palin claimed "executive privilege." Even though her husband was copied on the e-mails.

Boy doesn't this smack of Dick Cheney?

Yesterday it was funny. Today, not so much.

h/t Andrew Halcro

40 million

With the summer coming to a close,  40 million people chose to watch Obama's historic speech.

Wow. 40 million.

His message of hope supported with a solid business plan on how to fix the mess created by Bush and Congress even had the Republicans cheering.

Judgement was the cornerstone of Obama's speech. Obama's first major decision was Joe Biden

McCain's was Sarah Palin.


Well, there you have it.

Gross Political Misconduct

Only in America

I've  never heard of this song or Brooks & Dunn. But I bet there are folks who have and appreciate the ten gallon hat-tip.

People continue to underestimate the strategic brilliance of Team Obama.

Palin throws Bailey under the bus

I'm sure there is a wrongful termination case looming on the horizon.

Michael Jackson, Sad tragic figure

I grew up watching the Jackson 5, in particular Michael. Any TV appearance generated buzz with my friends. We did not have the luxury of You Tube, so you had to park yourself in front of the one color TV to see them.

I'm not sure at what point the wheels came off. His childhood was snatched from him by his father's thirst for success. We enjoyed and celebrated the family from the steel town of Gary, Indiana. But hanging out with small boys when you are not longer a small boy is simply socially unacceptable. Where were they parents?  I digress.

My two classes of psychology do not make me an expert but there is something mentally wrong with MJ.

We should be saluting his musical contribution to the world. My grandson wiggles his backside to MJ's music.

But I'm sure, instead of wishing him a happy 50th, I'm am not alone, wondering if his kids are safe.


McCain's VP captures what's wrong with Affirmative Action

Booman points out eight Republican women who are more qualified to be VP. These ladies probably have a clue what is happening in Iraq and an general idea of the VP job duties.

The challenge of affirmative action has been the old white guys who oversee the implementation of the concept. Instead of actually looking for a candidate who is qualified, they pick the first candidate they stumble across.

You see, looking for a qualified candidate would require effort on their part. Furthermore, the qualified candidate may actually succeed.

Picking someone who is just fits part of the profile, sets the candidate up for failure. Thereby giving the old coots ammunition to say " See, she couldn't handle it and it the concept doesn't work."

My head hurts.

The Honorable Stephanie Tubbs Jones

The Honorable Tubbs Jones was a huge HRC supporter. I didn't always agree with her but I respected her joyous spirit.  If she fought for her constituents like she did for HRC, there will be a huge set of heels to fill.

Her death has been overshadowed by the weeks historic events. Cleveland and America has lost a warrior.

Rest in peace, my sister.

Gillick is not worried about Phillies Bullpen

The Phillies offense has finally heated up and the bullpen can't seem to seal the deal.

Gillick may not be concerned about the bullpen but the rest of PHILADELPHIA is.....


"Moose Mama" Palin laughs at Senator Green being called bitch

It's bad enough the radio host cals Senator Lyda Green a Bitch with zero push back from VP candidate Palin, she welcomes him with open arms.

Media driven misogyny and Moose Mama thinks its funny. She could be the first woman President.

The hits keep coming and it's only Saturday.

Ok Pumas, how does McCain look now?

HR, Please send Palin a job description

h/t yourguide

McCafferty at his best: The Paiin Chronicles

I suppose the Eskimos will be storming the CNN headquarters after this one.

"I didn't want to interrupt your moment"

At the announcement of the McCain pick, my cell phone lit up like a Christmas tree. One friend, an former Republican and early Obama supporter could not contain himself. Being a former Republican there have been and continue to find ourselves on opposite sides of many issues.

We both embrace our heritage, he is Jewish, but do not use it as a weapon, kindred spirits.

It is not unusual for him to call after a political "moment." I told him, I was surprised not hear from him after the Obama acceptance speech. 

"I just knew this would be tearful important experience for you, and I wanted to give you your time." 

Both of us got choked up and weirded out, so we just laughed at ourselves and talked about lighter stuff.

We are living in historic times and I am blessed to have friends and family to share it with.

Gail Collins: Palin, McCain's Baked Alaska

As suspected, Collins has a wonder analysis of how the Republicans simply offend the average voters sensibilities.

Anything is possible in American politics. If the planets line up and this dynamic duo gets elected. If McCain has an unplanned demise. Just because Mama McCain is still kicking doesn't mean her son will be blessed with longevity. Palin becomes the first female POTUS would be sadly amusing.

Adding to the theater, if this woman is running a household of five kids and a baby, she in no shrinking violet. How unfortunate for women's rights to be turned back at the hands of a woman.

HRC' s hair must be on fire. 

Friday, August 29, 2008

Hillary stop your whining: Sarah Palin

OMG the gift that keeps giving. Yep, that should attract the angry first wives club....

What David Brooks is really saying

h/t brendan calling

Too funny..................

Troopergate: Palin

Isn't there a vetting process for VPs?

I would think being the subject of an investigation for a wrongful termination involving a family meeting would be a problem.

God he is stupid.

Somebody take McCain's car keys he is a danger to himself.

Sarah Smile: McCain's Hail Mary

55% of the married women voted for Bush the Failure. I will hazard to guess, he gave them a sense of security.

I would further venture, they are part of the 82% of the population that has opined Bush the Failure's administration was a disaster, worst in history, I really could go one.

Here is a woman who would when McCain implodes or dies with select a very conservative Supreme Court. I could be wrong, but I doubt.

I would no more vote for her than I would vote for a Clarence Thomas type....

If they think women will fall in line because she is a woman, once again the old white guys have insulted the intelligence of voting public.

More evidence of McCain's lack of judgement.

Game on.

Pat Buchanan: Obama's New Man Crush

Wow, even Buchanan gushed....

"I didn't want to witness history alone"

Last night I joined my fellow citizens in the ballroom of a local caterer to watch history unfold. The event was being shown on a movie screen streaming live from the laptop.

Like most communities, there were two entrenched camps. The usual activitists, early Obama and HRC supporters were present. There was at least 100 people in attendance on a cool summer night. I was pleasantly surprised.

One older white lady with tears in her eyes utttered to no one in particular, "I didn't want to witness history alone."

I stood along the wall and just absorbed the crowd and waited patiently for the main event to begin. The excitement and the moment were pallitable.

I am not one for public tears unless there is a dead body involved. Being raised in a male dominated culture it was simply not cool. However, as the light dimmed and they panned the volume of people in Mile High Stadium I was generally moved to tears. I was surprised at my reaction.

I was raised to believe that with hard work anything was possible. BUT, being the President of the United States of America was not in the relm of possibilities. He is one election victory away from being the leader of the free world. My daughter, nieces or nephews can aspire to be President.

Barak Obama ran an successful primary and he won the most votes. Iowa shocked the world, shocked me and probably shocked Obama by handing him a victory. I really did not think white America would vote for a black man. How glad I am to have been so wrong. The Founding Fathers wrote an awesome business plan on how to govern a country but a few valuable resources were left behind.

My generation has stood on the shoulders of our predecessors who bled for our rights that we take for granted. Their sacrifices made this moment in history possible.

On numerous occasions my neighbors were on their feet cheering throughout the speech. I suppose none of us wanted to witness history alone.

What a country!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Welcome Home Surprise

When our schedules permit, a dear friend and I generally get together for food.

Being sympathetic to my hell week, he got my pulse for our evening plans. Our community is a ghost town in the summer, especially in August.

Getting a table at one of our favorite restaurants was a snap. 

Our city based in-line skater pals were willing to come ALL the way out to the suburbs to join us for dinner, was I up for it?

Getting a nap was critical to functioning.

I confess when we head into the city, I make him drive. Mileage wise it is only about 20 miles, but just a pain in the ass. You never know what you will encounter. Travel to the suburbs is on a summer Friday night is generally a little  more user-friendly.

The meal and the company was a wonderful welcome home.

Mark Bowden: Words Matter

To be dismissive of a man or woman's ability to give a good speech is just silly. Many of Obama's greatest speeches, he composed. Like that other man from Illinois.

Bowden presents a good argument that Obama is more than an empty suit. He did graduate from Harvard which required him completing the course studies.

This seems to be forgotten. 

Those who say they don't know anything about Obama at this point in the process is not paying attention.

USA Men's Basketball, Golden Behavior

The last time my sleep was interrupted was during the primaries.  The Olympics disrupted my sleep this summer.

Watching the basketball team fight for their Gold medal was worth it. The LeBron James led team was a welcome change from previous teams.

This team committed to the Olympics three years ago. They embraced the responsibility and honor associated with their selection.

They supported the other USA team members. They got it. Being on the Olympic team was privilege not a right or worse an inconvenience to their spoiled lifestyles.

To ignore China's government sponsored athletic mills which smacks of child abuse would be irresponsible. They are a political and economic powerhouse. 

I digress.

The Redeem team put their citizenship first. They played well without showing  up their opponents.

The payoff was a well-deserved Gold Medal.

Well Done Gentlemen.

Frank Rich: Obama Biden, Change we need

The choice of Joe Biden as VP will allay the fear of the Frank Rich types. Obama does not have the luxury of coming off as "angry black man." Sorry folks. Too many white folks get nervous around colored folks who have the audacity of anger.

The Obama camp has show the ability to dispatch surrogates to fight back. Biden is perfect for this role.

As the summer draws to a close,  the final leg of this forever Presidential campaign has begun. We need a leader who is curious enough to embrace technology.

Why do I think McCain has never even turned on a computer, let alone a blackberry?

Young people really need to turn out in record numbers. While you may love your Grandpa desperately, do you want him managing your life let alone the country.

Like no other time, the future of our democracy is at stake.

Dowd: A Noun, A Verb and Vietnam

What happened to McCain during his captivity was awful. No one will challenge that particular sacrifice. 

Dowd's essay accurately outlines how the McCain's camp may be over playing the POW card.

While it is generous that Dowd's Mom gives McCain a free pass for cheating on wife number one after his captivity. I wonder how McCain behaved before he was imprisoned.

By McCain's own admission, he did whatever he wanted to do.

The MSM media seems to forget how the Bush campaign inferred how this very captivity may have affected McCain's judgement.

Guiliani campaigned on the 9-11 tragedy and we know how well that worked.

Continuing to play the POW card may not serve the senior McCain well.